Title Page

  • Organization Name

  • Creator

  • Date of Analysis

Process Overview

  • Process Name

  • Process Description

Process Hazard Analysis

Hazard Identification

  • Potential Hazards (Check all that apply)

  • Other Potential Hazards Not Mentioned Above

  • Severity Rating (1: Low, 5: High)

  • Description of Identified Hazards

  • Existing Controls

Safety Systems

  • Safety Devices Present

  • Other Safety Devices Needed

  • Effectiveness of Safety Systems

  • Maintenance Frequency of Safety Systems

  • Recent Safety System Inspection

  • Recent Safety System Findings and Recommendations

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

  • Reviewed SOPs

  • Are procedures adequate?

  • If No, describe the issues.

Human Factors

Operator Training

  • Last Training Date

  • Certification Validity Date

Workload and Fatigue Considerations

  • Operator Shift Duration (Hours)

  • Break Schedules

  • Fatigue Management in Place?

Human Error Potential

  • Describe potential errors

  • Impact of Errors

Maintenance Schedule

  • Last Maintenance Date

  • Next Maintenance Due

  • Inspection Frequency

  • Inspection Results (Issues Found)

  • What are the issues?

Emergency Response

  • Emergency Plan Availability

  • Location of the Plan

  • Emergency Equipment Availability

  • Other Emergency Equipment Required

  • Last Emergency Drill Conducted

  • Drill Type

  • Drill Observation

Environmental Impact

  • Potential Environmental Hazards

  • Other Potential Environmental Hazards Not Mentioned Above

  • Mitigation Measures in Place

  • Environmental Compliance Status

  • Describe.

Change Management (If Applicable)

  • Process Changes Reviewed

  • Impact of Change Assessed

  • Potential Hazards Introduced

  • Documentation of Changes

Documentation and Reporting

  • Records Maintained

  • Assigned Reporting Person

  • Continuous Improvement Measures


  • Process Hazard Analysis Approval and Sign-off

  • Designation

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.