Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Chemical Levels & Appearance

  • What is the condition of the water / pool?

Hardness - Recommended Range 250 - 500 ppm

  • What is the level?

  • Is it within the recommended range?

Total Chlorine - Recommended Range 1 - 5 ppm

  • What is the level?

  • Is it within the recommended range?

Free Chlorine Recommended Range 1 - 5 ppm

  • What is the level?

  • Is it within recommended range?

pH - Recommended Range 7.2 - 7.8

  • What is the level?

  • Is it within the recommended range?

Alkalinity Recommended Range 80 -120 ppm

  • What is the level?

  • Is it within the recommended range?

Cyanuric Acid Recommended Range 30 - 100 ppm

  • What is the level?

  • Is it within the recommended range?

Temperature Range - CC Pool varies around 28 degrees / HWC Pool 30-31 degrees

  • What is the temperature?

  • Is it within recommended range?

  • Does PoolWerx need to be notified re any pool concerns?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.