Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Are entry signs displayed?
2. Are signs displayed identifying site first aider?
3. Are appropriate measures in place to prevent unauthorised entry?
4. Are barricades erected around the work areas and are they in good condition?
5. Are there sufficient first aid kits at the workplace?
6. Is there an MSDS register available on site?
7. Are chemicals correctly stored & Labelled?
8. Is a spills kit available?
9. Is fire equipment marked with a location marker?
10. Is PPE available, suitable to task, in good condition and used correctly?
11. Are trenches properly benched & battered?
12. Are daily machinery pre-start checks being conducted?
13. Are warning lights and reversing beepers operating?
14. Are electrical test and tags current?
15. Are toilets available?
16. Are public roadways clear of sediment / dirt?
17. Are entry/exit pads clear of excessive sediment deposition?
18. Are entry/exit aggregate materials large enough to not get carried away in truck tyres?
19. Is the site clear of litter and unconfined rubbish?
20. Is the management of dust being adequately controlled?
21. Have appropriate drainage and sediment controls been installed prior to new areas being cleared or disturbed?
22. Is clean water being appropriately diverted around the site in a non-erosive manner?
23. Are drainage lines free of soil scour and sediment deposition?
24. Are exposed soil areas appropriately covered against erosion?
25. Are earth batters free of ?rill? erosion?
26. Are long term stockpiles protected from wind, rain and stormwater flow with appropriate drainage and erosion controls?
27. Are sediment fences free from excessive sediment and damage?
28. Is sediment-laden water flowing or filtering through sediment traps?
29. Have sediment traps been placed next to or within stormwater inlets and drains?
30. Are all sediment traps free of excessive sediment deposition?
31. Is the sediment layer within a sediment basin clearly visible before discharge?
32. Are all reasonable and practicable measures being taken to control sediment runoff from the site?
33. Are soil surfaces being properly prepared prior to revegetation?
34. Do stabilised surfaces have a minimum of 70% soil coverage?
35. Is the site adequately prepared for potential storms?
36. Are all sections of kerb and footpaths installed in good condition?
37. Are all other concrete works installed in good condition?
38. Is the surface of all sections of new road in good condition?
39. Is all road furniture in good physical condition?