Store Information
Store Number:
Store Name:
Review completed by: by:
Role of person completing review:
What was the last inventory result?
Total Longlife (excluding Liquor)
General Merchandise:
Front of Store:
Cigarettes & Tobacco:
Store Managers name
Group Manager Name
Group Number
Operations Managers Name:
- 11 (WA)
- 12 (WA)
- 21 (SA/NT)
- 22 (SA/NT)
- 31 (Vic/Tas)
- 32 (Vic/Tas)
- 33 (Vic/Tas)
- 34 (Vic/Tas)
- 35 (Vic/Tas)
- 36 (Vic/Tas)
- 41 (NSW/ACT)
- 42 (NSW/ACT)
- 43 (NSW/ACT)
- 44 (NSW/ACT)
- 45 (NSW/ACT)
- 46 (NSW/ACT)
- 51 (Qld)
- 52 (Qld)
- 53 (Qld)
- 54 (Qld)
- 55 (Qld)
BWS Area Managers name
Review Commenced:
General Merchandise & Groceries
Product Integrity
01. Is the top 20 OOC bulletin actioned weekly, signed by SM and stored with weekly DGMS?
Why not? How is the store managing the risk of potential out of dates identified in other stores?
Why not? Is the store management team aware this is an auditable item, and designed to protect them form potential date code breaches?
02. Are rotation checks completed as per LongLife rotation calendar and min 8 weeks entered into 5-5-5?
Why not? How is the store protecting itself potential Date Code issues and along with Dumps and Clearance Issues?
For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 08. Administration / 04. Shrinkage and Loss Prevention / Long - Short Life Rotation Check Calendar..... -
03. Does the clearance trolley only contain repaired stock on top shelf and deleted lines on shelves 2 and 3 as per Wave 0 Roll Out?
Why actions is the store using to clear repaired stock?
Add a photo of the clearance trolley
For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Management / 06. Inventory Management / 02. Markdowns, Clearance and Dumps / 07 Long Life - Reduce for Quick Sale Trolley -
04. Are 5-5-5 (Date Code) reports actioned daily? (Wave 0: First markdown upto 25% / Second markdown upto 50%)
Why not?
For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Management / 06. Inventory Management / 02. Markdowns, Clearance and Dumps / 03. Date Code Checks -
05. Are follow up markdowns being completed on existing stock to clear slow lines? (Wave 0: First markdown upto 25% / Second markdown upto 50% as per Wave 0)
Why not? What is the store doing to protect its profits?
06. Are date code checks and markdowns being completed 7 days per week? (Check reports from weekend)
Why not?
For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 08. Administration / 04. Shrinkage and Loss Prevention / Long - Short Life Rotation Check Calendar.....
Product Security
07. Are high theft risk lines managed with smart stock fill levels? ie: shelves are not over filled in section such as skincare & razors
Why not?
Add photos.
08. Are the Shelf Capacities & MPL's maintained to reflect shelf holding and no signs of defensive merchandising (eg Adhoc advising stock is available at service desk - this is no longer acceptable practice)?
Why not?
09. Are batteries identified with store number?
Add a photo of the batteries showing the numbers on the packaging. (front of packet is more of a deterrant)
Why not?
Add a photo of the batteries showing the numbers on the packaging. (Note: front of packet is a better deterrant)
Why not?
Add a photo of the batteries showing the numbers on the packaging. (Note: front of packet is a better deterrant)
Add a photo of the batteries showing that store number is not being recorded on the packaging. (Note: front of packet is a better deterrant)
10. Are razors identified with store number?
Add a photo of the batteries showing the numbers on the packaging. (Note: front of packet is a better deterrant)
Why not?
Why not?
Add a photo of the batteries showing the numbers on the packaging. (Note: front of packet is a better deterrant)
Why not?
For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Management / 07. Fill / 04. Security When Filling
Deleted Line Maintenence
11. Do deleted lines have correct price integrity shelf label? (Using an RF Gun in Price Check sample at least 12 lines from two different aisles)
Why not? What is the process breakdown?
12. Are deleted lines PI counts correct?
Why not? Does the store understand the impact on the Markdown Percentage driven by days stock on hand which in turn is generated by the PI count being accurate?
13. Is the store clearing deletions using correct deletion batches?
Why Not? Does the store understand that deletions moved into the incorrect batches will move the entire markdown to that bucket including the Deleted markdown component?
14. Are deletions being cleared within deletion batch and no evidence of RTC or clearance batch used?
Why not? Does the store understand that placing RTC Stickers on deleted items or placing into clearance batches moves the entire markdown into the clearance bucket including the deleted markdown?
DELETED LINES / MARKDOWNS -refer Storenet/Store services/Back office/ Discontinued Lines
AutoStockR / Stock Management
For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Managment / 03. AutoStockR / Longlife Inventory Mangement / Longlife Invenotry Management Operating Manual -
15. Are PI verifications completed weekly?
Why not?
16. Are weekly SOH adjustments reviewed and investigated where applicable?
Why not? Does the store understand the financial impact on the monthly profit if an error gets through once Galaxy has gone live in the store?
17. What were the last 3 weeks SOH adjustment results - General merchandise?
Week 1 - $
Week 2 - $
Week 3 - $
18. What were the last 3 weeks. SOH adjustment results -Grocery?
Week 1 - $
Week 2 - $
Week 3 - $
19. Are last nights overs investigated for PI accuracy?
Why not?
20. Is stock rotated in Vitamins section? (Random check section)
21. Is stock rotated in Health Food section? (Random check section)
For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Managment / 07. Fill / 02. Stock Filling -
22. Is high risk PERMAMENT off location Grocery stock entered. Into 5-5-5 function? (Eg boxed chocolates etc)
Why not?
For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Management / 08. Compliance / 01 Good Fresh Food Practices
Action Plans
Action plan - discuss findings with manager on duty and organise time for debrief with Group Manager & Store MAnager within next 7 days
Notes regarding Action Plan
Action plan to be returned by
Summary Notes
Report completed on:
Manager on duty signature
Name of signee.