Title Page
OHSF-PR-08-13 Version 1 Revision 2 Dated 21/01/2021
Conducted on
Name of the person carrying out audit
Pole reference number and address, for example, (PN1- SN2 outside church street)
Link to Pole Guidance https://cityfibreholdings.sharepoint.com/sites/83f32dad-9d7a-4eac-83c0-87eddf67073f/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2F83f32dad%2D9d7a%2D4eac%2D83c0%2D87eddf67073f%2FShared%20Documents%2FPole%20Installation%20Safety%20Check%2FAudit%20for%20New%20poles%2Epdf&parent=%2Fsites%2F83f32dad%2D9d7a%2D4eac%2D83c0%2D87eddf67073f%2FShared%20Documents%2FPole%20Installation%20Safety%20Check
Link to PEA_FG_015_V1.1 specification- https://thecore.cityfibre.com/Interact/Pages/Content/Document.aspx?id=3350&SearchId=83336
Prior to conducting the audit, please ensure you have familiarised yourself with the Pole Planting Manual for Build Assurance Quality Procedures
Pole Audit
Pole planting audit
Is the area safe to undertake the audit?
Please comment why?
Who is the main contractor for the build area?
Are you assessing a newly planted pole or replanted pole due to remedial work?
Who is the sub-contractor planting the pole?
Has the proposed area for excavation been marked up in accordance to HSG 47 safe dig requirement’s?
Is the site set up in accordance with the code of practice for Safety at Street Works and Road Works (Red Book)?
Photo required
Are the HA permit conditions being complied with?
Is the pole erected on the property boundary? (take photo of pole in relation to the surrounding area) in accordance with PEA_FG_015_V1.1 specification
Is pole erected kerb side in accordance with PEA_FG_015_V1.1 specification
If yes is it minimum 500mm from face of kerb to pole?
Photo required
Where is the Pole sited?
Photo required
Is there 1 metre unobstructed passage for pedestrians in accordance with PEA_FG_015_V1.1 specification
record measurement
Photo required
Is the pole erected in immediate vicinity where young people gather i.e. school or community centre?
Is the pole a creosote preserved pole, steel, or other?
What type of pole is it?
Is the pole bleeding creosote?
Is the pole protected with hessian sacking in accordance with PEA_FG_015_V1.1 specification?
Is the pole erected near spiked railings or other hazards?
Has the appropriate hazard label been fitted to the pole?
Photo required
Are steps aligned correctly to ensure safe ladder access is maintained in accordance with PEA_FG_015_V1.1 specification?
Photo required
Is the ASN fitted correctly to the pole?
Photo required
Is the ASN bracket fitted correctly to the pole?
Photo Required
What length of pole has been erected
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- other
What is the pole length?
What is the class of the pole?
What is the year of preservation?
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
- 2026
- 2027
- 2028
- 2029
- 2030
What is the manufacturer ID?
Please provide the manufacturer ID.
What is the Timber Species?
Please provide the Timber Species.
Soil classification in accordance with PEA_FG_015_V1.1 Specification?
was the excavation created bay hand evacuation or mechanical auger excavation?
Was/Is the excavation hand excavated down to 1.1 metres
Is the pole installed to the correct depth as specified in accordance with PEA_FG_015_V1.1 specification (including rock dig)?
Record the length of pole depth buried
- 1.7
- 1.8
- 1.85
- 1.9
- 2.0
- 2.1
- 2.15
- 2.2
- 2.3
- Rock Dig
- Other
Please record the depth the pole is buried
take an image of pole markings and an image of measurement against the birth mark/3-metre mark
Please record the depth the pole is buried
Has the pole conduit tube been installed at the base of the pole?
If yes record the measurement using the pole gauge by taking a photo
you must escalate this to the delivery team and inform your local SHEQ Advisor.
Does the pole conduit 3mtr measuring rod line up to the birth mark/3mtr mark?
Photo required
Please record measurment
Is the pole visible look loose/moving at the base or out of vertical?
Photo required
Has the pole been erected next to a slope or embankment in accordance with PEA_FG_015_V1.1 specification?
If yes has it been erected in accordance with 11.3 figures 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Photo required
Is the pole clearly marked CityFibre and etched CF on the pole? (Not defaced or altered)
What marking is on the pole?
Photo required
Is the laminated CityFibre statutory notice letter fixed to the pole? (the notice document <br> number PEA_ED_001 can be found https://thecore.cityfibre.com/Interact/Pages/Content/Document.aspx?id=2665&SearchId=83962 )
Photo required
Has the (yellow label) Caution Fibre Overhead label been fitted?
Photo required
Has the (silver disk) CE marked label been fitted?
Photo required
Auditors signiture