Title Page

  • Location being audited:

  • Address:

  • Date of Audit:

  • Auditee:

  • Auditor:

Section 1 - Opening Meeting

Introductions and format of the audit

  • Introductions:

    H&S Team
    School Team

  • The purpose of this audit is to ensure that the school is meeting its statutory requirements with regards to Health & Safety.

  • Who has got overall responsibility for Health & Safety within the school?

  • The audit is split into specific sections as follows:

    Business Management

    The Head Teacher/Business Manager will be required to answer questions and provide documentary evidence on school specific topics.

General Information

  • Name of Head Teacher/Principal?

  • Name of Business Manager?

  • Total number of pupils enrolled in the school?

  • Total number of staff working in the school?

Age range of pupils

School Type

General Notes

Section 2 - Business Management

2.1 - Safety Policy

  • 2.1.1 - Is there a copy of the current version of the Health & Safety Policy available?

  • 2.1.2 - Are all employees aware of the H&S policy?

  • 2.1.3 - Is there a clear, written allocation of the health and safety responsibilities?

  • 2.1.4 - Are employees aware of their H&S duties and responsibilities?

  • 2.1.5 - Are employees given specific health & safety information? e.g. employee handbook

  • 2.1.6 - Is health & safety an agenda item at team meetings?

  • 2.1.7 - Is all relevant H&S information displayed?

  • 2.1.8 - Have all employees got access to relevant safety documents and guidance?

  • 2.1.9 - Is there a Health & Safety Law poster displayed in employee areas?

2.2 - Risk Assessments

  • 2.2.1 - Are written risk assessments in place for identified significant risks? (i.e. Working at Height, Manual Handling, Lone Working etc.).

  • 2.2.2 - List examples of risk assessments reviewed at the time of the audit:

  • 2.2.3 - Is there evidence of management/employee involvement in compiling risk assessments?

  • 2.2.4 - Are risk assessments approved by an appropriate person?

  • 2.2.5 - Is there evidence of training for competency to carry out risk assessments?

  • 2.2.6 - Is there evidence that risk assessments have been communicated to all relevant staff?

  • 2.2.7 - Are risk assessments reviewed periodically, following accidents and following changes of work practices?

  • 2.2.8 - Does the school use the HSE classroom checklist for low risk areas?

  • 2.2.9 - Do you use a risk assessment approach when planning and delivering school events?

  • 2.2.10 - Do you use a risk assessment approach when planning and arranging Work Experience placements?

2.3 - Accident and Incident Reporting

  • 2.3.1 - Are all relevant accidents/incidents reported to the health and safety team to enable HSE notification within specified time scales?

  • 2.3.2 - is the school aware of their responsibilities regarding accident/incident reporting?

  • 2.3.3 - Are all accidents/incidents evaluated at least annually, patterns & trends identified and preventative action taken?

  • 2.3.4 - Are all serious accidents investigated by an appropriate person?

2.4 - Emergency Arrangements

  • 2.4.1 - Does the school have the arrangements in place to deal with serious and imminent danger?

  • 2.4.2 - Are specific personnel aware of their responsibility in the event of an emergency?

  • 2.4.3 - Have fire wardens been appointed and trained?

  • 2.4.4 - Is appropriate equipment available to deal with emergencies and are key personnel trained in its use?

  • 2.4.5 - Are PEEP's in place for any staff or pupils that may require them?

  • 2.4.6 - Are visitors, contractors, pupils and temporary employees made aware of evacuation procedures? If so, how?

  • 2.4.7 - Are there written evacuation procedures posted in appropriate locations and are means of escape clearly signed?

  • 2.4.8 - If the workplace is shared, are emergency arrangements communicated and co-coordinated with neighbours?

2.5 - First Aid

  • 2.5.1 - Are there adequate numbers of trained personnel to render first aid readily available? (including paediatric)

  • 2.5.2 - Are there adequate numbers of nominated persons to maintain first aid boxes and records?

  • 2.5.3 - First aid supplies are readily available and well stocked?

  • 2.5.4 - Are there adequate facilities available for the disposal of sharps?

2.6 - Medication Procedure

  • 2.6.1 - Is there a medication policy in place?

  • 2.6.2 - Are an appropriate amount of staff trained in administering medication?

  • 2.6.3 - Is medication stored in a locked medication cabinet or separate lockable fridge where necessary?

  • 2.6.4 - Do parents complete the required paperwork?

  • 2.6.5 - Is paperwork completed on receiving and administering medication?

  • 2.6.6 - Are individual health care plans in place (where required)?

  • 2.6.7 - Are out of date medicines or no longer needed medicines returned to parents?

  • 2.6.8 - Are procedures in place for controlling Allergens within school?

2.7 - Security and Safeguarding

  • 2.7.1 - Is there a signing in/out procedure or access control system in use?

  • 2.7.2 - Are there sufficient security arrangements to control access to school buildings?

  • 2.7.3 - Are gates locked when the school is not in use?

  • 2.7.4 - Is there a clearly defined route between the site entrance(s) and reception, with access to children avoided where practicable?

2.8 - Safety Representation/Inspections

  • 2.8.1 - Do you have any form of H&S committee?

  • 2.8.2 - Is there a named governor with H&S responsibilities?

  • 2.8.3 - Is the governor involved in serious accident and incident investigations?

  • 2.8.4 - Is H&S an agenda item at SLT / Governors meetings?

  • 2.8.5 - Are safety inspections carried out by a competent person and evidenced?

  • 2.8.6 - Has the governor undergone any specific Health & Safety training?

2.9 - General Training

  • 2.9.1 - Have all staff received Site Specific Induction training?

  • 2.9.2 - Have all staff received H&S Awareness training?

  • 2.9.3 - Have all staff received Manual Handling training?

  • 2.9.4 - Have all staff received Working at Height training?

  • 2.9.5 - Have all staff received Basic Fire Safety training?

  • 2.9.6 - Have all relevant staff received COSHH training?

  • 2.9.7 - Have all relevant staff received Food Hygiene training?

  • 2.9.8 - Have all relevant staff received Risk Assessment training?

  • 2.9.9 - Have all relevant staff received Fire Warden training?

  • 2.9.10 - Have all relevant staff received Lone Working training?

  • 2.9.11 - Have all relevant staff received advanced Health & Safety training (i.e. IOSH Managing Safely, NEBOSH Certificate)?

  • 2.9.12 - Are appropriate training records kept?

2.10 - Wellbeing

  • 2.10.1 - Is there a Wellbeing Policy in place?

  • 2.10.2 - Is there evidence that the Wellbeing Policy has been communicated to all staff?

  • 2.10.3 - Does the school have mechanisms in place to identify and act upon staff wellbeing issues or concerns?

  • 2.10.4 - Are there Procedures in place for managing staff wellbeing, where any issues or concerns have been highlighted?

2.11 - New and Expectant Mothers

  • 2.11.1 - Are New & Expectant Mothers covered by a risk assessment?

  • 2.11.2 - Are managers aware of the need to modify tasks or consider alternative working arrangements depending on the findings of risk assessments?

  • 2.11.3 - Are there welfare facilities available for New & Expectant Mothers?

  • 2.11.4 - Is there evidence that managers review New & Expectant Mother Risk Assessment with individuals?

2.12 - Educational Visits

  • 2.12.1- Have school Educational Visits Coordinators (EVC) been appointed and suitably trained? (with 3 yearly refreshers)

  • 2.12.2 - Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments carried out for all visits?

  • 2.12.3 - Are all high risk visits authorised by the school EVC?

  • 2.12.4 - Are necessary checks carried out to ensure necessary providers and activity leaders are competent?

  • 2.12.5 - Does the school retain all documentation in relation to educational visits?

  • 2.12.6 - Are Procedures in place to communicate with parents in the event of an emergency while on an educational visit?

  • 2.12.7- Are parental consent forms completed for school visits?

  • 2.12.8 - Are procedures in place for ensuring that coach operators have the appropriate license and all coaches used are fitted with seat belts?

2.13 - Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

  • 2.13.1 - Has a DSE Self-Assessment been carried out for relevant employees?

  • 2.13.2 - Have relevant employees received DSE awareness training/instruction?

  • 2.13.3 - Are procedures in place for employees to report any pain or discomfort that may be attributed to using the DSE to their supervisors and then be referred for further medical help/intervention?

  • 2.13.4 - Are all DSE assessments carried out by a competent person?

2.14 - Lettings

  • 2.14 - Does the school let out the premises or land to other users?

  • 2.14.1 - Does the school have a Lettings Policy?

  • 2.14.2 - Name of organisation:

  • 2.14.3 - Purpose of letting:

  • 2.14.4 - Risk assessments in place to cover activities being carried out?

2.15 - Ponds

  • 2.15- Does the school have any Ponds?

  • 2.15.1 - Is access to the pond controlled and effectively closed off when not in use?

  • 2.15.2 - Are pupils adequately supervised when accessing the pond?

  • 2.15.3 - Are pupils with cuts on their hands required to cover them with waterproof plasters or suitable gloves?

  • 2.15.4 - Are pupils told to avoid ingestion of water and procedures in place to ensure that all children wash their hands after pond baed activities?

  • 2.15.5 - Are pond edges that are open for pond dipping, gently sloping or flat and well defined? Where access is not required or where the edge is steep, is there a protective barrier?

  • 2.15.6 - Is there clear signage at the access points to the pond?

  • 2.15.7 - Do pupils and staff accessing the pond wear suitable footwear?

  • 2.15.8 - Is suitable rescue equipment i.e. Reach pole, Throw line etc. available?

  • 2.15.9 - Does the school have an operating policy and an emergency action plan?

  • 2.15.10 - Do staff have awareness training on the emergency action plan, including use of any rescue equipment?

Section 3 - Cleaning

  • 3a - Does the school buy Cleaning Services provided by Oldham Council?

  • Cleaning is provided by Oldham Council Cleaning Services.

  • 3b - Does the school buy cleaning services from any other 3rd party?

  • 3b.1 - Who provides the cleaning service for the school?

  • 3b.2 - What agreement have you entered into?

  • N.B. It is assumed that a full compliance check was carried out on this supplier, prior to appointment of contract.

  • School employs own cleaning staff.

3.1 - Risk Assessments

  • 3.1.1 - Are written Risk Assessments in place for identified significant risks? (i.e. Work at Height, Manual Handling, Sharps/Bio Hazards, Machinery, Lone Working etc.).

  • 3.1.2 - List examples of risk assessments reviewed at the time of the audit:

  • 3.1.3 - Is there evidence that risk assessments have been communicated to all relevant staff?

  • 3.1.4 - Are risk assessments reviewed periodically?

3.2 - Security

  • 3.2.1 - Are all staff aware of the security control measures required on site?

  • 3.2.2 - Are all staff wearing uniform?

  • 3.2.3 - Are all staff wearing ID badges?

3.3 - Ladders

  • 3.3.1 - Are ladders stored correctly when not in use (where applicable)?

3.4 - Fire

  • 3.4.1 - Do all staff know the evacuation route out of the building and where the fire assembly point is?

  • 3.4.2 - Do the school/college fire evacuation procedures take into account cleaning staff working out of core hours?

  • 3.4.3 - Are premises emergency procedures shared with the cleaning staff?

3.5 - Storage

  • 3.5.1 - Is there adequate storage available?

  • 3.5.2 - Are sluice sinks available for cleaning staff to use?

  • 3.5.3 - Is the store room fitted with suitable shelving?

  • 3.5.4 - Are all cleaning rooms kept clean and tidy?

  • 3.5.5 - Are all cleaning rooms kept locked shut?

3.6 - First Aid Procedures

  • 3.6.1 - Is suitable first aid equipment available?

  • 3.6.2 - Are there arrangements in place for providing first aid to cleaning staff?

3.7 - Communication with premises management?

  • 3.7.1 - Is there a system in place for reporting defects?

  • 3.7.2 - Is there good communication with the premises management?

3.8 - Equipment

  • 3.8.1 - Are maintenance records available for cleaning machines (where applicable)?

  • 3.8.2 - Is adequate warning signage displayed (where appropriate)?

  • 3.8.3 - Are keys for machinery adequately controlled (where appropriate)?

3.9 - Waste

  • 3.9.1 - Are staff aware of the correct procedure for removal of waste?

  • 3.9.2 - Are external bins safely accessible by cleaning staff?

  • 3.9.3 - Are external bins suitable for use by the cleaning staff?

  • 3.9.4 - Are suitable arrangements in place for the safe disposal of Sharps/Bio hazards?

3.10 - COSHH

  • 3.10.1 - Are COSHH Assessments available to staff for all hazardous products in use?

  • 3.10.2 - Are all products suitably labelled?

  • 3.10.3 - Are all products adequately stored?

  • 3.10.4 - Is suitable PPE available where required?

3.11 - Training

  • 3.11.1 - Have staff received site specific Induction training?

  • 3.11.2 - Have staff received H&S Awareness training?

  • 3.11.3 - Have staff received training in Manual Handling?

  • 3.11.4 - Have staff received training in COSHH?

  • 3.11.5 - Have staff received training in Working at Height (where applicable)?

  • 3.11.6 - Have staff received training in use of machinery (where applicable)?

  • 3.11.7 - Have staff received training in Sharps/Bio Hazards?

  • 3.11.8 - Have staff received training in Lone Working (where applicable)?

  • 3.11.9 - Are appropriate training records kept?

Section 4 - Catering

  • 4a - Does the school buy into the catering services provided by Oldham Council?

  • Catering for the school is provided by Oldham Council Education Catering Services.

  • 4b - Does the school but catering services from any other 3rd party?

  • 4b.1 - Who provides the catering service?

  • 4b.2 - What agreement have you entered into?

  • N.B. It is assumed that a full compliance check was carried out on this supplier, prior to appointment of contract.

  • School employs own catering staff.

4.1 - Risk Assessments

  • 4.1.1 - Are written Risk Assessments in place for identified significant risks? (i.e. Manual Handling, Machinery, Lone Working etc.).

  • 4.1.2 - List examples of risk assessments reviewed at the time of the audit:

  • 4.1.3 - Is there evidence that risk assessments have been communicated to all relevant staff?

  • 4.1.4 - Are risk assessments reviewed periodically?

4.2 - Security

  • 4.2.1 - Are all staff aware of the security control measures required on site?

  • 4.2.2 - Are all staff wearing uniform?

  • 4.2.3 - Are all staff wearing ID badges?

  • 4.2.4 - Is it possible to lock the external kitchen door?

4.3 - Building Fabric

  • 4.3.1 - Are there any windows in the kitchen?

  • 4.3.2 - Do the windows open?

  • 4.3.3 - Are window openings fitted with fly screens?

  • 4.3.4 - Is there adequate access/egress through the kitchen?

  • 4.3.5 - Is there any means of controlling temperature in the kitchen?

  • 4.3.6 - Is there any form of extraction system installed in the kitchen?

  • 4.3.7 - Is the extraction system cleaned on a regular basis?

  • 4.3.8 - Is the extraction system serviced on a regular basis?

  • 4.3.9 - Are the facilities available fit for purpose and in a good state of repair?

  • 4.3.10 - Are lighting levels adequate in the kitchen?

  • 4.3.11 - Is the floor type suitable for the environment?

  • 4.3.12 - Is the floor free from defects?

  • 4.3.13 - Are spillage procedures in place?

4.4 - Fire

  • 4.4.1 - Do all staff know the evacuation route out of the building and where the fire assembly point is?

  • 4.4.2 - Do the school/college fire evacuation procedures take into account catering staff?

  • 4.4.3 - Are premises emergency procedures shared with the catering staff?

  • 4.4.4 - Is there a deep fat fryer in use in the kitchen?

  • 4.4.5 - Is there a wet chemical fire extinguisher available in the kitchen?

4.5 - Storage

  • 4.5.1 - Is there adequate storage available?

  • 4.5.2 - Is this storage close to the external kitchen door?

  • 4.5.3 - Is the store room fitted with suitable shelving?

  • 4.5.4 - Is there a chill room/walk in fridge/freezer?

  • 4.5.5 - Is there adequate means of escape from chill room/walk in fridge/freezer

4.6 - First Aid Procedures

  • 4.6.1 - Is suitable first aid equipment available?

  • 4.6.2 - Are there arrangements in place for providing first aid to catering staff?

4.7 - Communication with premises management?

  • 4.7.1 - Is there a system in place for reporting defects?

  • 4.7.2 - Is there good communication with the premises management?

4.8 - Equipment

  • 4.8.1 - Are guards fitted to machines (where applicable)?

  • 4.8.2 - Is adequate warning signage displayed (where appropriate)?

  • 4.8.3 - Are maintenance records available for catering machines (where applicable)?

  • 4.8.4 - Are all fixed metal benches earthed?

  • 4.8.5 - Are all mobile benches fitted with working brakes?

  • 4.8.6 - Is catering equipment in a good state of repair?

  • 4.8.7 - Are emergency stops available for gas/electric/water and do staff know the locations and how to operate?

4.9 - Waste

  • 4.9.1 - Is there adequate room for storage of bins within the kitchen?

  • 4.9.2 - Is there easy access to the external bin area from the kitchen?

  • 4.9.3 - Is there adequate provision for dealing with waste oil (where applicable)?

4.10 - COSHH

  • 4.10.1 - Are COSHH Assessments available to staff for all hazardous products in use?

  • 4.10.2 - Are all products suitably labelled?

  • 4.10.3 - Are all products adequately stored?

  • 4.10.4 - Is PPE available for specific products?

4.11 - Dining Area

  • 4.11.1 - Is there a dedicated dining area?

  • 4.11.2 - What type of dining equipment is in use?

  • 4.11.3 - Who is responsible for setting up the dining equipment?

  • 4.11.4 - Who is responsible for cleaning the dining equipment?

  • 4.11.5 - Who is responsible for putting away the dining equipment?

  • 4.11.6 - Is the dining equipment maintained (and by whom)?

  • 4.11.7 - Is there adequate time allowed for setting up/stripping down the dining equipment?

  • 4.11.8 - Are catering staff trained to set up/strip down dining room equipment (where relevant)?

  • 4.11.9 - Is there adequate storage for dining equipment?

4.12 - Training

  • 4.12.1 - Have staff received site specific Induction training?

  • 4.12.2 - Have staff received H&S Awareness training?

  • 4.12.3 - Have staff received training in Manual Handling?

  • 4.12.4 - Have staff received training in COSHH?

  • 4.12.5 - Have staff received training in use of machinery (where applicable)?

  • 4.12.6 - Are appropriate training records kept?

Section 5 - Closing Meeting

Summary of findings of audit


  • Auditors Signature

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