
  • Precision Group

  • Property inspection conducted on

  • Completed by Joe DAgostino

  • Pran Central
  • Other personnel present at the time of the WHS & Property Risk Inspection

WHS & Property Risk Inspection

WHS and Property Risk Inspection.

  • Precision Group Pran Central

  • Time at the commencement of inspection

Previous Monthly Inspection

  • Has the previous monthly inspection been completed, uploaded into INX with the findings placed within the action function for monitoring and closure?

Traffic Management - Undercover Car Park

  • *Are there conditions of entry signage in place?

  • Have all entries to under cover car parks implemented maximum height measures and signage that is clearly visible? (make notes if there is repairs required or if the height is no longer relevant due to internal changes)

  • Line Marking - Pedestrian crossings implemented for centre access or egress, directional arrows in place and appropriate?

  • In your opinion what is the standard in terms of wear and tear of the existing line markings?

  • Are there any pot holes or surfaces that require repair? (If the answer is yes take photos of all identified)

  • Are all protective bollards and guard rails in place and fit for purpose?

  • *For car spaces opposite wall structures, have wheel stops been implemented?

  • Are all lights within the car park working and the area is bright and easily visible?

  • Overall assessment of the Traffic Management - undercover car park

  • Other observation or notes

  • Add media

Confined Spaces

  • Are all identified confined spaces clearly labeled?

  • How are the confined spaces labelled?

  • *If the confined spaces are painted stencils, what is their condition?

  • Overall assessment of Confined Spaces management?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

Common Area Loading Dock Management

  • Does the centre have a common area loading dock?

  • *Does the loading dock have signage clearly showing the loading dock rules?

  • *Has the loading dock line markings in place delineating vehicles, pedestrian walk ways and exclusion zones?

  • Is the loading dock area clean and free from rubbish or other obstructions? (If yes ascertain which tenant(s) and detail within the notes for record)

  • Overall assessment of the Loading Dock Management?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

  • If so which best describes the area?

Waste Management - Waste Stream

  • *Is there a waste separation system in place including signage, bin placement zones and clearly definable bins for recycling and waste?

  • Is there a lock down system in place for bins?

  • Is there a waste oil storage area with appropriate bundling in place?

  • Overall assessment of Waste Stream management?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

Contractor Management

  • *Emergency contact details of all key Precision Group personnel is displayed and up to date.

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Where applicable a copy of the Hazardous Materials & Asbestos register is available for reference?

  • Add media

Hazardous Materials

  • Does the centre have Asbestos?

  • I have inspected all of the identified Asbestos and confirm that it is clearly labelled?

  • *All identified in situ non friable Asbestos at the centre is currently in good condition and presents no risk? (Make comments and take photos)

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

External Access / Egress - Public Liability STF

  • *Are all customer traffic areas (paths, walkways and stairs) outside of the centre in sound condition that does not present as a potential slip trip and fall hazard.

  • Overall the condition of the external walkways are?

  • All external steps and stairs have the appropriate safety measures in place including handrails, slip resistant edges and warning signs for steep or weather exposed areas?

  • Overall assessment of external areas for Slip Trip & Fall?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

Internal Access / Egress - Public Liability STF

  • Are all internal floors of the centre in sound condition that does not present as a potential Slip Trip & Fall hazard?

  • *A wet weather management plan is in place including wet weather matting and signage?

  • Does the matting provide appropriate coverage?

  • What is the condition of the matting?

  • Are there any current or known roof water leaks requiring repair that present slip and fall risks in customer or tenant traffic areas?

  • Overall assessment of internal areas for Slip Trip &Fall?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media


  • How many CCTV cameras are currently installed within the centre?

  • *I have inspected the CCTV cameras and all are working and unobstructed?

  • There are presently how many CCTV cameras are not working at the time of inspection?

  • CCTV coverage is in place for all of the centres main entries?

  • CCTV coverage is in place within the amenities access corridors?

  • CCTV camera coverage is in place for travelators and escalators?

  • CCTV camera coverage is in place within the centres food court?

  • Overall assessment of the centres CCTV coverage?

  • Other observations or notes?

Emergency Response & Fire Protection

  • Fire extinguishers, hose reels, hydrants have been inspected within the past six months?

  • I have inspected all fire doors and confirm they are clearly signed, open effectively, have clear access internally & externally and all exit signs are illuminated.

  • Emergency evacuation plans are clearly displayed and correctly orientated in all areas?

  • Has fire warden training or an evacuation drill occurred in the past six months?

  • *Inspecting the fire panel there are no faults presently displayed?

  • *I have reviewed the EWIS maintenance log books and found the program is being carried out appropriately.

  • Currently Base Building fire compliance for this centre is __________ %

  • Overall assessment of Emergency Response and Fire Protection?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

  • I have inspected all fire protection extinguishers and hose reels, there is clear access and no obstructions.

Electrical Safety

  • *All Electrical Distribution rooms are locked and are clearly signed as electrical and restricted access?

  • *The Electrical Distribution Room is clean and free from any items not associated with its intended usage?

  • *I have visually inspected all common area leads and sockets - all are tagged / tested & in good condition?

  • Residual Current Devices (RCD) are currently in place for all outlets and have had an annual inspection?

  • I have inspected all vending machines and confirm the electrical leads are currently tagged and tested and present no electrical safety risk.

  • Overall assessment for Electrical Safety?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

Plant and Equipment - Travelators and Escalators

  • *Has the equipment been registered and is clearly displayed in close proximity?

  • *Combes are in good condition with no teeth missing?

  • *Have the Travelators or Escalators clearly displayed restricted access signage for various items such as wheel chairs, prams, motor scooters etc?

  • *A plant risk assessment has been completed and is displayed or available within the lock box?

  • Overall assessment of Travelators and Escalators?

  • Other observations and notes?

  • Add media

Plant and Equipment - Lifts and Elevators

  • *I have inspected all lifts and at the time appear to function well i.e. door sensors, levelling and ride.

  • *The lift motor room is locked and displaying restricted access signage?

  • The lift motor room is clean and clear free from rubbish and other obstructing items?

  • *The lift motor room is well ventilated with good lighting?

  • *A plant risk assessment has been completed and is clearly displayed within the lift motor room?

  • Overall assessment of the lift motor room(s)?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

Plant and Equipment - Chillers and Air Handling Units

  • Does the centre have Chillers or Air Handling Units?

  • *Is restricted access and clear signage in place?

  • Have risk assessments been completed, are up to date and are easily visible or accessible?

  • Are the areas in which these are located clean and clear of rubbish or debris?

  • Overall assessment of AHU and/or Chillers?

  • Other observations or notes?

Plant and Equipment - Automatic Doors

  • I have spent five minutes observing each of the centres auto doors and they are functioning normally?

  • *I have inspected all of the centres auto door sensors and have found that there is no visible damage?

  • Add media

  • Overall assessment of Automatic Doors?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

Plant and Equipment - Miscellaneous

  • *Are there any items of plant or equipment such as roller doors, motorised gates, elevated platforms etc?

  • Details of other plant and equipment -

  • Where applicable -Is restricted access and clear signage in place?

  • Have risk assessments been completed, are up to date and are easily visible or accessible?

  • Are the areas in which these are located clean and clear of rubbish or debris?

  • Overall assessment of plant and equipment detailed?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

Working at Height

  • *Roof access and egress has appropriate controls in place with fixed ladders and fall arrest?

  • Walkways are installed and provide access to all routine maintenance activities for plant and equipment?

  • *Anchor points are in place for all areas with unprotected edges and have been tested within the past 12 months?

  • I have inspected all roof walkways and all are in good condition and do not present any trip and fall hazards?

  • Does the centre have portable ladders under its control?

  • If yes how many?

  • *Is a ladder management system in place? (All are chained, locked with authorised use only)

  • Overall assessment of Working at Height?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media


  • *Cleaners room is clearly signed with unauthorised access and is locked when unattended?

  • *Cleaners room is well organised, clean and tidy?

  • The cleaners room is well ventilated with good lighting?

  • *All chemicals are stored in designated storage areas and bunded?

  • Chemical storage rooms have clear external signage and are locked?

  • All chemicals are clearly labelled within fit for purpose dispensers?

  • A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is located in close proximity to the chemicals, is current and easily accessible?

  • Spill kits are available, stored appropriately for easy identification and access?

  • First Aid kits are available and appear to be well supplied with all the essentials?

  • Overall assessment of chemical and chemical storage?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

Amenities - Toilets and Parents Rooms

  • *Access and egress is free from Slip Trip or Fall hazards for all members of the community including those with disabilities or limited mobility?

  • I have inspected all amenities and confirm they are hygienic and well stocked with supplies?

  • All amenity lighting and ventilation is functioning?

  • A visual inspection shows no sign of any persons privacy being breached?

  • *I have inspected and checked the parents room change tables, all are in sound condition?

  • All amenities and free from graffiti or offensive material?

  • Overall assessment of the centres amenities?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

General comments / other identified WHS or Property Risks

  • Time at the completion of the inspection

  • Signature of Precision Group employee who completed the WHS & Property Risk Inspection

  • Add media

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