Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personal Details
Please provide your personal details below
Employee Name
Employee Role
Line Report
Date of Assessment
Pre-qualification Questionnaire for working at Home
Your Personal Circumstances
Are you pregnant, or do you have a weakened immune system or a long-term medical condition such as diabetes, cancer, chronic lung disease or respiratory conditions such as asthma?
Do you live with anyone who is pregnant, has a weakened immune system or a long term medical condition such as diabetes, cancer, chronic lung disease or respiratory conditions such as asthma?
Do you have any regular caring responsibilities for children under the age of five, sick or elderly relatives?
Please state your relationship to this person or persons
If schools/nurseries were to shut, would your ability to work be significantly affected?
- NO, there would be no impact
- NO, provided I was based at Home
- To some extent - I could share childcare responsibilities
- YES, I would need to look after my child/children/relative Full Time
- I do Not have any dependents to Look after
Will you require additional training or support to work from home or to use any remote working systems?
Briefly describe the areas of support you require. E.G. How to access the Shared Drive from a VPN?
For how long could you work from home before your work productivity could be affected?
What business tasks would you be unable to perform from home?
Home Working Assessment
Please provide the following details
Address of the Property
Location being assessed - E.G. Spare Room or Dining Room etc. etc.
Proposed Number of Days to work at Home each week
Which day or days would you NOT propose to work at Home
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
Could you work from HOME without undue distraction?
Is the workspace in the HOME capable of being secured so that work remains confidential where required? e.g. to comply with GDPR or Client Confidentiality
Does your Mortgage Provider or Landlord require notice and authorisation under their agreements to enable you to work from Home?
- Yes
- No
- I own this property so no authority needed
Does your HOME Insurance cover homeworking activities and equipment?
Do you know whether you need planning permission to work from home?
Are you aware of the requirement to report incidents and near misses?
Are you concerned in anyway about being isolated or a lack of contact with co-workers?
Have you determined some “Keeping in touch" arrangements with co-workers and your Line Manger?
What are these arrangements?
Safety and Security
Is any and all work equipment kept out of view?
Is this equipment kept in a secure area with locks on entry doors when the building is empty?
Are your security arrangements at the home in place and working?
Briefly describe those arrangements. e.g. Property fitted with an Intruder Alarm and Locks on all doors and windows
Do you have adequate fire safety equipment in the environment e.g. smoke detector, fire blanket?
Do you have first aid equipment available in case of an accident?
About the location
You MUST evidence all questions with Photographs to support your answers
Is the lighting in the workspace suitable and sufficient?
Is there a functional blind to reduce/increase light from the window?
Is the floor free from boxes, wiring and other obstacles which may cause someone to trip?
Are all surfaces free from sharp edges which could cause cuts?
Is the storage of paper and other stationery away from sources of fire?
Are the wiring and electrical sockets in good working order?
Is there enough room to change position and vary movement?
Is the workplace free from distracting equipment noise?
Is the temperature comfortable to work in throughout the seasons?
Is the area free from draughts?
About the workstation
You MUST evidence all questions with Photographs to support your answers
What type of workstation are you proposing to use? e.g. A desk or dining table etc. etc.
Is the work surface large enough for all the necessary equipment and documents etc. etc?
Is the work surface stable?
Are work surfaces free from glare and reflection?
Can you comfortably reach all the equipment and papers you need to use?
Is there sufficient space for thighs and knees?
Is there space to stretch your legs?
Is there enough support for hands and wrists?
What type of Computer are you using on the workstation?
Is the software suitable for the task?
Do you have sufficient training and knowledge in the use of the software?
Seating Arrangements
What type of seating arrangement is in place?
Is the chair/seat stable?
Does the chair/seat swivel to give access to other areas of the workstation?
If the chair/seat is fitted with armrests, can it be manoeuvred close enough to the work surface?
Are the mechanisms for adjustments easy to operate from a sitting position?
Is the chair’s height adjustable?
Does the seat pad provide adequate support for thighs and buttocks?
Does the chair provide support for the lower back?
Does the backrest adjust in height and tilt?
Are forearms horizontal and eyes at roughly the same height as the top of the Screen(s)?
Are feet flat on the floor, without too much pressure from the seat on the backs of the legs?
If feet do not touch the ground, do you have a footrest you can use?
- Yes
- No
Is the chair adjusted correctly?
Display Screen(s)
What is the Screen Configuration?
Is the screen free from glare and reflections from lights, windows or other images?
Is the operator free from strong sources of light in the line of sight?
Can the screen swivel?
Can the screen tilt?
Is the brightness adjustable?
Is the contrast adjustable?
Is the image stable, i.e. free of flicker and jitter?
Are the characters clear and readable?
Is the text size comfortable to read?
Keyboard and Mouse
What type of Keyboard are you using on the workstation?
Is the keyboard in good working order?
Does the keyboard tilt?
Is the keyboard detachable/movable?
Are the characters on the keys easily readable?
Does the keyboard have a numeric pad?
Is it possible to find a comfortable keying position?
What type of Mouse are you using on the workstation?
Has a Mouse pad been provided for use with the Mouse?
Is the Mouse positioned close to the user?
Is there support for the device user’s wrist and forearm?
Does the device work smoothly at a speed that suits the user?
Can you easily adjust software settings for speed and accuracy of pointer?
Other considerations
Do you know to take regular breaks away from looking at a Display Screen?
Do you know that you should NOT use a Smartphone continuously for more than an hour as part of your normal work?
Do you know that you should NOT use a Smart Tablet continuously for more than an hour as part of your normal work?
Do you suffer from aches or pains during normal work on any of the equipment?
Do you suffer from eye strain?
Have you had an eye and eye sight test within the last two years?
Do you wear glasses as a result of an eye and eye sight test’s recommendations?
Do you know about your entitlement to FREE eye and eyesight testing?
Please sign this declaration to say that to the best of your knowledge all the information you have provided is a true reflection of your Home Working arrangements and environment
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