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Prepared by
1. Establish a protocol to maintain the six (6) foot physical distancing for employees and patrons, consider the following:
Telework to limit employees in the facility
Staggering work hours for those who must be present
Use floor markings to demonstrate six (6) foot distance
2. Providing adequate sanitation for employees, vendors, and patrons
Clean and disinfect regularly, especially high touch areas or where items may be exchanged
Identify how personal use items such as masks face covering and gloves shall be worn, if necessary, for employees, vendors, and patrons
Encourage the use of cloth face coverings among employees, vendors and patrons while maintaining social distancing
3. Identify methods to limit close interactions with patrons such as:
Encourage online, digital, or telephonic ordering
Curbside pickup
Establish hours of operations for vulnerable populations
Limiting number of patrons in the business at a time
Directing the flow of traffic in the business
Use of signage or barrier protection to limit movement and maintain distancing
Use of employees to remind patrons of the social distancing
Consider non-cash transactions
4. Identify strategies for addressing ill employees and determining wellness of employees
Completing a health check with each employee prior to beginning shift – see attached Employee Health Check Guidance
Requiring ill COVID-19 employees to stay home and possible restricting employees who may have been exposed.
Closing facility for proper disinfection if a COVID-19 positive employee has been present
Educating employees on available physical and mental health services, what to do if they feel they are symptomatic etc.
Employee Health Check Guidance
Employees who meet ANY of the below criteria should not report for duty and should contact the Panhandle Health District for further evaluation.
Fever greater than 38C /100 °F
Cough AND/OR Shortness of Breath
Repeated shaking with chills
Unexplained muscle pain (not exercise induced)
Sore throat
Loss of taste or smell
Ask if they have had close contact with any individuals diagnosed with COVID-19. Report to Panhandle Health District Covid-19 Hotline.
If an employee calls in and reports any of these symptoms, do not allow them in the restaurant and ask them to call the Panhandle Health District Covid-19 Hotline.
Panhandle Health District Covid-19 Hotline: 877-415-4225
Additional Notes
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