Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are there sufficient first aid kits in the workplace and are all their contents in date?<br>- Check expiry dates on contents<br>- Sharps kit included in first aid kit
Is there a SDS (Safety Data Sheet) register on site and has it been reviewed in the last 2 years?
Is the site shed protected by an RCD?
Is electrical equipment tested and tagged and are they current?
Is there a person responsible for first aid on site, are they appropriately trained and there details displayed?<br>- Details displayed in the site office
Have all hazardous chemicals been identified, labelled and stored correctly?<br>- Stored on bunds<br>- Each hazardous chemical labelled
Is there a spills kit located on site?
Are there fire extinguishers on site, are they accessible and in date?<br>- Extinguishers appropriately marked<br>- Extinguisher test dates in date
Is the below signage and mandatory signage in place and is it sufficient?<br>- First Aid<br>- Fire Extinguisher<br>- Hazardous Chemicals<br>- PPE<br>- Site Contacts
Are appropriate measures in place to prevent unauthorised entry?
Does the site have the following amenities and are they clean and tidy?<br>- Toilets<br>- Hand Washing Facilities<br>- Clean Water
Is the sites storage area clean, tidy and appropriately ventilated?
Is PPE available, suitable to task, in good condition and used correctly?
Are barricades correctly erected around work areas, in good condition and are safety caps on all star pickets?
Are all trenches benched, shored, battered, certified and have all necessary control measures in place as per the regulations?<br>- All trenches over 1.5m benched, shored or battered<br>- Benching or battering not more than 1.5m:1m<br>- Access and egress of trench is suitable<br>- Adequate access ladders for deep trenching
Are daily pre-start checks been conducted on plant and machinery?<br>- Pick a few machines and site evidence
Are safety pins on excavators inserted?
Are warning lights and reversing beepers operating?
Is the general housekeeping on site good?<br>- Well organised<br>- Free from litter / unconfined rubbish
Is the site compound area sufficiently stabilised, free draining (i.e no water ponding) and access points minimised to control vehicle movements
Does the site have an appropriate system/s in place to prevent excessive sedimentation / mud on adjacent roads?<br>- Shake grid installed at the sites entries / exits<br>- Wash down facility for vehicles / machinery tyres<br>- Sealed roads leading in and out of sites
Are all roads leading in and out of the site free from dirt, excessive sedimentation or mud?
Do all site stockpiles meet the below requirements?<br>- Located at least 20m away from water bodies and away from flow paths<br>- Have appropriate sediment fencing around the base of the stockpile<br>- Stockpiles that are 10 days old or more adequately stabilised with hydromulch, mulch, or geofab?
Are all sediment fences installed correctly and free from damage?
Have sediment controls been placed next to or within stormwater inlets/outlets/drains and are they functioning and free from sediment deposition?
Are all reasonable and practical measures being performed to prevent sedimentation and contaminants leaving the site
Are clean water drains isolated from construction site run off?<br>- Drains stabilised<br>- Free from sediment deposition
Is dirty water flowing to sediment basins?<br>- Flowing via drainage channels / overland flow
Is there sediment basins on site and if the water in them is required to be released has it been flocked, tested and the test results recorded prior to release?
Contaminants or dirty water is not being discharged off site into adjacent properties, water bodies or existing stormwater infrastructure?
Are non-disturbance areas adequately protected, clearly marked and workers made aware of them?<br>- Trees to be kept identified and protected<br>- Enviro sensitive areas identified and protected
Is dust being managed on site?<br>- Are there an adequate amount of water trucks on site<br>- Are exposed areas stabilised where possible to minimise dust<br>- No dust is visually leaving site<br>- Dust monitors are in place if complaints have been received
Is noise being managed on site?<br>- Site operating within the allowed hours