
  • Document No.

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ILSM & Administration

1.0 Interim Life Safety Measures

  • Conduct ILSM Audit

  • 1.1 Exit clear, signs, egress route<br>

  • 1.2 Exterior Access<br>

  • 1.3 Fire Alarm/suppression<br>

  • 1.4 Temp walls, signs<br>

  • 1.5 Fire extinguishers unobstructed, inspections current <br>

  • 1.6 No Smoking rule or designated smoking areas<br>

  • 1.7 Storage & housekeeping adequate <br>

  • 1.8 Hot work operations by permit<br>

  • 1.9 ILSMs current<br>

  • 1.10 Other ILSM

  • Conduct Infection Control Audit

  • 1.1 Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) completed/documented

  • 1.2 ICRA/Permit posted

  • 1.3 Dust Controls (HEPA, NAM, Scrubbers)

  • 1.4 Temp walls, signsHoles, conduits, pipes and punctures sealed appropriately

  • 1.5 Negative air pressure maintained/monitored

  • 1.6 Work area isolated

  • 1.7 Ductwork/air returns sealed

  • 1.8 Material carts covered/wiped down

  • 1.9 Tack mats in use and monitored

  • 1.10 Continuous cleanup accomplished

  • 1.11 Wet mop as necessary

  • 1.12 HEPA Vacuum utilized

  • 1.13 Area cleaned by HOST Environmental Services

  • 1.14 Barriers remain until inspected by HOST Safety Infection Control Manager

  • 1.15 Other ICRA

2.0 Administration

  • Conduct Administrative Audit

  • 2.1 Document pre construction meetings<br>

  • 2.2 Freq/reg safety inspections<br>

  • 2.3 JHA submitted each trade<br>

  • 2.4 MSDS manual<br>

  • 2.5 OSHA 10 hr cert sub on site<br>

  • 2.6 OSHA posters/OSHA 300 log<br>

  • 2.7 Safety Manual<br>

  • 2.8 Safety Meetings<br>

  • 2.9 Tool Box talks<br>

  • 2.10 Orientations process completed<br>

  • 2.11 State/Fed posters (eng/sp)<br>

  • 2.12 Visitor PPE<br>

  • 2.13 Visitor sign in<br>

  • 2.14 Exit signs posted<br>

  • 2.15 Other Administrative

Confined Space

3.0 Confined Space

  • Conduct Confined Space Audit

  • 3.1 Atmospheric Conditions<br>

  • 3.2 Comm/secure area/signage<br>

  • 3.3 Entry super/monitor/entrant<br>

  • 3.4 Harness/extraction equip<br>

  • 3.5 Permit required<br>

  • 3.6 Regular Insp/air monitor<br>

  • 3.7 Rescue plan/emerg #'s/map<br>

  • 3.8 Respiratory Equipment<br>

  • 3.9 Safety person/rescue equip/PPE<br>

  • 3.10 Training documentation<br>

  • 3.11 Ventilation<br>

  • 3.12 Other confined space

Cranes & Lifting Devices

4.0 Cranes & Hoisting Equipment - 29 CFR 1926 Subpart CC - OSM 415

  • Conduct Crane & Hoisting Equipment Audit

  • 4.1 Annual Inspection current<br>

  • 4.2 Anti two block device as required<br>

  • 4.3 Boom angle indicator functional<br>

  • 4.4 Operator properly certified or verify training<br>

  • 4.5 Crane supported & level<br>

  • 4.6 Daily and Monthly inspection current<br>

  • 4.7 Safe distance to power lines maintained or lines De-energized / insulated<br>

  • 4.8 Fire extinguisher in crane<br>

  • 4.9 Flagman / Signalman & Rigger identified <br>

  • 4.10 Lift plan on file if required<br>

  • 4.11 Load chart posted<br>

  • 4.12 Loads properly secured<br>

  • 4.13 Means of communication<br>

  • 4.14 Operator appears competent<br>

  • 4.15 Operator manual in crane<br>

  • 4.16 Out riggers fully extended and proper cribbing<br>

  • 4.17 Rigging equipment inspected and rated for load<br>

  • 4.18 Safety latches used<br>

  • 4.19 Swing radius barricaded<br>

  • 4.20 Tag lines used<br>

  • 4.21 Weight of load verified<br>

  • 4.22 Other Crane / Hoisting


5.0 Electrical - 29 CFR 1926 Subpart K - OSM 430

  • Conduct Electrical Audit

  • 5.1 Cords in good condition<br>

  • 5.2 Cords protected from traffic<br>

  • 5.3 Energized Work Procedures<br>

  • 5.4 Electrical work protected<br>

  • 5.5 Energized parts protected<br>

  • 5.6 GFCI's inspected and used<br>

  • 5.7 LO/TO procedures<br>

  • 5.8 Proper use of temp power bxs<br>

  • 5.9 Signage present<br>

  • 5.10 Proper temp lighting<br>

  • 5.11 Other Electrical


6.0 Environmental

  • Conduct Environmental Audit

  • 6.1 Asbestos/Lead areas located<br>

  • 6.2 Concrete cut wet / vacuumed <br>

  • 6.3 Containers labeled<br>

  • 6.4 Hazardous materials properly stored / storage signage as required<br>

  • 6.5 Nuisance dust<br>

  • 6.6 Spill containment adequate<br>

  • 6.7 Other Environmental


7.0 Excavations - 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P - OSM 435

  • Conduct Excavation Audit

  • 7.1 Ladder Access every 25'<br>

  • 7.2 Competent person present<br>

  • 7.3 Daily inspections doc<br>

  • 7.4 Excavtion >20' engineered<br>

  • 7.5 One Call or Utility locate system used<br>

  • 7.6 Perimeter protected/barricaded<br>

  • 7.7 Sloped, benched or shored, engineered<br>

  • 7.8 Spoil 2' from edge<br>

  • 7.9 Surface encumbrances<br>

  • 7.10 Surface traffic exposures<br>

  • 7.11 Water entering excavation removed<br>

  • 7.12 Other excavation

Fall Protection

8.0 Fall Protection - 29 CFR 1926 Subpart M - OSM 440

  • Conduct Fall Protection Audit

  • 8.1 Perimeter Protection /Ext/Int guardrails<br>

  • 8.2 Fall protection/prevention at 6'<br>

  • 8.3 Floor/Wall openings protected<br>

  • 8.4 Floor covers adequate, secured & label<br>

  • 8.5 Proper anchorage points<br>

  • 8.6 Roof edge protected<br>

  • 8.7 Safety harness and lanyard<br>

  • 8.8 Stair/ramp/walkway protection<br>

  • 8.9 Acceptable Fall Plan submitted<br>

  • 8.10 Other Fall Protection

Fire Protection

9.0 Fire Protection - 29 CFR 1926 Subpart F - OSM 450

  • Conduct Fire Protection Audit

  • 9.1 Emergency vehicle access<br>

  • 9.2 Extinguisher charged and inspected<br>

  • 9.3 Fire suppression equip available<br>

  • 9.4 Fire watch when applicable<br>

  • 9.5 Proper signage in storage area<br>

  • 9.6 Monthly extinguisher inspection<br><br>

  • 9.7 Rescue plan/emergency numbers and map <br>

  • 9.10 Training documentation<br>

  • 9.11 Other Fire Protection

Hand & Power Tools

10.0 Hand & Power Tools - 29 CFR 1926 Subpart I - OSM 470

  • Conduct Hand & Power Tool Audit

  • 10.1 Cord in good condition<br>

  • 10.2 Ground prong in place<br>

  • 10.3 Guards in place<br>

  • 10.4 Information label on tool<br>

  • 10.5 Proper tool for the job<br>

  • 10.6 Strain relief functioning<br>

  • 10.7 Tool used properly<br>

  • 10.8 Anti-whip attachments installed<br>

  • 10.9 Auto shut off/safety switches<br>

  • 10.10 Powder actuated tool used proper<br>

  • 10.11 Powder actuated shots disposed properly<br>

  • 10.12 Other hand/power tool

Hazard Communication

Hazard Communication - 29 CFR 1926.59 - 29 CFR 1910.1200

  • Conduct HazCom Audit

  • 11.1 Copy of written program<br>

  • 11.2 Employees Trained<br>

  • 11.3 Inventory List<br>

  • 11.4 SDS (site specific)<br>

  • 11.5 Proper labels on containers<br>

  • 11.6 SDS's Readily Available and easily accessible<br>

  • 11.7 Other HazCom


12.0 Housekeeping - 29 CFR 1926.25

  • Conduct Housekeeping Audit

  • 12.1 Clear access to building / site<br>

  • 12.2 Designated employee parking<br>

  • 12.3 Impalement protection<br>

  • 12.4 Proper material storage<br>

  • 12.5 Roadway around project clear<br>

  • 12.6 Slip, trip, fall hazards<br>

  • 12.7 Trash in protected containers<br>

  • 12.8 Walkways clear<br>

  • 12.9 Other Housekeeping

Ladders & Stairs

13.0 Ladders 29 CFR 1926 Subpart X - OSM 495 / Stairs (OSM 550)

  • Conduct Ladder / Stairs Audit

  • 13.1 Ladder 3' above landing<br>

  • 13.2 Ladder or stair access break >19"<br>

  • 13.3 Landings clear of debris/material<br>

  • 13.4 Extension ladder 4:1 pitch<br>

  • 13.5 Inspected for defects<br>

  • 13.6 Job-built ladders constructed properly<br>

  • 13.7 Ladders properly secured<br>

  • 13.8 Landings and treads filled<br>

  • 13.9 Proper use of ladder<br>

  • 13.10 Rails at stairs/landings<br>

  • 13.11 Safe work distance from hazard<br>

  • 13.12 Slip trip exposure eliminated<br>

  • 13.13 Stairs illuminated<br>

  • 13.14 Other Ladder/Stair

Medical & Emergency

14.0 Medical / Emergency

  • Conduct Medical / Emergency Audit<br>

  • 14.1 First Aid Kit available <br>

  • 14.2 First Aid / CPR qualified person on site<br>

  • 14.3 Emergency numbers posted<br>

  • 14.4 Eye wash available<br>

  • 14.5 Directions to medical facility<br>

  • 14.6 Project Emergency / Crisis / EAP<br>

  • 14.7 Contact numbers avail.<br>

  • 14.8 Other Medical

Motorized Equipment

15.0 Motorized Equipment - 29 CFR 1926 Subpart O -

  • Conduct Motorized Equipment Audit

  • 15.1 Back up alarm functioning<br>

  • 15.2 Flagman used if applicable<br>

  • 15.3 Glass free of obstructions<br>

  • 15.4 Horn functioning<br>

  • 15.5 Operator appears competent<br>

  • 15.6 Seat belts used<br>

  • 15.7 Training documents available<br>

  • 15.8 Other Motorized Vehicle

Personal Protection Equipment

16.0 PPE - 29 CFR 1926.95, Subpart E - OSM 520

  • Conduct PPE Audit

  • 16.1 Safety Glasses

  • 16.2 Face shield worn when required

  • 16.3 Proper gloves for task being performed

  • 16.4 Hard hat

  • 16.5 Hearing Protection<br>

  • 16.6 Metatarsal protection when appropriate<br>

  • 16.7 Proper work clothing<br>

  • 16.8 Rebar Caps<br>

  • 16.9 Respirators<br>

  • 16.10 High visibility outer attire<br>

  • 16.11 Visitor PPE available<br>

  • 16.12 Work Boots<br>

  • 16.13 Other PPE

Scaffolds & Man Lifts

17.0 Scaffolds - 29 CFR 1926 Subpart L - OSM 535

  • Conduct Scaffold Audit

  • 17.1 Bracing & pins in place<br>

  • 17.2 Compatible components used<br>

  • 17.3 Competent person present<br>

  • 17.4 Guardrails in place<br>

  • 17.5 Inspected daily<br>

  • 17.6 Properly secured to structure<br>

  • 17.7 Proper access to platforms<br>

  • 17.8 Proper loading of materials<br>

  • 17.9 Proper height to base ratio<br>

  • 17.10 Safe work distances<br>

  • 17.11 Sills, plates, jacks installed<br>

  • 17.12 Surface in safe condition<br>

  • 17.13 Wheels locked<br>

  • 17.14 Outriggers installed<br>

  • 17.15 Other Scaffold

  • Scaffolding Observation
  • Contractor

  • Observation Details

  • Has deficiency been corrected?

  • Corrective Action Information

18.0 Scissor / Aerial lifts

  • Conduct Lift Audit

  • 18.1 Equipment loaded properly<br>

  • 18.2 Gate or chain secured<br>

  • 18.3 Harness while in boom lifts<br>

  • 18.4 Nothing to increase height<br>

  • 18.5 Operating on flat surfaces<br>

  • 18.6 Surface free of holes<br>

  • 18.7 Daily/Shift inspection completed

  • 18.9 Other scissor/aerial lift

  • Aerial/Scissor Lift Observation
  • Has deficiency been corrected?

  • Corrective Action Information

Site Public Protection

19.0 Site Public Protection

  • Conduct Site Public Protection Audit<br>

  • 19.1 Adequate lighting<br>

  • 19.2 Barricades installed properly<br>

  • 19.3 Company representative present<br>

  • 19.4 Excavations protected<br>

  • 19.5 Falling object protection<br>

  • 10.6 Perimeter fences

  • 19.7 Public protection signage<br>

  • 19.8 Security system in place<br>

  • 19.9 Street closure identified<br>

  • 19.10 Traffic control plan<br>

  • 19.11 Other Public Protection

Steel Erection

20.0 Steel Erection - 29 CFR 1926 Subpart R - OSM 545

  • Conduct Steel Erection Audit

  • 20.1 Proper anchorage points<br>

  • 20.2 Erector notified of modification<br>

  • 20.3 Sub Part "R" & Fall protection training <br>

  • 20.4 Falling object protection: Netting, Tethers, Barricades<br>

  • 20.5 Proper Multi lift procedure utilized<br>

  • 20.6 Site layout and erection sequence followed

  • 20.7 Other Steel Erection

Welding Cutting

21.0 Welding /Cutting - 29 CFR 1926 Subpart J - OSM 480

  • Conduct Welding Cutting Audit

  • 21.1 Bottles upright/cap/secured<br>

  • 21.2 Fire extinguisher present / Fire Watch designated<br>

  • 21.3 Flash arrestors on torches<br>

  • 21.4 Flash protection available<br>

  • 21.5 Gauges working properly<br>

  • 21.6 Leads in good condition<br>

  • 21.7 Proper use of PPE<br>

  • 21.8 Torch hoses good condition<br>

  • 21.9 Weld machine ventilated<br>

  • 21.10 Proper storage and handling of cylinders<br>

  • 21.11 Hot Work Permit

  • 20.12 Other Welding/Cutting


22.0 Demolition - 29 CFR 1926 Subaprt T - OSM 420

  • Conduct Demolition Audit

  • 22.1 Daily Inspection/Structural Stability<br>

  • 22.2 Dust control in effect<br>

  • 22.3 PPE appropriate for tasks being performed<br>

  • 22.4 Temp Power / GFCI protected<br>

  • 22.5 Fall Protection<br>

  • 22.6 HazCom<br>

  • 22.7 Scaffolding<br>

  • 22.8 Other demolition

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.