Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Profit Protection Compliance Audit

  • Location

  • Conducted on

  • Profit Protection Manager

  • Location
  • Personnel

Physical Security and standards.

  • Perimeter check - signs of damage/attempted break in

  • Condition of car park and store entrance.

  • Photo's of car park and store entrance.

  • Bullet locks for external shutters.

  • Condition of doors and locks.

  • Security of store, safe and till keys. Should be in possession of MoD

  • General standards of counter area.

  • Photo's of counter area

  • Data Protection - no till or card receipts lying around. Quotes filed away and not left on counter.

  • Cybertill - staff logged off from back office?

  • Clocking in/out - all staff on a daily basis

  • Security of iPad/tablet. IPad should be in lock if available. Not to be left in view of public.

  • Check for misuse of iPad/tablet.

  • Office door closed and secure.

  • CCTV check - unit recording, time and date correct.

  • CCTV coverage of safe, tills and entrance

  • PIR - all activate and unobstructed

  • Check key holder information on Touch

  • Late open/early close signals

  • Cleanliness of toilets and kitchen area

  • Toilet and kitchen photo's

  • Warehouse standards

  • Warehouse photo's

  • General store standards

  • Store photo's

  • Pricing standards

  • Quote file standards

Cash Management

  • Safe check - value of cash to be banked, number of days takings

  • Till check

  • Start of day float - denominational breakdown recorded and slip signed

  • Check for closing to opening float variances

  • Session Z-Read showing evidence of being checked and signed prior to EoD?

  • Cash, Finance and cheque amounts recorded correctly?

  • Full transaction listing printed and showing evidence of being checked?

  • PDQ end of day report printed out daily and showing evidence of being checked?

  • Cash paperwork complete and correctly filed?

  • Check refunds for customer signatures.

  • Refund policy being adhered to

  • Cash lifts being performed when prompted?

  • Session declaration/banking being performed on a daily basis?

  • Check banking confirmation against cash held in safe.

  • Discounts with required authorisation

  • Check Finance Report. Auth codes correctly recorded with last 4 digits of card

  • Check debtors report

  • Check store Trade account usage

  • Check petty cash report against receipts

  • Petty cash paperwork sent to Accounts?

Stock Management

  • Inventory checks completed as per requirements?<br>

  • Stock adjustment reports emailed on a weekly basis?

  • Review adjustments

  • Inventory and adjustment paperwork filed correctly?

  • Check no minus report, clear off any non stock items<br>

  • Delivery paperwork showing evidence of being checked and signed

  • Delivery paperwork filed correctly together with booking in receipts.

  • Check segregation and labelling of customer orders.

  • Mail orders pending review - question historic requested by dates

  • Review IBT's

  • Check segregation and labelling of IBT's

  • Review purchase orders

  • Review faulty/damaged stock. Is stock segregated and accounted for. Damage reports completed and attached to stock?

  • Check free stock valuation. Check for continue sale issues

Compliance understanding

Understanding of Trade account procedures

  • What is the process for signing up a new Trader?

  • If a prospective trader wishes to purchase immediately, what type of account is to be set up?

  • What is the refund policy with regards to Traders?

Understanding of Refund Procedure

  • What are the parameters of the refund policy?

  • Whose authorisation is required if a customer wishes to return goods outside the refund policy?

  • Give full details on how a refund is processed on Cybertill and what paperwork is required

Understanding of IBT and Home Delivery Procedures

  • What are the procedures if a customer requires stock from another store which requires a 3rd part collection?<br>

  • What needs to be completed to arrange a 3rd party collection? Who is this sent to?

  • What are the full responsibilities of the sending store?

Understanding of cash management procedures

  • Explain the full start of day procedures

  • Explain what banking details are required on a weekly basis and when and who they are to be sent to

  • Explain the full end of day procedures with regards to cash management

Understanding of IFC and Mandate procedures

  • What is the minimum deposit for an IFC

  • Who should Insurance Mandate details be sent to

  • How is an IFC or Mandate processed on Cybertill if the customer is not taking the goods there and then and is not having the floor fitted by us?

Understanding of Delivery Procedures

  • What are the full delivery procedures

  • What is the process if you have damages on the delivery

  • What is the process if you have a delivery discrepancy

Sales figures

  • What is the store sales target for the month?

  • What percentage of target is the store on as of the end of play yesterday?

  • What is the stores current Gross Margin

Inventory Check

Inventory check

  • Laminate count - 10 lines

  • Wood count - 10 lines

  • Accessories/Underlay count - 10 lines


Profit Protection comments

Remedial action required

  • Time frame for completion

Store comments

  • Store signature

  • PPM signature

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