Title Page
Superintendent / Foreman:
Conducted by:
Does the crew have a current and relevant JHA?
Is the JHA specific to the work being done?
Is everyone signed off on the JHA?
Has hand injury potential been captured on the JHA?
Has the Superintendent signed off on the JHA?
Is the work plan available at the operation and does it have adequate information?<br>(Silica plans, fall protection plans, engineered drawings, GDP permits)
Has changed been identified and managed?
Is an emergency rescue plan in place?
Has the crew performed a mock drill or rescue?<br>(For long term operations eg: 1627, south demo)
Is the rescue plan understood and available to the crew?
Are there enough fire extinguishers available for the operation?
Are fire extinguisher inspections up to date?
Is the first aid and medical information posted or available with the operation?
Is everyone wearing the appropriate PPE?
Is specific PPE covered on JHA (if required)?
Are the proper gloves being used for the work being done?
Are respirators in good working order?<br>(Not damaged, clean and maintained)
Are workers clean shaven when using respirators?
Does the stair tower have weekly inspection tag and checklist complete?<br>(Inspection binder must be in area with stair tower)
Is the worksite clean and organized?<br>(material on dunnage, square to the world, clear from paths of travel)
Are garbage cans or skip boxes available and/or being maintained?
Have tripping hazards been removed or managed from the work area?<br>(Rocks and debris, cords and hoses, dunnage)
Ladders secure from inadvertent movement?
Does the trench/excavation have an access of 4:1 or a safe means of entry?
Are the guards and handles being used on power tools?<br>
Are blades and grinding discs being removed and stored properly?
Are trigger locks removed from power tools?
Are damaged tools taken out of service?
Have electrical cords and power tool cords been inspected, tested and taped as per the quarterly inspections?
Are the right hand tools being used for the task being performed?
Have harnesses been inspected and documented prior to use?
Are harnesses worn properly?<br>(D-ring between shoulder blades, chest strap at chest height, leg straps snug)
All retractables and life lines in good working condition and stored in a clean, dry location?
Proper signage in place for working at heights?
Handrail in place and maintained?
Has two way communication been established between operator and ground personnel?
Are active work area signs in place to minimize traffic passing through the operation?<br>(Where applicable)
Does JHA cover specific crush points between workers and equipment?
Is the on the spot lift plan completed and accurate?
Are swing radius guards in place?
Is there a designated rigger and/or signalman?
Has the rigging been inspected as per the project policy?
Is the rigging being used in good condition?
Who is the first Aider for your operation and what's the contact number?
Who is your CVIS Representative?
General Comments:
Supervisor sign off:
Foreman sign off:
Email inspection to PMH1safety@pmh1.ca and your supervisor in order to receive credit for your weekly inspection.