
  • Document No.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Manager on Duty

Reservations and Bookings

  • How was your reservation made?

  • Date and time of reservation enquiry

  • If made by phone, was the phone answered in 5 rings or less? If not, when was the call returned

  • Was the answer phrase "Good morning / afternoon / evening, (company name), this is X speaking, how many I help you?" used when answering?

  • Staff member's name:

  • Did the staff member speak clearly?

  • Was the staff member friendly and helpful?

  • Did they offer to send a reservation confirmation to your email?

  • Did they read the booking back to you?

  • Knowledge test question and answer given:

  • Was the enquiry response correct and answered with confidence?

  • Did they thank you?

  • Did they give you a pleasant farewell? (i.e. Have a nice day)

  • Comments

Venue Appearance and Presentation

  • Clear of cigarette butts and rubbish

  • External lights working

  • Menu display outside clean and lights working

  • Was there marketing material displayed anywhere in the venue?

  • Condition of plants good

  • Umbrella holder available and clean

  • Windows clean

  • Comments

Reception and Presentation

  • Arrival time

  • Were you acknowledged and greeted within 15 seconds?

  • Was the greeting genuinely warm and friendly?

  • Reception free of clutter

  • Were you escorted to a clean set table?

  • Was the drinks menu and aperitif menu placed in front of you and advised the waiter would bring the food menu shortly?

  • Seats and tables arranged neatly

  • Surrounding tables cleared and free of litter

  • Music genre and level appropriate

  • Lighting level appropriate

  • Visible lighting fixtures working

  • Room temperature appropriate

  • Floor clean

  • All menu materials clean and well presented

  • Cutlery, plates, and glassware clean and in good condition

  • Comments


  • Were you offered sparkling, still or tap water after being seated?

  • Were you served water within 2 minutes of being seated?

  • Did your server approach your table within 4 minutes of you being seated?

  • Did your server introduce him/herself by name?

  • Server name or description of server:

  • Did your server offer to explain the menu to you?

  • Were you offered any drink suggestions or recommendations?

  • Ask your server a question about the steak selection to test their knowledge.

  • Question:

  • Answer:

  • Ask your server a question about the drinks menu to test their knowledge.

  • Question:

  • Answer:

  • After ordering drinks, did you receive them within 10 minutes?

  • Were your drinks exactly as you ordered?

  • Were the food specials well worded and clearly presented?

  • Did any member use active selling or up selling on any order?

  • Were you asked if you would like sides?

  • Did the waiter repeat your order back to you?

  • Did the staff member confidently place the correct meal in front of each customer stating the dishes name and any changes made to the dish?

  • Did the server check on your meals within an acceptable timeframe?

  • Were your plates cleared and table wiped down within an acceptable timeframe?

  • Were your meals served within an acceptable timeframe after ordering and clearing of plates?

  • Were you offered additional drinks during your meal?

  • At the conclusion of your meal, was the dessert menu placed on your table?

  • Were you offered a dessert wine, cocktail, tea or coffee when ordering dessert?

  • Did the dessert and drink get delivered in the correct order that you asked for them?

  • Comments

Customer Profile

  • Approximate capacity at time of dining

  • Percentage of men to women

  • How many customers were in the following age brackets:

  • 18-24

  • 25-34

  • 35+

  • Comments

Food Evaluation

  • Food appearance and presentation was excellent

  • Served at an appropriate temperature

  • Overall taste was excellent

  • Portion size was decent

  • Reasonable value for money

  • Comments

Drink Evaluation

  • Drinks poured correctly

  • If ordering beer, were you offered a glass?

  • Drink served at appropriate temperature

  • Glassware appropriate

  • Presentation excellent

  • Comments

Cashing Out

  • Were you offer the bill and was your payment processed within an appropriate time frame?

  • When cashing out, did the staff member ask you how everything went and if you had a good experience?

  • Were you thanked and given a friendly farewell?

  • Did you ask for directions to the bathroom? Were you shown the way?

  • Upon your return to your table, was your napkins neatly folded on the table?

  • Comments

Staff Details

  • FOH staff in uniform

  • BOH staff in uniform

  • Well groomed - Trimmed beards on men and lipstick on women

  • Personal hygiene excellent

  • Appropriate jewelry

  • Medium to long hair tied up

  • Team members upbeat, cheerful, and smiling

  • Appropriate ratio of staff to customers

  • Staff drinks are not visible

  • Did you notice a positive and cooperative team atmosphere amongst the staff?

  • Was the manager on duty present and visible during your visit?

  • Comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.