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  • To view our Loss Prevention Standard that supports this checklist, please view the following link: https://broker.aviva.co.uk/documents/view/aviva_portable_accommodation_units_and_temporary_buildings_lps.pdf

Portable Accommodation Units and Temporary Buildings

  • 1. Have you discussed your proposals with your:<br>• Insurance Broker?<br>• Insurer?

  • 2. Has a time frame for delivery of the unit(s) been confirmed?

  • 3. Has the proposed length of time the units will be in situ for been confirmed?<br><br>A temporary unit is actually permanent, but for a specific or limited time frame.

  • 4. Are any units proposed to be stacked on top of each other?<br><br>Has this exposure been included in all risk assessments and Emergency Plans?

  • 5. Has the location of any units been established?<br>• Is this within an existing building?<br>• Is this on the roof of an existing building?<br>• Is this at least 10m from any existing building or structure?<br> - Is this above any critical services, e.g. drains; water <br>mains, etc.?<br><br>Is this above any basement areas?

  • 6. If it is to be located on the roof of an existing building or above critical services/basements in a yard area, has an assessment been completed with accompanying calculations to ensure the static and dynamic loading of the unit will not cause damage or<br>collapse of the existing arrangements?<br>

  • 7. Understanding these units are in most cases essentially combustible or have combustible occupancy, does this proposal provide continuity of combustible material between assets that were otherwise separated by a clear space?

  • 8. Is the proposed construction of the unit understood and its fire performance rating?<br>• Is this at least 30-minutes fire resistance rating?<br>• Is the rating acceptable based on the exposure, location and occupancy, etc.?<br>

  • 9. Does the proposed location of any unit:<br>• Compromise existing fire protection strategies or access to <br>firefighting devices such as fire hydrants; hoses, etc.?<br>• Expose any existing building air intakes so if it caught fire, smoke, etc. could be entrained into the existing structure?<br>• Expose or be exposed to existing waste storage or yard storage arrangements?<br>• Be exposed to vehicular impact or similar?

  • 10. Have all risk assessments been updated and revised to consider these units, in respect of:<br>• Fire<br>• Security<br>• Health & Safety<br>• Business Impact?<br> - Has the exposure been quantified?<br><br>Do these consider different times of the year when environmental conditions are different?<br>

  • 11. Is emergency lighting required within or outside of the unit?

  • 12. Are there any exhausts proposed from the unit? Have the locations of these been considered in relation to existing assets, air intakes, fire exits, personnel routes, etc.?

  • 13. Based on the exposure to life and property/business activities, are the following proposed within the unit:<br>• Automatic fire detection?<br>• Manual break glass alarms?<br>• Automatic fire suppression?<br>

  • 14. Can the fire evacuation alarm be heard from within the unit?

  • 15. Is the unit going to be located on hardstanding ground?<br>Is vegetation cut back around the unit and once the unit is in place, will this be monitored and maintained/cut back?<br>Is the area underneath the unit secured with a caged skirt?<br>Is all waste or yard storage located at least 10m away from the unit?

  • 16. Have emergency events involving these units been considered?<br>Does the location of this unit impact existing emergency evacuation routes?<br>Has the emergency response plan been revised?

  • 17. Are existing or proposed security arrangements appropriate for the risk of:<br>• Malicious damage?<br>• Intrusion?<br>• Arson?<br><br>Are the following needed:<br>• Grilles over the windows?<br>• Skirting around the bottom of the unit?<br>• CCTV coverage?<br>• Yard lighting?<br>• Extension of any intrusion detection or access control systems?<br>• Extension of perimeter fencing?<br>• Physical security presence?

  • 18. Are there any specific occupancy hazards or risks that need to be risk assessed in more detail?<br>• Sleeping quarters?<br>• Specific to the occupancy or process?

  • 19. Will the unit house any cooking facilities?<br>• Have these been included in the risk assessments?<br>• Is the exit point of any exhaust ducts considered?<br> - Has fire retardant material been provided around the<br>exhaust duct as it passes through the unit wall?<br>• Are appropriate fire detection and/or suppression measures proposed/in place?<br>• Have these facilities been included in proposed cleaning schedules?<br> - Extract filter and ducts?<br> - Cooking equipment?<br>• Have appropriate emergency manual isolations and interlocks been provided to shut down the cooking equipment or gas/power supply upon fire alarm?<br>

  • 20. Is the unit to house any sanitation or water based facilities?<br>• Have these been included in the risk assessments?<br>• Can a leak of water expose any important assets?<br>• Can the water piping/supply network freeze in cold weather?

  • 21. Is the unit to house any gas supplies?<br>• Hard piped?<br>• Cylinders?<br>Have appropriate emergency manual isolations or interlocks been provided to shut down any gas supply upon fire alarm?<br><br>If possible, can the gas be shut down at the end of each shift? <br>o Is this included in the end of shift checks?

  • 22. Are/will all gas cylinders be prohibited from being stored/housed within the unit?<br><br>Are these located in a secured area outside of the unit?

  • 23. Is/will hot work be prohibited on, inside and within 10m of the unit?

  • 24. Is/will smoking be prohibited on, inside and within 10m of the unit?

  • 25. Upon delivery of the unit has a full assessment been completed to assure it:<br>• Is per the design specification?<br>• Is of sound construction?<br>• Has been erected correctly?<br>

  • 26. Is the unit interior maintained:<br>• With a minimum amount of combustible materials?<br>• Clean and tidy?<br>Is the unit included in regular waste removal/housekeeping regimes?<br><br>Is waste removed on a regular basis?

  • 27. Are regular recorded checks completed of the unit to assure that:<br>• All assumptions in the risk assessments are valid?<br>• There have been no changes that impact the original design intent?<br>• There is no damage or degradation?<br>• The unit is clean and tidy?<br>• There is no water pooling on the roof?<br>• There is no waste accumulation below or within lOm?<br>• Vegetation is not growing around the exterior of the unit?<br>• Waste materials and/or yard storage are not located within 10m?<br>• There is no evidence of smoking within 10m?

  • 28. Is there a final security check at the end of the shift to assure the unit is secured?<br>Any gas or cylinder supplies are isolated and secured?<br>

  • 29. Are all site-wide risk management, loss prevention, health & safety and environmental management programmes/inspections/testing and maintenance schedules up to date?

  • 30. Is the date the unit is due to be removed being tracked?

  • 31. When the unit is due to be removed, is the process to be formally managed using the same rigor with consideration for the risk factors presented above?


  • Additional Comments

  • Completed by: (Name and Signature)

  • Please Note:

    This document contains general information and guidance only and may be superseded and/or subject to amendment without further notice. Aviva has no liability to any third parties arising our of ARMS' communications whatsoever (including Loss Prevention Standards), and nor shall any third party rely on them. Other than liability which cannot be excluded by law, Aviva shall not be liable to any person for any indirect, special, consequential or other losses or damages of whatsoever kind arising out of access to, or use of, or reliance on anything contained in ARMS' communications. The document may not cover every risk, exposure or hazard that may arise and Aviva recommends that you obtain specific advice relevant to the circumstances.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.