
  • Audit Site

  • Conducted on

  • Audit Conducted by

  • Store Manager

Floor Security

Floor Security

  • Staff are actively displaying a customer service priority over store based tasks?

  • Floor stock should meet SPPM standards

  • No empty dumpbins

  • No empty endcaps

  • Store has been recovered from previous day?

  • Access to security devices are restricted to staff only

  • No keys left in alarm boxes

  • No alarm cabinets left open with access to security behind it

  • Where possible alarm boxes are out of sight

  • Stock room and staff only area doors are closed and secured

  • High value stock secure?

  • Incoming stock is not left on shop floor to be recieved

  • No stock greater than $50, including stock and customer repairs behind the counter or in draws or bins/boxes

  • Are staff responses to alarm sensor activations timely and correct

  • Do staff check for missing stock, and the cause of the alarm activation

  • Do staff understand how to use the alarm boxes

  • Bag check proccess

  • Is the manager on duty checking staff bags at the front door camera

  • Is the manager getting someone to check their bag at the front door

  • Are red locks being used appropriatly?

  • Counter tops clean and tidy

  • Cash register key locks are obstructed to prevent removal/theft

Product Security

Product Security

  • Have all question criteria been meet in this section?

  • Cabinet security

  • All cabinets locked and secured

  • All metal plates are in place preventing the removal of glass

  • All are fixed to the gondola preventing removal of stock from the back of the cabinet

  • GPS/Laptop/Camera/ Display Security

  • All GPS alarmed - including endcaps

  • All cameras alarmed including endcaps

  • Daily security check has been completed and is signed off

  • AL SLR Lenses alarmed - including endcaps

  • Tabs have been cut to prevent the removal of stock for GPS/MP3 devices

  • All laptop cradles are tight and secure/Alarms fitted and working/adhesive lockdowns fitted - including endcaps

  • All Pro-Loc decouplers secured to the counter/bench in back room

  • Electronic security devices security

  • All sensors have lights on - indicating equipment is working and powered

  • All alarm boxes are active and not plugged into dummies - spot check electronic security yo confirm they are working

EAS Compliance

EAS Compliance

  • EAS Gates are functioning correcty

  • EAS tags or EAS security is attached to all items over $50

  • Spider wrap security

  • Spot check high end items over $150 are spider wrapped

  • Spot check to ensure no loose spider wraps

  • Security releasers are secured and isolated from customer access

  • EAS deactivators are turned on and functioning correctly

  • EAS labels are secured and stored away from deactivators

  • Observe if staff respond to all EAS gate activations

Cash Handling

Cash Handling

  • Have all criteria meet in this section?

  • Daily banking is secured and stored appropriately

  • Check to ensure POD's are not being counted on the shop floor and are being carried outback in an appropriate and secure manner

  • No one enters or exits the store when money is being counted at cash up (Spot check 3 different days)

  • Registers balance

  • Change floats balance

  • Armaguard cash collection form is filled out correctly

  • Store safe is closed and locked

  • Front door is closed and locked during cashing up (Spot check 3 different days)

  • Is there only one person doing the cash pick up in the office

  • Cheques have store number endorsed on the back and are banked correctly, Cheque banking process followed correctly

  • All cash and POD's in the safe match the takings summary and there is no excess/unaccounted for cash in the safe

Backroom Security

Back Room Security

  • Secure cage/room/cabinets are locked at end of day

  • High value or at risk stock is secured in cage/room/cabinets

  • IMEI register and staff property register has been implemented

  • Safe combination has been changed - 6 monthly or if a management change has been done

  • CCTV

  • No cameras are out

  • All angles are correct

  • Quality of picture is clear

  • Motion detection at night/ night vision is good

  • External doors are secured and access limited

  • Are rubbish checks being completed regularly

  • Incoming stock is held separate to other stock and is processed in a timely manner



  • Are cash variances over $50 reported to Loss Prevention

  • Refund/Exchanges

  • All refunds are signed by the authorising manager

  • All refunds are signed by the customer

  • Spot check 3 days of refunds to ensure the totals match the daily e-report

  • All refunds have an original or reprinted receipt attached - if a reprint has been done check why

  • Check any purchases from other DS stores - ensure refunded total is correct

  • Legitimate customer details are entered - not "refused" etc.

  • Store Registers - Safe Folder

  • Key register fully updated

  • Out of hours alarm contacts list updated

  • POS authority report has levels appropriate to staff position

  • Merchant copies of credit card transactions are endorsed correctly

  • Key Register Compliance

  • being used daily to sign in and out keys

  • All sets are hard tagged to prevent theft

  • All keys are accounted for (6 for small, 10 for large)

  • Check keys are staying in store and not being taken home at night

  • Expiration stock is reviewed and rotated regularly

  • Price variance report compliance

  • Are all warranty sales within reasonable discounting rules

  • Is the store manager reviewing markdowns with staff

  • Are all red deal explanations valid

  • Day end paper work compliant

  • E-Reports signed off daily and no overdue reports

  • Negative stock report has no items over 7 days old

  • Negative write ons are valid and being investigated (Spot check to ensure SOH is not being inflated)

  • There are no unfinalized transfers or transactions over 14 days without explanation

  • Loan stock and customer orders are upto date and accounted for and follow up evidence is present at least weekly

  • Profit Maximisation Board compliant

  • Is the latest Loss figure updated

  • Is the latest Red Alert on display

  • Is the Profit Maximistiaon Poster on display

  • Have all previous audits and visit actions been completed and filed

  • Cyclic counts are completed correctly and are up to date with all variances identified and investigated

  • Is the visitors register being utilised

  • Daily item report compliant

  • Three daily item reports spot checked and up to date

  • All daily item reports filed appropriately and no reports are missing

  • Petty cash usage compliant

  • Store is using stationary supplier where possible

  • Petty cash processing is done with the appropriate cash in/cash out process and text

  • all petty cash transactions have invoices/receipts attached

  • Team are not serving themselves when processing a petty cash refund

  • Solvup jobs are processed and shipped with no excess jobs left in backroom and no stock with "needs repair" notes left on it

  • Returned customer repairs booked in and evidence of customer contact and follow up can be sighted

  • WR1 products are appropriately consolidated and the required paperwork attached.

  • Finance contracts are faxed/sent appropriately and filed

External Security/Safety & Environment

External Security/Safety & Environment

  • All door locks are functional

  • Trellis door/roller door/entry door track and locks are functional and clear of debris

  • Lighting is sufficient for staff safety and security after hours

  • Safety documentation is compliant

  • Health and Safety policy current and displayed

  • Rehabilitation policy current and displayed

  • Safety reporting line poster displayed

  • Employee support line poster displayed

  • Store emergency contacts up to date

  • Safety pack completed, signed and filed appropriatly

  • Condition of entry signs and CCTV in operation signs are in good condition and clearly visible on entry

  • Stock room organisation compliance

  • No heavy items on top shelves

  • Aisles are clear and accessable

  • Stockroom is organised for easy access

  • Fire regulation compliance

  • Fire extinguisher tests are in date

  • Fire equipment are unobstructed and clear

  • Fire exits are clear and unobstructed

  • Fire exit signs are in place an illuminated

  • Meeting points have been assigned

  • Evacuation plans are up to date

Stock Integrity

Stock Integrity

  • Is the Area Manager and Loss Prevention aware of all stock loss over $150 or of secure items

  • Price integrity compliant

  • 10 random price tickets valid

  • Missing gaps are less than 10 items

  • Missing tickets are less than 10 items

  • No expired promotional tickets are on display

  • No expired redemption signage is on display

  • Is scan the gaps being completed at least once a week

  • Memory product compliant

  • All mobile phones are sealed with quality assured stickers if previously opened

  • All hard drives are sealed with quality assured stickers if previously opened

  • Quarantine section is setup and being used

  • Stock Integrity compliant (Count 5 lines to check SOH is correct)

  • Requisites use compliant

  • J Cat consumables written off to REQ not SCA

  • SET used for security write offs

  • CA1/CA2 used for capital expenditure items

  • No refunds are being transacted to sundries, all refunds have active CAT codes

Team Understanding

Team Understanding

  • Does the SM/DM know their YTD loss result, and last years final YTD loss result

  • Do the team have an understanding of how the store is tracking YTD (good or bad? Above target or below?)

  • Can team members demonstrate an appropriate understanding of profitable deals

  • Can staff demonstrate an appropriate understanding on the returns process

  • Do team members whom book in stock understand how to process a TLR/DDI?

  • Do staff know required ID requiements

  • Prepaid mobile phones (Sighted current ID

  • Refunds ( Verbal name, address and phone number where able)

  • Sales over $1000 (Verbal name, address for tax)

  • Finance (Valid photo ID)

  • Customer Orders (Verbal name, address, phone number)

  • Cheques (Valid photo ID, name, postal address verified in white pages, valid land line)

  • Stolen goods complaint

  • Do managers know how to write on recovered items

  • Do staff know how to deal with and report stolen items

General Comments

General Comments

  • Signed by Store Manager

  • Signed by auditor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.