Title Page
Site conducted
Plot Number
Conducted on
Prepared by
are all the external doors sat of mastic when fitted.
are all external doors fitted are per the fixing detail
does the BT fibre line up with the Grey ducting
Does the gap pipe and the electric tails line up with the ducting
Is the TV areal cable clipped to the trusses above insulation line and visible from below the loft trap
Do the roof vents have the correct adaptors fitted.
Is the insulation fitted over the wall plate by the roofer.
is the loft trap cut out
has the loft trap tape been applied.
Are there any diminishing trusses
Are the tilt fillets fitted under the trusses.
Is there a gap in the felt at the ridge line?
Is the roof bacing correctly installed
Is the roof span over 8 m
If the span is over 8 meters is the chevron bracing fitted?
is the felt cut correctly by tile vents
Is there a party wall?
Is the fire stopping complete and is the spandrel panel undamaged.
are the lifting straps removed from the spandrel panel.
are the lateral timber straps fixed to the spandrel along all sides including the base at no more than 2m centers.
Is the spandrel panel compliant with the Standard details and NHBC Guidance below?
NHBC Technical Guidance - Spandrel Panels to cold roofs 7.2/25 (Jan 2018)
Truss Rafter Spandrel Panels - Guidance Documents
- Bedroom
Is the timber cut out in the door way.
Are all internal walls butted up to solid timber
Are the external wall fixed as per the details
are all cables and pipes in the correct zones
Are all pipes marked with tracer wire or tape. they need to be the full length of the pipe.
Are all sockets as per drawing and taped over
Is rad in the correct location and pipes made safe.
is rad pattress fitted
are all timber frame lifting straps removed
are there any lumps in the floor at cassette joints.
Are all windows fitted.
Is there any glass missing
Check that all required windows escape windows as per drawing. Do they all comply.
Are there any customers extras that apply in the room that effect 1st fix
Have they been installed?
Are their any high level sockets
Has a pattress been fitted.
Is the window board fitted
Is the window board protected.
are all plaster board catches fitted
Does this room have an En-suite
Is the shower tray fitted?
Are the noggins around the edge of the shower tray to catch the bottom of the plaster board
are all waste pipes taped over.
Is the shower tray protected.
is the pattress fitted for the basin, Toilet,Shower and Rad
Which ones are missing
are all plaster board catches fitted
Is the shower tray fitted?
Are the noggins around the edge of the shower tray to catch the bottom of the plaster board
are all waste pipes taped over.
Is the shower tray protected.
is the pattress fitted for the basin, Toilet,Shower and Rad
Which ones are missing
are all plaster board catches fitted
Is the plaster board fitted by the SVP and bath boxing
Are all pipes marked with tracer wire or tape
Are the lights/ smoke and loft trap positioned correctly away from each other.
are all plaster board catches fitted
Are all pipes marked with tracer wire or tape. it needs to be the full length of the pipe.
is the head height greater that 2m including plaster board and skim
Are the stairs complete with out any missing parts.
Are the stairs fixed as per the details (usually 600mm centres)
Is the stairs sat on DPC?
Are all windows fitted
Is all glass fitted
all pipe work and electrics in a zone
All sockets taped over
Are all pipe taped over and made safe
Are all window board fitted
are they protected.
Are there any choices that effect 1st fix in this room
Is the media plate to be located at 1500
Has an extra pattress been fitted.
are all services in the joist space seperated correctly
Are all services 50mm or greater from the plaster board service in the celling.
are their any damaged joists
Have you checked that the walls on the 1st floor have noggins between the joist if the wall runs parallel to the joist.
has all plumbing wastes and pipes been correctly supported
Has all plumbing wastes got hair felt at all fixings/ strap banding.
Are all pipes marked with tracer wire or tape. it needs to be the full length of the pipe.
is the gas pipe boxed in and sealed.
Are the perimeter noggins fitted to joists
are all plaster board catches required fitted.
Is the timber cut out in the door way.
Are all internal walls butted up to solid timber
are all cables and pipes in the correct zones
Are all pipes marked with tracer wire or tape. it needs to be the full length of the pipe.
Are all sockets as per drawing and taped over
Is rad in the correct location and pipes made safe.
is rad/ toilet/ basin pattress fitted
are all timber frame lifting straps removed
are there any lumps in the floor at cassette joints.
Are all windows fitted.
Is there any glass missing
Check that all required windows escape windows as per drawing. Do they all comply.
Are there any customers extras that apply in the room that effect 1st fix
Have they been installed?
Is the consumer unit located in here?
Is the located at the correct height (1500)
Is the metal plate located correctly on the back side of the wall protecting the tails
Are the perimeter noggins fitted to joists
are all plaster board catches required fitted.
Are all windows fitted
Is all glass fitted
all pipe work and electrics in a zone
All sockets taped over
Are all pipes taped over and made safe
Are all pipes marked with tracer wire or tape. it needs to be the full length of the pipe.
Is the bay window covered with OSB and poly?
Are all window board fitted
are they protected.
Are there any choices that effect 1st fix in this room
Is the media plate to be located at 1500
Has an extra pattress been fitted around high level media palte
are all services in the joist space seperated correctly
Are all services 50mm or greater from the plaster board service in celling.
are their any damaged joists
Have you checked that the walls on the 1st floor have noggins between the joist if the wall runs parallel to the joist.
has all plumbing wastes and pipes been correctly supported
Has all plumbing wastes got hair felt at all fixings/ strap banding.
Is the water and waste in the floor in the correct location.
are the kitchen sockets and pipe work correctly located when viewing the kitchen drawing.
Is the steel correctly fire protected.
is all timber work completed around the steel.
Is the breather membrane folded down on the out side of the up stairs wall before the framing out.
are the bolts tightened up on the steels.
is the gas pipe boxed in and sealed correctly
Is the consumer unit located in this room / cupboard.
Is the located at the correct height (1500)
Is the metal plate located correctly on the back side of the wall protecting the tails
Are all door ways timber cut out
Is the DPC Cut out
Are the cut ends treated.
Is the head of the patio door opening packed out so that the plaster board can meet the window.
Are the perimeter noggins fitted to joists
are all plaster board catches required fitted.
Site Opertive
Is the stair tread protection fitted with mega shield under the treads.
is the newel post protection fitted.
are the external door protected with Corex
Are the external door thresholds protected.
Spray marks
manifiold Mark
rooms parks
water main
gas pipes
BT cable
TV cable
PVA sign in bath room
Stair height sign
Moisture board
Double board