Title Page
Name of Company
Conducted on
Completed by
Annual Health & Safety Compliance Checklist
Compliance Questionnaire
1. Who has the overall responsibility for Health & Safety in the organisation?
2. Have senior managers and executives been made aware of their own responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace and the penalties for non-compliance?
How has this been accomplished?
- IOSH Senior Executive and Director Training
- CITB's "Director's Role for Health and Safety (DRHS)"
- ROSPA's "Director leadership and involvement in health and safety"
- Via Health & Safety Committee
- Other
3. Is there a Health & Safety Management System in place allowing the organisation to manage health and safety in a structured way to achieve its objectives?
3.1 What is the “system” in place?
4. Is there a Health and Safety Policy in place?
4.1 Are the roles and responsibilities defined?
4.2 Is there an “arrangements” section for implementation therein?
4.3 Is it dated and does it reflect an up-to-date status of the Company?
4.4 Is it signed by the person with overall responsibility for Health & Safety in the organisation?
5. Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 is there an Appointed Person providing “competent” Health and Safety advice to the organisation?
What is the name of this person?
What are this person's qualifications?
Does this person have the necessary SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, ABILITY, TRAINING and EXPERIENCE relevant to what the organisation does?
6. Do all premises under the control of the Company have suitable facilities for?
- Eating?
- Drinking?
- Washing?
- Sanitary?
- Taking Rest breaks
7. Is there a Noticeboard at all sites displaying?
- Health and Safety Law Poster and who to contact - details
- Employer's Liability Insurance
- Health and Safety Policy
- Safety Updates
- Health and Safety Accreditations
8. Have all known Hazards been identified?
Are these listed in the Management system?
9. Is there a Risk Profiling Strategy in place?
9.1 Who is involved in this process?
- Managing Director (or CEO)
- Other Directors
- Senior Managers
- Health and Safety Appointed person
- Department Managers
10. Are “GENERAL” Workplace Risk Assessments in place that cover all identified hazards?
Do they?
- List the identified Hazards?
- Identify those who may be harmed by the identified hazards?
- Evaluate the associated risks using a quantitative or qualitative risk scoring system to determine the likelihood and severity of the occurrence?
- Show what control measures will be used to control the risk?
11. Are the following “specific” Risk Assessments in place?
- Confined Spaces
- Hazardous Substances
- Working at Height
- Moving and Handling
- Noise
- Vibration
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
12. Are the following “Special Case” Risk Assessments in Place?
- Young People
- New or Expectant Mothers
- Disabled Workers
- Lone Workers
- Those working from Home
13. Have all hazardous substances been identified?
13.1 Is there an Inventory list of all COSHH identified substances?
13.2 Have COSHH assessments been carried out for all Inventory items?
13.3 Are Safety Data Sheets available for all items on the Inventory List?
14. How are the findings of each Risk Assessment brought to the attention of those affected by them?
15. Do Risk Assessments show any residual risks after control measures are implemented?
15.1 Have safe systems of work been created to deal with these residual risks?
15.2 Have the safe systems of work been briefed to all staff affected by the risks?
16. Is there a Legionella Risk Assessment and Management Plan in place?
17. Is there any Asbestos or Asbestos Containing Materials present on site?
17.1 How are staff and contractors made aware of the presence of Asbestos?
17.2 Is there an Asbestos Management Plan in Place?
17.3 When will an Asbestos Management Plan be put in place?
18. Has a Fire Risk Assessment been carried out for all premises?
18.1 When will this/these be carried out?
19. Is there a FOLDER on each site containing hard copies of LEGAL FIRE DOCUMENTS (Inc. service & testing of?)
- Fire Risk Assessments
- Fire Extinguisher service and inspection
- Electrical Fixed Installations
- Gas Service and Tightness Test
- Fire Alarm service and inspection
- Emergency Lighting service and inspection
- Portable Appliance Tests
19.1 Is there a FIRE Plan in place?
19.2 Does it contain?
- Inspection Records
- Escape Routes
- Emergency Lighting
- Emergency Evacuation procedures
19.3 Is there a Fire Safety Logbook in Use?
20 Where is the Fire Muster Point?
21. Are the appropriate fire extinguishers where they should be and clearly visible?
21.1 Are they showing a service inspection within the last 12 months?
22. Are Emergency Evacuation routes displayed throughout the premises?
22.1 Are these positioned in such a way that visitors or infrequent users of the premises would comprehend the evacuation route?
23. Is there a procedure for procurement and contractor management in place?
24. Does the site operate a Permit to Work system for Contractors?
24.1 How are the contents of the Permit to Work communicated to the Contractor?
24.2 How are the contents of the Permit to Work communicated to the Staff working around the Contractor's workspace?
25. Are inspections/audits of the workplace carried out?
25.1 Are the findings reviewed by Senior Management?
26. Has all lifting equipment been thoroughly examined as required by LOLER 1998?
27. Are all equipment safety checks up to date as required by PUWER 1998?
28. Are Site-specific Traffic Management plans in place at all sites?
28.1 Are the plans dated and do they reflect an up to date status of the Company?
29. Is there a written Emergency Evacuation Plan and Process in place?
Does this include a Business Recovery Plan?
30. Is there an employee Training matrix in place showing training subjects?
30.1 Does it show the following type of Training?
30.2 Has all previously recommended health & safety training been undertaken?
30.3 What training remains outstanding?
31. Have all employees been given suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training, and supervision about their specific job?
32. Has all mandatory Health & Safety training – relevant to the organisation - been undertaken?
- Fire Awareness Training
- Display Screen Equipment Training
- Health and Safety Essentials
- Asbestos Awareness Training
- Moving and Handling Training
- COSHH Training
- Working at Height
- Food Hygiene
33 How many trained Emergency First Aiders are at each site?
34. How many trained First Aiders are at each site?
35. How many trained Fire Marshals are at each site?
36. Are Line Managers trained and aware of Mental Ill Health?
37. Are there any Mental Ill Health First Aiders available to employees?
38. Is there an incident reporting and management reporting tool in place?
39. Is there an accident reporting procedure in place?
40. Is there an Investigation of incidents and accidents procedure in place?
41. If the accident is work-related; and it results in an injury of a type which is reportable (as listed under ‘Types of reportable injuries’) is it being reported?
42. Which role has the responsibility of investigating all incidents and accidents?
42.1 Is the person carrying out this role competent to undertake this role?
43. Is RIDDOR being complied with?
44. Which of these Key Health & Safety documents have ALL employees read and understood?
- Risk Assessments
- Safe Operating procedures
- Safe Methods of Work
- Permits to Work
- Workplace briefings
45. Is there a suitable, well publicised means of raising legitimate safety concerns within the organisation? E.G.,
- Suggestion Box
- Employee Representation
- Other
46. Is there a Health and Safety Review methodology in place?
46.1. Is there a procedure in place for measuring, monitoring, and reporting health and safety performance?
46.2. Are safety issues included in Management Meetings?
46.3. Is the status of health & safety communicated effectively?