Title Page

  • Site ID & Name

  • What3Words

  • Report Type

  • Visit Date

  • Completed by:

  • Onsite/Offsite

  • Site type

  • FEx/ FAC version

  • FEx phase

  • FEx / FAC serial number

  • Power supply

Witness Testing Report


External Checks


  • FEx Module Exterior Overview

  • FEx Module Paint (Rust/Damage)

  • FEx Module steps even & secure

  • ADSL containment present (if applicable)

  • Generator Exterior Overview

  • Generator Paint (Rust/Damage)

  • Generator socket servicable (commando)

  • Gas Suppression cabinet secure

  • DNO cabinet secure (if applicable)

  • All FEx doors operate and closes correctly

  • Fire Status Panel secure, serviceable and mode operation confirmed

  • External & Warehouse Doors & Roller Shutter secure (if applicable)

  • Windows serviceable (if applicable)

  • Roof Intact (if applicable)

  • Cages or Enclosures Secure (if applicable)

  • Gates serviceable (if applicable)

  • Padlocks serviceable (if applicable)

  • Gate padlock/ access codes (if applicable)

  • Roadworks impeding access (if applicable)

  • Fencing/ Walling - Secure/Undamaged (if applicable)

  • Signs of Vegetation - shoots / leaves etc (if applicable)

  • Signage correct and secure

  • Site Clean & Tidy?

  • Any damage to be reported?

  • Comments

Internal checks

IT & Plant Room

  • Keypad Entry/ Exit Serviceable

  • Doors programmed (Paxton)?

  • COSMO NFC tags installed, FSA Entry/ Exit tested

  • All doors operate and close correctly

  • All door hinges, closing mechanisms and locks functional

  • Fire detection system zone chart present

  • Internal Lighting serviceable

  • Emergency lighting test (IT Room)

  • Emergency lighting test (Plant Room)

  • Emergency lighting test (External)

  • Access ways clear of items or obstructions

  • No damage to internal ceiling, walls, floor (if applicable)

  • No signs of water ingress

  • Leak detection devices clean and unobstructed

  • FEx alarm free

  • FEx temperature sensor checks

  • Site Clean & Tidy?

  • Any damage to be reported?

  • Comments

  • Internal overview

  • Cold Aisle

  • Hot Aisle

  • Plant room

Load bank witness testing UPS 1 & 2

  • Load bank testing @ (kW)

  • Load bank battery testing UPS 1 (Pass / Fail)

  • Battery discharge autonomy test UPS 1 (duration)

  • Load bank battery testing UPS 2 (Pass / Fail)

  • Battery discharge autonomy test UPS 2 (duration)

  • Comments

  • Photos

Load bank witness testing DC 1 & 2

  • Load bank testing @ (kW)

  • Load bank testing DC 1 (Pass / Fail)

  • Load bank testing DC 1 (duration)

  • Load bank testing DC 2 (Pass / Fail)

  • Load bank testing DC 2 (duration)

  • Comments

  • Photos

Load bank witness testing generator

  • Load bank testing @ (kW)

  • Load bank testing generator (Pass / Fail)

  • Load bank testing generator (duration)

  • Remote start/ stop test

  • Fuel level

  • Connectivity configuration

  • Comments

  • Photos

Load bank witness testing AC racks (FEx v2 only)

  • Load bank testing @ (A / kW)

  • Load bank testing AC racks A & B Socomec (Pass / Fail)

  • Load bank testing AC racks A & B Socomec (all zeroed, +/- 0.5A tolerance)

  • Load values reporting remotely to Socomec dashboard and IQ vision

  • Comments

  • Photos

Load bank witness testing DC racks (FEx v2 only)

  • Load bank testing @ (A / kW)

  • Load bank testing DC racks A & B Socomec (Pass / Fail)

  • Load bank testing DC racks A & B Socomec (all zeroed, +/- 0.5A tolerance

  • Load values reporting remotely to Socomec dashboard and IQ vision

  • Comments

  • Photos


  • Check of camera positioning

  • Check of remote connection to CCTV

Health & Safety


  • 1 Eye Wash <br>(if applicable)<br>BUILDING

  • 1 Eye Wash <br>(if applicable)<br>DATA/IT

  • 1 Eye Wash <br>(if applicable)<br>POWER/PLANT

  • 2 First Aid Kit<br>BUILDING

  • 2 First Aid Kit<br>DATA/IT

  • 2 First Aid Kit<br>POWER/PLANT

  • 3 Fire System (Auto to Manual)<br>BUILDING

  • 3 Fire System (Auto to Manual)<br>DATA/IT

  • 3 Fire System (Auto to Manual)<br>POWER/PLANT

  • 4 Fire Extinguishers<br>BUILDING

  • 4 Fire Extinguishers<br>DATA/IT

  • 4 Fire Extinguishers<br>POWER/PLANT


  • 5 Fire Evacuation <br>ALL AREAS

  • 6 Emergency Evacuation Area (Identified, Safe & Clear) Suite 1 & Suite 2 Emergency Door signage present FEx<br>ALL AREAS

  • 7 Electrical Safety <br>ALL AREAS

  • 8 Suite 1 & Suite 2 FEx designation signage present <br>FEx

  • 9 Suite 1 & Suite 2 IT Room Door signage present <br>FEx

  • 10 Suite 1 & Suite 2 Power Room Door signage present<br>FEx

  • 11 Suite 1 & Suite 2 Generator designation signage present <br>Generator


  • 12 Ear plug dispenser<br>BUILDING

  • 13 Earth Tapes/Rod Covers Safe and Flush<br>BUILDING

  • 14 Fibre Chambers, Covers and Locks (intact and servicable)<br>OTHER

  • 15 Fuel Spill Kit Available - Generator <br>BUILDING

  • 16 Hazardous Substances - Stored or leaking<br>ALL AREAS

  • 17 Access / Egress Obstructions & Hazards<br>ALL AREAS

  • 18 Fire Hazards<br>ALL AREAS

  • 19 Infestation (Insects, Rodents, Birds)<br>ALL AREAS

  • 20 Trip and Slip Hazards<br>ALL AREAS

  • 21 Utility Hazards (Gas/Electric/Water)<br>ALL AREAS



  • SNAG 1

  • Details:

  • Assigned to:

  • Category:

  • SNAG 2

  • Details:

  • Assigned to:

  • Category:

  • SNAG 3

  • Details:

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  • Category:

  • SNAG 4

  • Details:

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  • SNAG 5

  • Details:

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  • Category:

  • SNAG 6

  • Details:

  • Assigned to:

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  • SNAG 7

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  • SNAG 8

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  • SNAG 9

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  • Category:

  • SNAG 10

  • Details:

  • Assigned to:

  • Category:


  • Details:

  • Assigned to:

  • Category:


  • Report Details

  • Reported fault Ticket #

  • 3rd Party Visitors to site during visit

  • Engineers Name and Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.