Audit Title
Site Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site manager
Project manager Responsible.
Follow up
Have issues/recommendations raised in previous audit been addressed? If so, what?
Site welfare
Take a random person on site for audit purposes and check they have signed in & out of site. Record their name ?
Has the selected individual been inducted? - Evidence this with a photo
Has the Site Manager recorded the individuals CSCS card number and expiry date inclusive of asbestos awareness certificate and any other relevant certification (IPAF/PASMA)? Evidence this with a photo.
Ask the individual to explain to you where asbestos is present on site?
Are all the documents on the site noticeboard still up-to-date (Site Manager details and certificates, Fire Action Notice, Insurances in date)? Evidence with a photo.
Has a temporary electrical installation certificate been issued? Provide photographic evidence.
Is the up-to-date programme displayed? Please state revision number/issue date. Provide detail as to how the build is progressing against the programme.
Are the latest revisions of the drawings on site? Use file browser to check latest revisions. Evidence any drawings which are incorrect.
Is the datum point clearly defined on site by the issued poster and has this been checked against the drawing? Provide evidence of dimensional check.
Have the previously chosen individuals RAMS been signed? Evidence with a photo.
Is site paperwork (eg means of escape/fire extinguisher/site safety inspection forms) up-to-date?
Are permits to work being issued where needed? Select an activity currently taking place on site and evidence the relevant permits.
Have there been any accidents on site? If so please provide detail.
Have there been any Spotlights on site? List any that have happened during audit.
Is the first aid kit fully stocked? Evidence this with a photo.
Are the site office, canteen & toilets all clean & tidy? Evidence this with a photo.<br>
Is there enough soap, toilet paper & blue towels? Please state if anything else needs providing.
Site specific hazards
Have there been any asbestos removal works?
If so, has a clean air certificate (licensed removal) or reoccupation certificate (non-licensed removal) been issued? Evidence with a photo.
Are there any planned lifting works and, if so, is there a lifting plan in place (answer n/a if there are no planned lifting works)? If there are planned lifting works, please provide detail.
Are there are roof/high level works which require site specific working at height risk assessments? If so, please provide explanation.
Please include picture of safely isolated electrical circuits (lock off device, padlock and signage where possible)
Site compound
Is the compound secure? Evidence with a photo.
Is pedestrian/traffic segregation in place? Evidence with a photo.
Is the site compound clear of rubbish? Evidence with a photo.
Are skips being emptied as needed? Confirm this with the Site Manager.
Is there a suitable designated smoking area? Evidence with a photo.
Working at height
Has any aluminium tower scaffold been erected by a PASMA trained operative? Evidence with a photo.
Has any scaffold been erected by a competent CISRS trained operative? Evidence with a photo.
Is there valid inspection documentation available for the scaffold? Evidence with a photo.<br>
Is the access equipment/MEWP/Cherry-picker suitable for the task? Provide detail as to why it is.
If harnesses are being used, are they the correct type and being used correctly? Evidence with a photo.
Do the operators have the correct ticket for the equipment they are using? Evidence with a photo.
Are the machines isolated when not in use (key in site hut and not left in machine)? Evidence with a photo.
Are the machines in serviceable condition?
Are all contractors wearing required PPE? Select an activity and provide photographic evidence of PPE being worn for that activity.
Are all contractors wearing RI branded hi-vis vest? Do not include Client Directs.
Is the unit clean & tidy, and free from rubbish?
Slips, trips & falls - any concerns? Evidence these with photos, please state what is being done to manage these concerns.
Are the electrics isolated correctly and barriered off? Evidence with a photo.
Are all emergency routes clear & free of obstructions? Walk the routes, can you get to the assembly point without being obstructed by storage of equipment, building materials or trip hazards? Detail obstructions.
Is there adequate fire exit signage?
Are the fire points compliant? (in line with site set up info pack)
Noise, vibration & hot works
Are excavations being carried out under a Permit to Work system, barriered off and covered? Evidence with a photo.
Are good manual handling practices being used? Evidence with photo of contractors using lifting equipment, wearing gloves, performing a two man lift, etc.
Is appropriate lifting equipment provided where necessary?
Are all portable appliances fit for purpose and PAT tested? Evidence with a photo.
Is exposure to noise & vibration being kept to a minimum? Use a noise app (DecibelX) to get an idea of the noise levels on site, evidence with a photo.
Is suitable PPE being worn? eg ear defenders, eye protection, gloves. Choose an activity on site and evidence this with a photo.
Hot works - is the area segregated and fire extinguisher in place? Evidence with a photo.
Are pressurised gases being used correctly within the premises?
Where used, are heaters safe & set up in a clear area(good ventilation, segregation from combustible materials)? Evidence with a photo.
Miscellaneous items
Are client direct contractors abiding by RI site rules?
Have client or client's representative carried out any audits?
Where an audit has been carried out, are there any points that need addressing?
Recommendations/Action Points for the Site Manager
Progress photos