Document No.
Pre-Cast Concrete Agreement
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Project Number:
Weigand Supervisor:
Name of Erecting Contractor:
Company Phone Number:
Precast Contractor Supervisor:
Supervisor Phone Number:
Start Date for Erection:
End Date of erection:
Requirements for Precast Concrete Erection 1926.704
1. Precast concrete wall units, structural framing, and tilt-up walls shall be adequately supported to prevent overturning and to prevent collapse until permanent connections are completed?
2. Lifting inserts which are embedded or otherwise attached to tilt-up precast concrete members shall be capable of supporting at least two times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to them?
3. Lifting inserts which are embedded or otherwise attached to precast concrete members, other than the tilt-up members, shall be capable of supporting at least four times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to them?
4. Lifting hardware shall be capable of supporting at least five times the maximum intended load applied, transmitted to the lifting hardware?
5. No employee shall be permitted under precast concrete members being lifted or tilted into position except those employees required for the erection of those members?
Type of crane to be used:
Capacity of Crane
Received copy of crane annual inspection and verified it is current.
Received copy of CCO for crane operator.
Verified Qualified Riggers/Signalers are qualified per 1926.1400?
List Competent person who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions, which are hazardous, or dangerous to employees.
Location of crane has been determined by erector?
Crane has proper clearances from all overhead electrical lines and equipment?
A positive locking device, (anti-two block) is installed and functioning?
Taglines to be used when moving a load?
Site Conditions
Weigand Construction Company, Inc. has provided adequate access roads into and through the site for the safe delivery and movement of derricks, cranes, trucks, other necessary equipment, and the material to be erected. The means and methods for pedestrian and vehicular control are acceptable ? (Requirement does not apply to roads outside the construction site)
Weigand Construction Company, Inc. has provided a firm, properly graded, drained area, readily accessible to work with adequate space for the safe storage of materials and safe operation of the erector's equipment?
Weigand Construction Company, Inc. and the erector's representative agree to maintain proper communication as to the pre-plan routes of overhead hoisting operations to prevent any employees on site from working under suspended loads, except for those erectors engaged in the initial connection, and hooking and unhooking of the loads?
A marked up site plan is completed identifying haul road and staging areas which includes erection sequence with crane set-up areas for each sequence?
Safety Checklist:
The erector understands he will be required to cover all openings in the roof and floor of 2 inches or more including elevator shafts, stair openings, mechanical shafts, etc.?
All covers shall be capable of supporting without failure twice the weight imposed on the cover at any one time, and the covers are to be secured and marked with high visibility paint with the word "HOLE" or "COVER" ?
If temporary perimeters created because of erection sequence and exposure to leading edges then the sequence must be provided with a perimeter guardrail system, (top and mid rail), and the area below barricaded to insure no one walks into the erection zone?
This project requires 100% fall protection above 6 foot. If a Controlled Access Zone is to be used a plan of location and management of the CAZ must be approved by Weigand Construction Company, Inc. prior to this being implemented.
All load weights have been calculated to insure sling selection is suitable for rated capacities?
Has a means has been established to warn personnel of swinging loads?
What means will be used?
Weigand Safety Representative:
Weigand Supervisor
Pre-cast Erection Supervisor
Pre-cast Manufacturer Representative