Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Conducted by
Location (site address)
SOE Number
Scope of project
Lay (amount)
Abandonment (amount)
Inspection of site
Road name
Are there any signs of the area having been worked on previously? (lines, patches, scars etc)
Are there any overhead services? (BT, LV, HV)
Are there any substations or governors nearby?
Are there any potential section 58 issues?
Are there any bus routes or bus stops that will be affected by ProGas works?
Driveways - any new tarmac or special surfaces (please add house number and surface type to comments section)
Road / footpath - are there any special surfaces that will need to be reinstated? (shell grip etc) Please add type and location to comments section
Are any parts of the works near trees or beneath the canopy of trees? (location) Please add location to comments section and photos to media section
Do any of the surrounding properties show evidence of basements? Please add detail to comments section
Are there any areas nearby that vulnerable people are likely to be? (schools, nursing homes etc) Please add detail to comments section
Are there any multi occupancy properties nearby? (doctors, nursing homes, hospital, flats etc) Please add detail to comments section
Are there any parks or other recreational areas nearby?
Are there any areas that will have restricted access? (schools etc)
Are there any businesses that could be affected by ProGas works? Please add detail to comments section
Is there any traffic management that affects ProGas work? Please add detail to comments section
Photos of traffic management present
Will ProGas works affect the current traffic management?
Are there any traffic sensors in the carriageway that will be affected by ProGas works?
Will ProGas works affect pedestrian access?
Are there any parking restrictions for residents?
Are the roads suitable for large vehicles? (grab lorries, suction excavator etc)
Are the works close to any Network rail property / railways?
Could the works be affected by seasonal embargo's? (summer holidays, xmas etc)
Are there any sites of scientific specific interest nearby? (SSSI's)
Will any specialist plant or equipment be required?
Will any assistance be required from SGN? (wayleaves etc)
Has a suitable site for a works compound been identified? (location, must include welfare, plant and spoil storage areas) Please add detail to comments section
What is the road speed? (include all roads)
Traffic management requirements (2 way lights, give and take etc)
Footway / carriageway incursion
Project specific info
Mains info: Diameter = Technique =
Service info: Diameter = Approx length =
Property types (terrace, detached, flats etc)
Surface types: Footpath = Carriageway =
Is the project suitable for the use of vac ex?
Additional information
Please detail any further information that is relevant to this project
Site photos
Please add site photos in this section
Sign off by inspector
Add signature
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