Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
General details
Is an Occupancy permit available or on display?
Is an AESMR available?
Is street number or name adequate?
Is there a Essential Services log book on site? Ensure it is adequate and comprehensive.
Is a lift in stu? If add details
Is there an security concerns
Is foxtel available?
Any evidence of roof & gutter cleans
Any evidence of gattic/drain clean
Any evidence of sump pump service
Any evidence of sewage leaks
Is the water supply piping in good order? If not, briefly note why.
Is Hot Water relief valve in good order?
Are there retention systems(recycle or storm water control)?
Is there a black flow valve, if so when was last service?
Where is the electrical switch room?
Where is telco MDF located?
Is all public lighting in tact ?
Is door intercom security system in good order
Is plant and equipment tested and tagged
Is their residual current protection?
Does the electrical installation need a thermal test.
Have you observed any electrical issues? If so list.
Do booms or electrically operated gates require servicing?
Does antenna amplifier need servicing?
General condition
Is cleaning standard meeting expectation for this site?
Are directional and general signs appropriate?
Is window cleaning required?
Is there an after hours service noted on site?
Generally is the building in good order? If not list any major observations.
Is there an access safe on site?
Is waste management satisfactory?
Is there evidence of vermin?
OHS/ risk management
What is key safe node
Any electrical hazards
Any likelihood of flooding or leaks?
Any chemical hazards?
Any mechanical hazards
Is there a roof access system? When was last annual certification?
Any traffic or pedestrian risk?
Any glass or cutting hazards?
Any slip, trip or fall hazard?
Is Any hazard that protrudes that may pierce or cause harm?
Is there a suspicion that asbestos may be present?
Is there any risk of falls? ( balcony/stairs balustrade etc.)
Is there safety controls on site for contractors or visitors? Eg hazard register, attendance register, site induction. Signs noting safe work practices.
Fire & Safety - Essential Safety Measures (Victoria ONLY) if log records are not evident then item is deemed NON compliant.
If extinguishers are evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Note date, level and tester details.
If hose reels are evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Note date, level and tester details.
If hydrants are evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Note date, level and tester details.
Is there any faults existing for any fire items? Note yes or no ONLY.
If sprinklers are evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Note date, level and tester details.
If sprinkler boosters are evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Note date, level and tester details.
If hydrant boosters are evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Note date, level and tester details.
Jacking, diesel tests greater than annuals ?????????
If annual passive items are evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Note date, level and tester details.
If paths of travel, exit, smoke or fire doors are evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Note date, level and tester details.
If emergency and exit lights are evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Noting date, level and tester details.
If detectors are evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Noting date, level and tester details.
If detector panel is evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Noting date, level and tester details.
If a Fire Indicator Panel evident?
If ASE is evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Noting date, level and tester details.
If electrical door release fail safe devices are evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Noting date, level and tester details.
If carpark ventilation is evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Noting date, level and tester details and activation method.
If stairwell pressurization is evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Noting date, level and tester details.
If other Mechanical Ventilation is evident, is there a compliant testing regime? Noting date, level and tester details. Plus system(s) type.
Is there evacuation plans and procedures? If no, are recommended.
Auditors to sign
Office use only
Inspector comments: