
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Prepared by

  • Auditor Signature

1. Essential Services / Emergency Procedures


  • THERE IS A PROGRAMMED PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE FOR ALL FIRE SAFETY MEASURES IN THE CLUB<br>Fire extinguishers serviced 6 monthly<br>Emergency exit signs and lights serviced<br>Sprinkler system/alarm system<br>Fire doors

  • undefined

  • Extinguishers in place and clearly marked

  • undefined

  • Exit signage visible and clearly illuminated

  • undefined

  • Employees can explain:<br>- fire evacuation procedure<br>- bomb threat procedure<br>- robbery/armed hold up

  • undefined

  • CGM can explain:<br>- role of ECO (Emergency Control Organisation) / CFW (Chief Fire Warden)<br>- fire system/alarm system Evac procedure<br>- service schedule essential services/record keeping<br>

  • undefined

  • Pathways to exits clear and unobstructed

  • undefined

  • Exit doors open easily

  • undefined

  • Staff trained in the use of fire extinguishers, hose reels and emergency procedures signed off

  • undefined

  • Emergency floor plans displayed and attached securely - showing egress routes

  • undefined

  • Fire drills practiced yearly - evacuation report on site

  • undefined

  • Current emergency procedures - reviewed within last 12 months and site specific

  • undefined

  • Annual fire certification (from service provider)

  • undefined

  • Copy of occupiers statement/building classification - e.g Essential services VIC

  • undefined

2. Incident / Hazard Reporting


  • Incident forms completed correctly and loaded into QPortal within 5 days and reviewed

  • undefined

  • There is a mechanism in place for reporting notifiable incidents to the appropriate regulatory body within specified time frames (senior management) CGM is aware of procedure

  • undefined

  • Hazard alert forms - appropriate process for each hazard followed & entered into maintenance log and QPortal (assessed, reviewed and controls in place)

  • undefined

  • Employee group (random selection) knowledge on incident and hazard reporting (Staff other than CGM on shift)

  • undefined

  • Employees understand responsibility for managing and controlling hazards ((Staff other than CGM on shift)

  • undefined

  • There is a process for rehabilitation and case management of injured workers (RTW programme) CGM is aware of location of procedure and process to follow

  • undefined

  • A RTW coordinator has been appointed and staff are aware of their identity (ask CGM)

  • undefined

3. Management System


  • The organization has OHS plans in order to meet OHS targets. CGM aware of location of plan and understanding of objectives and plan

  • undefined

  • An OHS policy has been developed and signed by senior management with OHS policy posted in workplace

  • undefined

  • Responsibility & accountability for OHS has been clearly defined throughout the organization and all communicated responsibilities (induction sign off)

  • undefined

  • Mechanisms of consultation and communication have been documented and communicated to employees (induction forms, question receptionist on shift)

  • undefined

  • Evidence of consultation available - HSR or minutes quarterly OHS meeting Action current in Figtree with minutes attached

  • undefined

  • A procedure has been developed and implemented outlining the companies method of hazard identification and timely reporting of information. CGM to have knowledge of procedure and location of procedure

  • undefined

  • OHS records are maintained on site and relevant personnel can locate these easily

  • undefined

  • A records retention table is set up and records are retained as set out in the table. CGM to know where to source information

  • undefined

  • Workplace inspections are undertaken on a weekly basis (CGM Inspections) actions identified & completed in a timely manner

  • undefined

  • Monthly equipment inspections - logged into maintenance

  • undefined

  • Risk management - training yearly. Sign off required with staff listing as roll cal

  • undefined

  • Induction given to all new starters, evidenced by signed induction list

  • undefined

  • CGM has knowledge of: <br><br>CGM KPIs from job description <br>Responsibilities as listed in OHS manual<br>All OHS procedures (reference to OHS manual)

  • undefined

  • Staff file current - records of CPR, first aid, Cert IV Fitness Australia - loaded into QPortal/Deputy

  • undefined

  • Relevant permits current, displayed Fitness Australia, Entertainment venue, liquor license etc

  • undefined

  • Manual handling tasks formally identified

  • undefined

  • Preventative and manual handling instruction with staff listing as roll call

  • undefined

  • Action items completed from previous audits

  • undefined

  • Risk assessments completed (original in house)<br><br>- opening / closing<br>- torsonator<br>- changing pool chemicals

  • undefined

  • Written procedures for key duties (SOP's) where applicable<br><br>- opening/closing procedures<br>- changing pool chemicals

  • undefined

4. Chemicals


  • Correctly labelled spray bottles

  • undefined

  • Current (no older than 5 years) SDS available for all HS/DGs stored on the premises in chemical storage area

  • undefined

  • A central hazardous substances and dangerous goods register is maintained on site - reviewed annually

  • undefined

  • Chemical room clean and tidy

  • undefined

  • Risk assessments and SWMS for all hazardous chemicals on site

  • undefined

  • Chemicals bunded/segregated, incompatible chemicals are appropriately segregated

  • undefined

  • Person handling chemicals have received appropriate induction, training and information (records to be maintained)

  • undefined

  • PPE available

  • undefined

  • SWMS for staff cleaners & staff who assist with pool cleaning and the use of associated chemicals

  • undefined

5. Plant & Equipment


  • Plant & equipment clean & upholstery in good condition

  • undefined

  • Emergency stop buttons tested and recorded

  • undefined

  • Maintenance request log folder - in use and maintained

  • undefined

  • Maintenance plan - monitored and matches service records

  • undefined

  • Plant & equipment register - check new equipment added

  • undefined

  • Plant and equipment maintenance records folder - records are maintained of plant and electrical equipment maintenance

  • undefined

  • Plant and equipment risk assessments:<br><br>- risk assessments have been completed for each item of plant<br>- risk controls in relation to items of plant have been identified and implemented <br>- reviewed annually

  • undefined

  • There is a procedure for isolation & tag out of unsafe equipment and procedure communicated to employees

  • undefined

6. Electrical


  • Plugs/cables & sockets in good condition and tidy - don't pose trip hazard

  • undefined

  • Test and tag completed annually

  • undefined

  • Electrical register current

  • undefined

  • RCD tested annually - electrician to test and record

  • undefined

  • Process in place to ensure that all electrical equipment is appropriately tested & tagged - 6 monthly redundant in house electrical inspection

  • undefined

7. Contractor


  • - all contractors sign in and out of club<br>- approved contractor list available for reference

  • undefined

  • Contractor OHS induction

  • undefined

  • Yearly checks on routine contractors<br>- Each time for any high risk tasks<br>- Contractor OHS performance is monitored and unsatisfactory performance if followed up<br>- Work permit<br>

  • undefined

  • Visitor badges

  • undefined

  • All contractors provide site specific JSA/SWMS and risk assessments for proposed works prior to commencement of work

  • undefined

8. First Aid


  • A first aid and injury register is maintained

  • undefined

  • Procedures have been developed and implemented regarding infection control with staff training procedures

  • undefined

  • There is a system in place to ensure that first aid kits are appropriately maintained<br><br>- monthly first aid kit checks / weekly de fib

  • undefined

  • Comprehensive emergency numbers listed adjacent to all phones

  • undefined

9. Sauna/Pool/Steamroom/Spa


  • Safety signs in place:<br><br>- depth signage clearly visible<br>- no supervision / no life guard signs<br>- pool safety general precautions sign<br>- CPR, current version (DRABCD)<br>- relaxation zone health and safety signs

  • undefined

  • Pool procedure manual, yearly training for reception - sign off available

  • undefined

  • Pool/spa water tests as per regulations<br>Low usage 2 x daily<br>Medium usage 3 x daily<br>High usage 4 x daily<br>

  • undefined

  • Pool surrounds, pool plant room clean and tidy

  • undefined

  • Pool rescue device available

  • undefined

  • Chemical spill kit in pool plant room

  • undefined

  • Slip hazards managed on pool deck

  • undefined

10. General Areas


  • Floors within common areas are free from protrusions and are unobstructed

  • undefined

  • Good general lighting with all working

  • undefined

  • Procedure for cleaning up spill kits - wet floor signs/spill kits <br>Areas that are wet/slippery are signposted

  • undefined

  • Trip hazards associated with steps/stairs are controlled (e.g treads are highlighted)

  • undefined

  • Hand rails have been installed at stairs/steps

  • undefined

  • Housekeeping is adequate within public areas

  • undefined

  • Store rooms clean and tidy

  • undefined

  • Air con service/fitters clean with ventilation systems adequately maintaining levels of temperature and sufficient fresh air is introduced to the indoor atmosphere

  • undefined

  • Employees required to work outdoors have implemented procedures to reduce UV exposure and minimize heat stress

  • undefined

  • Bathroom facilities:<br><br>- clean and tidy<br>- hair dryers/straighteners, leads in good condition, new and tidy with holders in place and filters clean<br>- slip/trip hazards controlled

  • undefined

  • Work stations / staff areas <br><br>- appropriately set up and clear<br>- no clutter under desks<br>- electrical cords neat and tidy

  • undefined

  • Cleanliness / Trip hazards<br><br>- gym floor<br>- group fitness<br>- cardio areas<br>- general areas<br>

  • undefined

  • Safety signs on equipment<br><br>- cable cross over/omni kinetic<br>- seated leg curl, caution pinch signs<br>- all pin and plate loaded weights<br>- treadmills

  • undefined

  • Approved "No responsibility theft" signs in bathrooms

  • undefined

  • Condition of entry signs at entrance

  • undefined

11. Working at Heights/Registered Plant


  • All tasks that could result in a fall from greater than 1.8 metres have been identified - CGM should have form available from maintenance

  • undefined

  • Safe access has been provided to the roof areas

  • undefined

  • If anchor points have been installed, there is a procedure no place to ensure tested every 12 months

  • undefined

  • Risk assessments / SWMS have been completed for all tasks involving working at heights CGM should hold a copy of maintenance SWMS to monitor

  • undefined

  • Lift registered and quarterly service programme implemented

  • undefined

12. Hazardous Materials


  • A hazardous materials survey has been conducted (including the identification of asbestos) Buildings pre 2004 and an asbestos register is available

  • undefined

  • Asbestos risk management controls are implemented and regularly inspected. The effectiveness of these controls is reviewed and revised every year

  • undefined

  • An asbestos risk management plan has been developed<br><br>- asbestos materials labelled as such<br>- contractor sign in sheet makes mention of asbestos<br>- register is held in front of contractor folder for viewing

  • undefined

14. Car Park / Outdoor Areas


  • Car park - area clean and tidy with no rubbish and no pot holes

  • undefined

  • Speed/collision controls in place <br>Speed signs/speed bumps

  • undefined

  • Line spacing clearly marked / collision points identified and highlighted

  • undefined

  • No responsibility for lost / stolen / theft signage

  • undefined

  • Gardens are maintained

  • undefined

  • Good external lighting - no issues identified

  • undefined

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.