Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Organizational structure: confirm that the Centre has the required level of government approval to operate.
1.1 Does the centre have an updated organizational diagram?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
1.2 Is there an organizational relationship between the CAA or any other form of Government and the training centre indicated on the diagrams?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
1.3 Are supervisory and functional lines of responsibility depicted?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
1.4 Does the organizational structure reflect the current operations of the CATC?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
1.5 Does the centre have job descriptions for permanent operational staff?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
1.6 Are job descriptions available for each operational position indicated on the organizational diagram?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
1.7 Do the job descriptions clearly indicate the qualifications, responsibilities, functions and reporting hierarchy of each staff member indicated on the diagram?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
1.8 Do the job descriptions identify the individuals who are accountable for instructional standards and quality control of the training centre?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
1.9 Does the centre have the required authorization to operate from the government?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
1.10 Are there approvals for flight crew training, air traffic control training and maintenance training?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
1.11 Are there approvals for other training activities?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
1.12 Has the scope and validity of the approvals been verified?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
1.13 Are copies available in one of the ICAO languages?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
2. Integration in Aviation Sector: Analyze the level of integration of the training Programme into the operations of the aviation sector.
2.1 Does the centre have frequent contacts with the aviation sector in the country and the region to analyze the training needs, professional performance and potential development of training programmes?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
2.2 Are there other documents supporting the relationship with the aviation sector?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
2.3 Are there policies and procedures to analyze the training needs in the aviation sector?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
2.4 Are there frequent activities between the centre and the Human Resources departments?
2.5 Are there agreements with the industry in general?
3. Facilities and Technology Supporting Training: Assess the centre's facilities (e.g. Buildings, classrooms, instructional facilities, furniture, computer and other equipment).
3.1 Does the information concerning facilities in application form correspond with visual observation?
3.2 Do the facilities and equipment meet the training needs?
3.3 Are the facilities and equipment up to date?
3.4 Is the feedback from trainees and clients positive?
3.5 Are the primary classrooms large enough to accommodate the type of training provided?
3.6 Are lighting and window coverings adjustable so that projected audio-visual aids are easily viewed from all trainee positions?
3.7 Do the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system provide a comfortable environment?
3.8 Is there a standard electrical installation for use of computer equipment and projection equipment with sufficient outlets?
3.9 Do the walls and floors provide a comfortable and appropriate environment?
3.10 Are the training facilities maintained in good condition
4. Training Delivery:
4.1 Is the specialized equipment required for practical exercises consistent with equipment currently used in the workplace?
4.2 Is the specialized equipment regularly evaluated to ensure that students receive training on equipment they are likely to encounter in the workplace?
4.3 Does the centre have: Crew flight simulators?
4.4 Does the centre have: ATC Tower simulators?
4.5 Does the centre have: ATC Radar simulators?
4.6 Does the centre have: CNS lab?
4.7 Does the centre have: Aircraft maintenance lab?
4.8 Does the centre have: AVSEC lab?
4.9 Does the centre have: Rescue and Fire Fighting simulators?
4.9 Does the centre have: Language Lab
4.10 Does the centre have: Other equipment or Labs related to the courses offered?
4.11 Having observed at least one course, are the instructional methods the training centre uses adequate?
4.12 Is there a lesson plan?
4.13 Are there adequate training materials?
4.14 Is there sufficient interaction between instructors and trainees?
4.15 Is there adequate equipment ( if applicable)?
5. Record Keeping:
5.1 Does the centre established requirements for training record keeping (final examination scores, mastery tests,student records)?
5.2 Are there procedures in place?
5.3 Upon review of some records, is there consistency to the system?
5.4 Are trainee records for the past three years updated, organized, and accessible?
5.5 In a random review of trainee records, was the system adequate?
5.6 Are appropriate forms being used?
5.7 Are the results of tests being recorded?
5.8 Do instructors submit reports after each course delivery?
5.9 Have the instructor reports been verified?
5.10 In each course for the past three years, have the records been updated, organized and included?
6. Instructors: Review how the centre evaluates the appropriate accrued action and performance of the instructors.
6.1 Does the centre have the control and capability to ensure that instructors meet all requirements in each training discipline and remain current on changes to training Programme ?
6.2 If it is the requirement of the course, have the instructors maintained their licenses, currency and accreditation to conduct the course?
6.3 Is on-going training available so that instructors keep pace with regulatory changes and developments in their areas of expertise?
6.4 If on-going training is not available, is there another method in place for instructors and assistants to keep pace with regulatory changes and other developments?
6.5 Does the CAA and/or training centre have sufficient and up to date library materials and reference documents?
6.6 Is there a formal instructive evaluation system in place ?
6.7 Does the system include director observation of instructors by training management staff?
6.8 Are instructors evaluated on a yearly basis and is this documented and the records maintained by the training centre?
6.9 Does the centre have appropriate facilities for instructors?
6.10 Does each instructor have their own desk with sufficient space to allow them to prepare course materials?
6.11 Is the office large enough to accommodate instructor workstations, bookcases and files?
6.12 Is a minimum of 12 sq. meters available for each instructor?
6.13 Is each instructors workstation equipped with a computer?
6.14 Do instructors have access to at least one quality printer?
6.15 Do instructors have access to a scanner?
6.16 Has the centre established a system for assigning instructors based on their qualifications and currency of those clarrifications?
6.17 Is there a procedure manual?
6.18 Do the records confirm that instructors are being appropriately assigned?
7. Training Design and Development: Assess whether the TRAINAIR PLUS Programme (TPP) meets current and/or future needs of the training centre. Assess the ability of the training centre to support a TPP course.
7.1 Has the centre established a training design and development methodology?
7.2 Has the training centre set up a Course Development Unit (CDU) and is this unit unit operational?
7.3 Are Course Developers clearly identified in the training centre?
7.4 Upon evaluating the methodology of the centre, does this methodology address the analysis, design, production and evaluation phases as articulated in the Training Development Guide(TDG)?
8. Training Quality Control System: Review post-training evaluation reports provided by the training centre including those for trainees, instructor profiles and on-the-job training programmes.
8.1 Has the training centre established n adequate quality control system?
8.2 Does the training centre have a formal feedback system in place?
8.3 Feedback from instructors to students?
8.4 Feedback from instructors to the division head?
8.5 Feedback from students to the CATC administration?
8.6 Are training centre policies and procedures documented and up to date?
8.7 Does the document specify the quality assurance responsibilities of all training management and instructional staff?
8.8 Are quality assurance procedures documented?
8.9 For training policy (operating rules and practices)?
8.10 For course development?
8.11 For training aids?
8.12 For facility maintenance?
9. Improvement Recommendation Management: Review to ensure that improvement recommendations are effectively managed.
9.1 Does the centre have a plan to follow recommendations and implement improvements identified from previous audits?
9.2 Is this plan fully capable of putting into practice recommendations and improvements identified in audits?
9.3 Is the action plan fully implemented ?