Store Information

  • Store Number:

  • Store Name:

  • State:

  • Review completed by: by:

  • Role of person completing review:

  • Store Managers name

  • Group Manager Name

  • Group Number

  • Operations Managers Name:

  • Zone:

  • BWS Area Managers name (if applicable)

  • Review Commenced:

Checkouts & Front of Store

Front End Security

  • 01. Are all unmanned registers secure with chain and trolley ?

  • a. How many registers have been left signed on?

  • Add a photo of the front end showing the registers are unsecured.

  • Did you ask for the service team to remedy the situation or do so yourself?

  • Name of person asked?

  • Did they secure the registers as asked?

  • 02. Are opened registers covering the following sections?<br>This is in line with our policy on order of opening checkouts and place to allow observation of risk areas from the checkouts.

  • For more information please refer to: Storenet / 02. Store Services / 10. Loss Prevention / 02. Front end Security

  • Priority 1 - Express Checkouts?

  • Priority 2 - Self Checkouts?

  • Priority 3 - Pram/Wheel Chair Access Reister?

  • Priority 4 - With a view of the Health & Beauty Aisle?

  • Priority 5 - Witha view of the Wanzel Gates?

  • Priority 6 - With a view of the Electrical Aisle?

  • Priority 7 - With a view of the Vitamin Section?

  • Priority 8 - With a view of the Confectionary Aisle?

  • Find a discreet location outside the front of the store where you can observe the actions of the service team.

  • 03. Observer at least three (3) cashiers for the following actions?

  • Cashier
  • Name of Cashier

  • Time of observation:

  • Type of Register

  • During the observation period, how many customers did they fail to politely asked, "Do you have any outside bags or parcels to be checked?"

  • 04. Are Checkpoint detachers secured on unmanned registers?

  • How many detachers were left unsecured?

  • Did you ask for the service team to remedy the situation or do so yourself?

  • Name of person asked?

  • Did they secure the registers as asked?

Self Checkouts (SCO)

  • 05. Does the store have a bank of Self Checkouts

  • l. If there are displays built around the SCO Queue Management Straps, is the dispaly or Point of Sale clear of obstructing CCTV vision of any SCO registers?

  • Why not?

  • Please note: Antifatigue mats in this area, are a sign that the SCO attendant is standing on the one spot and are a trip hazard in a high traffic area.

  • a. Is SCO attendant manouvering around the SCO area in a figure 8 motion in line with the New Training pack launched in November 2014?

  • What is the attendendant doing?

  • b. Is SCO attendant engaging with customers?

  • What behaviours is the SCO attendant exhibiting?

  • c.. Does SCO attendant politely ask the customers, "Do you have any outside bags or parcels to be checked?"

  • What behaviours were observed in relation to bag checking?

  • d. Is the SCO attendant checking trolleys and prams for items that may not have been scanned through the SCO register?

  • What behavours were observed in relation to checking of trolleys and prams?

  • e. Does SCO attendant monitor the register screen transactions to identify mis-scanning?

  • What behaviours did you observe in relation to monitoring of items being scanned?

  • f. Has SCO attendant completed the updated training in SCO theft and fraud risks rolled out in November 2014? (TCR SSC014 - Wave Zero Serlf Serve Training)

  • Name of SCO Attendant checked for training sign off.

  • For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 02. Store Services / 02. Customer Service / 14. How to be a successful Self Chechout Out Attendant.

  • g. Check CCTV Footage from the previous evening. Was the Self Checkout Area Left unattended?

  • What did you observe?

  • What time did you observe the SCO area left unattended on the CCTV footage?

  • h. Is SCO Attendant carrying mobile detachers?

  • Did you ask for the SCO Attendant to remedy the situation or do so yourself?

  • Name of person asked?

  • Did they obtain a detacher to utilise for customer requriements?

  • i. Are both mobile detachers kept secure & accounted for instore?

  • What process is the store putting in place to ensure these items are secured and accounted for?

  • j. Is SCO Attendant carrying check seals as per Wave 1 shrinkage training?

  • Did you ask for the SCO Attendant to remedy the situation or do so yourself?

  • Name of person asked?

  • Did they obtain a detacher to utilise for customer requriements?

  • k. Are the queue management straps (rolled out between December 2014 & February 2015) set up to encourage customers to queue against service desk keeping area between registers and aisles free for customer flow?

  • Why not?

  • For information on which stores were getting extra Queue management straps, set up suggestions and signage use the below link

  • For more information please refer to: Storenet / 02. Store Services / 10. Loss Prevention / 02. Front end Security

EAS (Electronic Article Surveilance)

  • 06. Is daily check completed on EAS antennas?

  • a. Why Not?

  • Add a photo of the Daily Check Log.

  • l. If there are displays built around the SCO Queue Management Straps, is the dispaly or Point of Sale clear of obstructing CCTV vision of any SCO registers?

  • Why not?

  • Complete a check of the EAS antennas yourself. Does your test match the Daily Check Log

  • What did discrepancies were found?

  • 07. Is daily check completed on register deactivates using the DV1000? (A complete system check)

  • a. Why Not?

  • Add a photo of the Daily Check Log.

  • Complete a check of the EAS deactivators yourself. Does your test match the Daily Check Log

  • What did discrepancies were found?

  • 08. Have all operators had refresher training on EAS equipment and system response?

  • (Training can be coordinated with your State Loss Prevention Adviser for Checkpoint to attend your store if required)

  • 09. Are staff using correct response to EAS alarms?

  • a. What process is the store putting in place to ensure this is rectified?

  • 10. Are EAS antenna lights clearly visible above any marketing material?

  • 11. Are CSM/Service Supervisors looking over to any EAS alarm activations to monitor staff response?

  • 12. Are operators responding to all EAS alarm activations?

  • 13. Are CSM/Service Supervisors providing support/training for operator alarm response?

  • (Training can be coordinated with your State Loss Prevention Adviser for Checkpoint to attend your store if required)

Asset Protection Program

Vitamins Section

  • 01. Are Berocca shelf limiters in place & stock not overfilled?

  • 02. Are Centrum shelf limiters in place & stock not overfilled?

  • Add a photo of the section

Cosmetics Section

  • 03. Are limiters fitted to hooks on all black mascara & eyeliner varieties to limit stock on display?<br>(Please use the plastic receipt roll tubes from shopper dockets as limiters rather than purchasing tubing #EveryCentCounts)

  • 04. Have yellow 'Security Protected' stickers been applied to all black mascara & eyeliner varieties?

  • Add a photo of the section

Skin Care Section

  • 05. Are all Loreal/Olay lines displayed in safers?<br>(Stockweight should not be constrained by reduced MPL's or Shelf Capacities and all products should be in displayed in safers)

  • 06. Are all Bio-Oil lines displayed in safers?

  • Add a photo of the section

Hair Care Section

  • 07. Have clear padlock (EAS) stickers been applied to all 3 Macadamia lines? (Shampoo, Rinse, Repair Masque)

  • Add a photo of the section

  • 08. Are all Organix Moroccan Argan Oil displayed in safers?

  • Add a photo of the section

Dental Care Section

  • 09. Are spider wraps securely in place on Colgate electric toothbrushes?

  • 10. Are the following 4 Colgate lines displayed in safers? (Both Optic Wht T/B + Pens, Both Pro Clinical T/B refills 4pk)

  • 11. Are hang tags securely applied to Oral B lines? (PC500 Power Toothbrush, Vitality Rechargeable +2 refills, Floss Action Pwr T/B)

  • Add a photo of the section

  • 12. Are Sensodyne shelf limiters in place & stock not overfilled (filled within the guidance of the LTO Process)?

  • Add a photo of the section

Mens Razors & Toiletries Section

  • 13. Are Spider Wraps fitted securely to all Braun mens electric shaver lines?

  • Add a photo of the section

  • 15. Are Razor Blades clearly labelled with Store number for identification?<br>(With Stamp or Permament Marker - this assists in identifying stock recovered by authorities)

  • Add a photo of the section

  • 14. Are Helix Hooks operational on ALL Razor Blade Refill Cartridges & are all blade packs store numbered? <br>Check womens as well.

Baby Needs Section - Formula Caps were not included in Phase III

  • 16. Are baby formula caps in place on specified 5 lines? (S26 Gold Toddler, S26 Gold Progress, S26 Original, Karicare Aptamil Gold 3 & Karicare Aptamil Gold 4)

  • Add a photo of the section

Medicinal Section

  • 17. Are Panadol & Nurofen shelf limiters in place?

  • 18. Are Panadol & Nurofen stock not overfilled (filled within the guidance of the LTO Process)?

  • Add a photo of the section

  • 19. Are all Nicabate CQ patches & breath strips displayed in safers?

  • 20. Are all Nicorette Quick Mist Sprays displayed in safers?

  • Add a photo of the section

  • 21. Are all Optrex Actimist varieties displayed in safers?

  • Add a photo of the section

  • 22. Are all Zorvirax Cold Sore Creams displayed in safers?

  • Add a photo of the section

  • 23. Are Voltaren Emulgel shelf limiters in place & stock not overfilled?

  • Add a photo of the section

Finger Scanner in HBA aisle and Customer Engagement

  • 24. Does the store have the Finger Scanner located in the HBA Aisle?

  • Add a photo of the finger scanner unit showing its location in the aisle

  • a. Do staff using the finger scanner understand what to monitor whilst in HBA? (Question 3 staff)

  • Team Member
  • Do staff using the finger scanner understand what to monitor whilst in HBA?

  • b. Observe staff using finger-scanner. Did they engage with customers present in Health & Beauty aisle?

  • What did you observe?

Apparel Section

  • 26. Do all Bonds mens/womens underwear display hard-tags? <br>(Check for prepack bins or displays)

  • Add a photo of the section & display(s) if present.

Confectionary Aisle

  • 27. Are hook limiters in place on gum lines?<br>(Please use the plastic receipt roll tubes from shopper dockets as limiters rather than purchasing tubing #EveryCentCounts)

  • 28. Are gum lines on display minimised with no evidence of over-filling?<br>(Baskets spun round with low lip to front of shelf)

  • Add a photo of the section

Electrical Aisle

  • 29. Are lithium/rechargable batteries displayed in safers?

  • 30. Do all batteries on display show branch stamps/store number?

  • Add a photo of the section

Pet Care Section

  • 31. Do all Petcare tablets have tamper seals & yellow/orange 'Security Protected' stickers applied?<br>(Please use the plastic receipt roll tubes from shopper dockets as limiters rather than purchasing tubing #EveryCentCounts)

  • Add a photo of the section

Auto Section

  • 32. Are all Dupont Scratch Pens displayed in safers?

  • Add a photo of the section

Defensive Merchandising

  • Defensive merchandising is the practice of removing stock or constraining stock weight on the fixture and replacing with signage advising the customer the stock is available on request by contacting the customer service desk.
    This form of merchandising is no longer deemed acceptable due to impact on customer shopper experience and sales.

  • 33. During your review of the protected lines, did you observe any evidence of defensive merchandising such as stock removed from show and adhoc signage advising customers stock is available at Service Desk?

  • What did you observe?

  • Add a photo(s) of any defensive merchandising that you observed.

  • Please remove the adhoc signage and arrange with Store Management to return stock to fixtures.

Product Security

  • 34. Are high theft risk lines managed with smart stock fill levels? <br>ie: shelves are not over filled in section such as skincare & razors and filled within the guidance of the LTO Process (not hanging off the front of the shelf or stacked on top other stock)

  • Why not?

  • Add photos.

  • 35. Are the Shelf Capacities & MPL's maintained to reflect the correct shelf holding and no signs of defensive merchandising (eg Adhoc advising stock is available at service desk - this is no longer acceptable practice)?

  • Why not?

  • For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Management / 07. Fill / 04. Security When Filling


  • 01. Does the store have a RTC bay set up with adequate Point of sale?

  • Please add an image of the Reduce to Clear bay in the Perishables Department.

  • 02. Are markdowns actioned daily?

  • Why Not? What process is the store putting in place to protect store profits?

  • For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Management / 06. Inventory Management / 02. Markdowns, Clearance and Dumps / 03. Date Code Checks

  • 03. View the Dump Stock Log for the last 3 weeks. Have ALL opportunities been taken for eggs, juices and milk claims?

  • What process is the store putting in place to protect store profits?

  • What did you identify?

Receiving & Stockroom

Damaged Stock / Repair Station / Waste

  • 01. Is the Receiving Quick Reference Guide affixed to the wall at the receiving bay?

  • Why not?

  • 02. Is repair station set up as per guidelines?

  • Why not?

  • 03. Is damaged stock area actioned daily?

  • Why not? What actions is the store putting place to address this moving forward?

  • 04. Does damaged stock champion have a clear understanding of what can be repaired and sold?

  • What is the Damaged Stock Champions understanding?

  • For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Management / 06. Inventory Management / 02. Markdowns, Clearance and Dumps / 01. Would I Buy It?

  • 05. Are bins kept locked and only unlocked by Store Management team?

  • Why not?

  • 06. Are clear garbage bags being used for the disposal of store rubbish?

  • Why? Does the store understand the benefit of Clear Garbage bags?


  • 07. Is current days Order's by Expected Date available at receiving area?

  • A request for the Fine Department Listing should be made through the State Commerical Annalyst at the State Office.

  • 08. Is the RF unit available at the receiving area?

  • Why not? What process is the store using to receive deliveries?

  • 09. Are deliveries entered in RF unit at point of receiving?

  • What actions is the store taking to ensure compliance, eliminate errors and protect profit?

  • 10. Are all 4 store stamps located at receiving area? (DGMS, STC, Discrepancy, GRN)

  • Why not? What process is the store using to receive deliveries?

  • No. What stamps are missing and what has been done about it?

  • 11. Are refrigerated deliveries having receival temperatures recorded on delivery paperwork and entered into the RF gun when processed?

  • Why not? What process is the store using to ensure cold chain is maintained?

Backdock & Store Room Security, Safety & Invoice Processing

  • 12. Are back dock keys secure when not in use?

  • Why not? What did you observe?

  • Add a photo of where the keys were left unattended.

  • 13. Are invoices / delivery dockets kept secure?

  • Why not? How is the store ensuring they have not lost any invoices throughout the day?

  • Take a photo of the receiving desk showing docekets left unsecured.

  • 14. Are all received eDSD deliveries stamped with store verification stamp?

  • Why not?

  • 15. Is the GRN (Goods Received Number) generated when invoice is received, recorded on the invoice with the GRN Stamp?

  • Why? What did you observe?

  • 16. Are receiving team using discrepancy process for any eDSD anomalies? (Including stamping)

  • Why not?

  • For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Management / 02. Receive / 05. Receiving an eDSD Delivery - End to End Process / 01 Receiving an eDSD Delivery – End to End Process

  • 17. Are subject to check vendors invoices received line by line once full delivery is checked in full?

  • Why not? What did you observe?

  • 18. Is the store using STC stamp and recording the number of crates/ cartons on the invoice?<br>Please note: some courier companies are now utilising sign on glass and have a tick box on rf gun instead of stamping on invoices

  • Why not?

  • For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Management / 02. Receive / 09. Other Deliveries / 06 Receiving Subject to Check Vendors

  • 19. Is all security stock placed into secure storage?

  • Why not?

  • Add a photo of what you observed

  • 20. IS the HBA Cabinet locked and stored in a secure area?

  • Why not?

Administration & Cash Office

Invoice Reconciliation (Store Central)

  • 01. Is store completing weekly Invoice Reconciliation screen in Store Central being reviewed to ensure all eInvoices discrepancies are investigated and resolved?

  • a. Were you able to identify any GRN's outside of Tolerance (+/- $20) without a corresponding correction (adj)

  • Please notate details of unactioned GRN's issues

  • Add Details
  • GRN Date

  • GRN Number

  • GRN Amount

  • Invoice Amount

  • Vendor Packs

  • Difference

  • b. Are the discrepancies being followed up in store?

  • For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 02. Store Services / 01. Administration / 02. Reconciliation Administration / IP Process / 01. Store Central - eDGMS Discrepancies and Invoice Reconciliation Report

  • 02. Are invoices from previous week checked and reconciled against weekly DGMS?

  • Why not?

  • 03. Are previous days eDGMS invoices checked to ensure all invoices are accounted for?

  • Why not?

  • 04. Has each invoice been stamped with process stamp and GRN recorded?

  • Why not?

  • For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Management / 02. Receive / 05. Receving an eDSD Delivery - End to End Process / 01 Receiving an eDSD Delivery – End to End Process

  • For more information please refer to: StoreNet / 01. Stock Management / 02. Receive / 09. Other Deliveries / 06. Receiving Subject to Check Deliveries

Deleted Line Maintenence

  • 05. Are deleted lines placed on to shelf 2 and 3 (as per Wave 0) or in an agreed sales area leaving stockroom free of deleted lines?

  • Why Not? Does the store understand that deletions moved into the incorrect batches will move the entire markdown to that bucket including the Deleted markdown component?

  • 06. Are deletions being cleared within deletion batch and no evidence of RTC or clearance batch used?

  • Why not? Does the store understand that placing RTC Stickers on deleted items or placing into clearance batches moves the entire markdown into the clearance bucket including the deleted markdown?

  • DELETED LINES / MARKDOWNS -refer Storenet/Store services/Back office/ Discontinued Lines

Action Plans

Action plan - discuss findings with manager on duty and organise time for debrief with Group Manager & Store MAnager within next 7 days

  • Notes regarding Action Plan

  • Action plan to be returned by

Summary Notes

  • Notes:

  • Report completed on:

  • Manager on duty signature

  • Name of signee.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.