Title Page

  • Prepared by

  • Conducted on

  • Property Name and Quarter

Safety Section

Leasing Office/Clubhouse (8 points)

  • Electrical power cords not spliced/frayed & organized (1 point)

  • HVAC closet/Mechanical Room not used for storage (1 point)

  • Electrical panels have 36” of clearance (1 point)

  • Fire extinguisher (min rating 12B) present, charged & mounted (3 points)

  • Fire extinguisher inspected monthly & 36” of clearance (2 points)

Pool (22 Points)

  • Safety goggles, gloves & dust masks present (w/chemicals) (2 points)

  • Eyewash center accessible & not expired (w/chemicals) (2 points)

  • 3E Safety Data Sheet (SDS) sign displayed w/chemicals (2 points)

  • Chemicals stored properly (labeled, sealed, not stacked) (2 points)

  • Chemical storage area dry, locked & well ventilated (2 points)

  • Water-filled fire extinguisher present in pump room/chemical storage area and is inspected monthly (2 points)

  • Handrails Secure and Stable (2 points)

  • Each depth of pool clearly marked on either pool deck or grease tiles (2 points)

  • Water quality and chemical levels for pool/spa are within an acceptable range (4 points) Note: Pool/Spa will be cleared of residents if unable to identify the main drain covers.

  • TX and NC Only: Emergency phone is operable <br>To test, push the button and tell the operator you are testing the line (2 points)

If multiple enclosed amenity buildings, these apply to them (7 points)

  • HVAC closet/Mechanical Room not used for storage (1 point)

  • Electrical panels have 36" of clearance (1 point)

  • Fire extinguisher (min rating 12B), present, charged & mounted (3 points)

  • Fire extinguisher inspected monthly & 36" of clearance (2 points)

Maintenance Shop (68 points):

  • Maintenance Shop(s) Locked (2 points)

  • Smoke Detector Functional (2 points)

  • No evidence of smoking in the shop(s) or on golf carts (2 points)

  • Inventory Organized (2 points)

  • 3E Safety Data Sheet (SDS) sign displayed (2 Points)

  • Each section of Refrigerant Log (Charging, Recovery & Purchase) (3 points) Up to Date (2000RS- use Daily Mechanical Log)

  • Refrigerant stored properly *Must be stored in a locked storage room or be secured with a continuous cable lock and attached to a permanent structure in the shop. NOTE: Refrigerant jugs that are partially full and in use for day to day repairs can be stored on the golf carts or in the shop. (3 points)

  • Chemicals in secondary containers properly labeled (2 points)

  • Goggles for each maintenance employee (on person, in tool bag or golf cart) (2 points)

  • Leather or Nitrile-coated work gloves for each maintenance employee on person, in tool bag or golf cart. (2 points)

  • Medical Kit in place and accessible (2 points)

  • Eye wash center accessible & not expired (2 points)

  • Current Labor Law and Workers’ Comp Poster Present <br>The Publication numbers for the up-to-date posters are as follows: NC: NC-0723-F04 | TN: TN-0723-F04 | TX: TX-0723-F04 | VA: VA-0723-f04 | GA: GA-0723-F04 (1 point)

  • Employee Injuries Postings Present (flowchart & providers) (1 point)

  • Electrical power cords (incl. tools) not spliced/frayed & organized (1 point)

  • Extension cords not spliced/frayed & have GFCI protection (2 points)

  • HVAC closet/Mechanical Room not used for storage (1 point)

  • Electrical junction or switch boxes covered w/ no exposed wiring (1 point)

  • Fire extinguisher (min. rating 12B) present, charged & mounted (3 points)

  • Fire extinguisher inspected monthly & 36" of clearance (2 points)

  • Flammables (NOT compressed gas) stored in Flammable Storage Cabinet* *Flammables include oil-based paints, paint thinners, goof off, & aerosol cans such as paint, enamels, WD-40 and Pesticides. Items that should NOT be stored in flammables cabinet include gasoline, acetylene or map gas and latex paint (2 points)

  • Gasoline stored in metal safety can, NOT in Flammables Cabinet (1 point)

  • Compressed Gas Cylinders stored in a manner that prevents them from tipping over (chained/bungeed to wall or another stable item) (2 points)

  • Oxygen cylinders secured at least 20 ft. away from gasoline, acetylene/map & Flammables Storage Cabinet (1 point)

  • Compressed gas cylinders regulator removed unless in use (1 point)

  • Electrical panels have 36" of clearance, breakers labeled, and knockouts are in place (3 points)

  • Exits free of obstructions (1 point)

  • Exit sign for each door (not including garage door) visible from entire shop & sign letters are ≥ 6” tall (1 point)

  • Ladders good condition/metal ones labeled not for electrical use (2 points)

  • Lock Out/Tag Out kit present and stocked (2 points)

  • Fall protection harness, lanyard & anchor are in good condition (3 points)

  • All electric tools used on a tabletop must be mounted. Ex: table saw (1 point)

  • If present, bench grinder standards posted & grinder in compliance with standards. Dedicated googles & dust masks present (4 points)

  • If present, sprinkler heads have 18” of clearance (1 point)

  • If present, emergency lighting is operational (1 point)

  • Walk Areas Free of Clutter (2 points)

  • No Chemical Drain Cleaners Present (2 points) <br>NOTE: Chemical drain cleaners are prohibited. If any chemical drain cleaners are present supervisor must be notified during the inspection and drain cleaner discarded in an appropriate manner

Secondary Maintenance Shops & Storage Areas (8 points)

  • Large Parts/Appliances Not Visible to Residents (2 points)

  • All Parts/Appliances/Materials should be properly stored for safe handling (2 points)

  • Area Not Overflowing (2 points)

  • Fence/Enclosure/Garage/Space in Good Repair (2 points)

Other (25 points)

  • • Props w/ interior sprinklers: Vacant-ready sprinkler heads are free of paint overspray, dirt, grime, not covered in dust, and free of any damages. <br> All or 0 Points (10 points)

  • Riser Rooms/Mechanical Rooms not used for storage (5 points)

  • Condition of Sidewalks – Free of Trip Hazards (5 points)

  • Property Lights are in Good Repair (i.e., globes, fixtures, etc.) (5 points)

  • Additional Comments
  • undefined


  • Points Possible

  • Points Received

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.