Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is the farm empty of turkeys for at least 21 days?
Has litter from all barns been removed for at least 18 days before placement?
Have all barns been washed with detergent at least 14 days prior to placement?
Have all barns been disinfected according to current BMP procedures at least 5 days prior to placement and floors dry prior to placement?
Has insecticide been applied according to current management approved procedures at least 2 days prior to bird placement?
Are samples (swabs) of floors and walls taken to confirm negative salmonella status prior to placement?
Is darling beetle activity measured and treatment shown to be effective prior to placement?
Is rodent activity measured and treatment shown to be effective prior to placement?
Have feed bins been cleaned of leftover feed material from previous flock?
Are concrete pads under bins, at end doors, etc. visibly clean and free of debris?
Do all barns have a 3 foot grass and weed free area next to barn wall to discourage rodent activity?
Is grass within 8 feet of barn walls no more than 3 inches high?
Is grass between the perimeter fence and 8 foot barn perimeter no more than 5 inches high?
Are rodent bait stations placed at a minimum of 30 feet intervals along the perimeter fence?
Are rodent bait stations placed along the side walls of each barn and near end doors at a minimum of 30 foot intervals?
All rodent bait stations have fresh bait at least one week prior to placement and are checked for activity and new bait added where needed prior to placement?
Have all debris piles or other areas that may harbor rodents been removed or dealt with?
There are no bird nests under building eaves, in air inlets, or anywhere else on the farm and bird netting is in place.
Materials and Equipment
Has litter, nest material and other bedding been removed and transported at least 5 miles from the farm?
Have all supplies, clothing, boots, gloves, and any other supplies or apparel been washed, and dried?
Have all drinkers been washed and disinfected, and sampled and found negative for salmonella?
Has the drinking water system been treated and sanitized according to current BMP?
Have water samples taken at the main barn spigot, two outlets in the barn, and at the end of the water line been tested negative for salmonella, pseudomonas, and bordetella? Attach report.
Have all feeding equipment, (pans, bins, and lines), been washed, sanitized, and sampled and tested negative for salmonella? Attach report.
Have random swab samples taken from air inlets, fans, and louvres been tested negative for salmonella? Attach report.
Have new shavings/litter been tested negative for mold and salmonella? Attach report.
Are curtains, air inlets, and windows adequately sealed?
Are all potential entry points for rodents, free flying birds, and other vermin adequately blocked and sealed off?
Has the service/utility room and Danish Entry been adequately washed and disinfected, and sampled negative for salmonella? Attach report.
Has the shower facility, egg processing rooms, break rooms, offices, and associated areas been adequately cleaned and disinfected, and sampled and tested negative for salmonella? Attach report.
Are there evidences of residual debris and/or organic material leftover from the previous flock?
Have all samples taken from facilities been tested negative for salmonella? All reports are attached.
Are Danish Entries equipped with hand sanitation gel/gloves, dry chlorine boot trays, room for outside and inside footwear within reach, and in working order?
Are signs posted at shower room and barn entrances regarding the requirements for entry?
Are all entrance points able to be locked in accordance with company policy and BMP?
Have all farm team members been trained In Biosecurity practices within 3 weeks prior to flock placement?