
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Company Information

  • Address

  • Organisation

  • Contact

  • Number of employees

  • Occupational Activity

  • Date of visit

  • Telephone number

  • Email address

Quality Audit Quality General

  • Who is the point of contact for quality? <br>(Appointed person)

  • Comments:

  • Do they have formal/compliant Quality qualifications?

  • Comments:

  • Do you have a Quality organisational chart?

  • Comments:

  • Is the management system certified to a recognised and appropriate standard (ISO 9001 or equivalent) by a UCAS accreditation body?

  • Comments:

  • Are the policies (scope) consistent with those of SMD?

  • Comments

  • Review the last 3rd party surveillance or accreditation visit. Are issues highlighted being closed out?

  • Comments:

  • Are non-conformances and corrective actions being taken?<br><br>(Example of 1 serious)

  • Comments:

  • Are the non-conformances and corrective actions brought to the attention of serious management? <br><br>(Ask director)

  • Comments:

  • Do you feel that the corrective actions being taken seem appropriate and effective?

  • Comments:

  • Is there an up-to-date Quality Manual?<br><br>CHECK

  • Comments:

  • Is there a documented Quality manual?

  • Comments:

  • Are there Quality Procedures/Work Instuctions?

  • Comments:

  • Are processes and procedure audited? <br><br>(Timescale)

  • Comments:

  • Are customers given access to quality management system if documentation were requested? <br><br>How is it done?

  • Comments:

  • Are document changes coordinated with each customer?<br><br>How it is done?

  • Comments:

  • How long are controlled documents/records kept for?

  • Comments:

  • Is configuration management applicable? (See ISO 9001 for guidance) (not fabricator)<br><br>If yes, what is it? <br>If no,

  • Comments:

  • How is each order reviewed and approved?

  • Comments:

  • How is each change to an order reviewed?

  • Comments:

  • Are there testing procedures? <br><br>(ITP's, Weldmaps etc.)

  • Comments:

  • Who carries out testing and inspection tasks?<br><br>Retrieve name and question whether qualified sufficiently

  • Comments:

  • Are design reviews conducted and documented?

  • Comments:

  • Is there a process of suppliers performance assessment?<br><br>What are your targets and objectives for suppliers?

  • Comments:

  • Is there an up-to-date approved Suppliers List(ASL)?

  • Comments:

  • Would you be using sub-contractors for SMD's work? If yes how will they be assessment?

  • Comments:

  • Can SMD's representative perform inspection at the suppliers (and sub-tiers) premises?

  • Comments:

  • How do you monitor customer satisfaction?

  • Comments:

  • Do you use calibration equipment? <br><br>Nominated person: <br>How often is equipment checked?

  • Comments:

  • Do you carry out audits to verify your processes/procedures? <br><br>See sample:

  • Comments:

  • Check auditors qualification <br><br>(Auditor training)

  • Comments:

  • Is there a plan for training/certification of employees and is it implemented?

  • Section 3 to be carried out if project has been awarded.

Quality Audit Quality- project organisation, planning and management

  • Are company and project organisation diagram up to date and easily available?

  • Comments:

  • Does the project team organisation allow for effective communication both internally and with SMD?

  • Comments:

  • Are adequate job description for all key personnel available?

  • Comments:

  • Is there evidence of the competence of all key personnel?

  • Comments:

  • Are responsibilities and authority levels defined within the management system and project documentation?

  • Comments:

  • Is a function contract review process in place and is there evidence of the review? Is there evidence of the "SMD contract" being reviewed?

  • Comments:

  • Has a project plan/schedule/ITP for the work been developed? Has is been accepted by SMD?

  • Comments:

  • Is there approved quality inspection plans/inspection and test plans available for the work?

  • Comments:

  • Do the inspection plans define the necessary control procedures qualification requirements, standards and acceptance criteria?

  • Comments:

  • Is progress against these plans being monitored and reported? How?

  • Comments:

  • Does the supplier have adequate competent/qualified personnel to perform the work in the agreed time schedule?

  • Comments:

  • Are engineering deliverables identified?

  • Comments:

  • Select three engineering documents and evaluate whether the required checks have been completed by competent persons?

  • Comments:

  • Are documented procedures and work instructions for controlling all processes current, signed and controlled?

  • Comments:

  • Are all project documents registered through a document controller?

  • Comments:

  • Do all project documents have a verification plan and are they controlled by a register?

  • Comments:

  • Are all non-conformities reported to the SMD project manager?

  • Comments:

  • Are highlight project non-conformities being rectified and corrective action being taken? Select 3 examples.

  • Comments:

  • Are progress reports being disseminated to the SMD project team?

  • Comments:

  • Are there any issues which have a detrimental effect on communication?

  • Comments:

  • Does a design plan exist?

  • Comments:

  • Does all the design plan highlight all the requirements for review, verification and validation?

  • Comments:

  • Does the design plan highlight who is responsible and who has authority for each stage?

  • Comments:

  • Are lessons learned from the issues and other customer feedback being incorporated into the design/build?

  • Comments:

  • Are requirement highlighted by findings being incorporated into the design/build?

  • Comments:

  • Is there a register or database of all the drawings pertaining to the project?

  • Comments:

  • Are records available to show these documents have been reviewed and approved by competent personnel?

  • Comments:

  • Are records available to show that new revisions of drawings are being sent to those holding the previous revision using the SMD Electronic Change Notice(ECN)?

  • Comments:

  • Is a schedule in place for provision all required operational and maintenance manuals etc.?

  • Comments:

  • Is a verification scheme in place for the generation of these documents? E.g. Who generates reviews and approves the documents?

  • Comments:

  • Is the generation of these documents on schedule?

  • Comments:

  • Is an up to date procurement plan in place?

  • Comments:

Health & Safety Audit Health & Safety Management

  • Health & Safety policy in place, up to date and adequate for the company activities.

  • Comments:

  • The company has access to competent Health & Safety advice.

  • Comments:

  • The company reviews Health & Safety annually, and audits it's procedures and arrangements.

  • Comments:

  • Health & Safety poster available to staff.

  • Comments:

  • Employers liability insurance policy displayed.

  • Comments:

  • Management consult and communicate with staff.

  • Comments:

Health & Safety Audit Accident and Emergency procedures

  • Accident book present & up to date. (Data Protection Compliant)

  • Comments:

  • Accident forms securely stored.

  • Comments:

  • Accident investigations system in place.

  • Comments:

  • RIDDOR reporting system in place.

  • Comments:

  • First aided provision.

  • Comments:

  • First aid box available.

  • Comments:

  • Emergency procedures, e.g. for evacuating the site in case of fire

  • Comments:

  • Means of raising the alarm.

  • Comments:

Health & Safety Audit Fire Precautions

  • Suitable and sufficient fire fighting equipment available and tested.

  • Comments:

  • Fire drill records.

  • Comments:

  • Fire alarm system testing.

  • Comments:

  • Fire precaution training.

  • Comments:

  • Smoke alarm testing.

  • Comments:

  • Properly located smoke detectors.

  • Comments:

  • Emergency lighting testing.

  • Comments:

  • Evacuation procedures.

  • Comments:

  • Escape routes suitable and unobstrusted.

  • Comments:

  • Fire doors checked.

  • Comments:

  • All records noted in fire log book.

  • Comments:

Health & Safety Audit Risk Assessment

  • General risk assessment.

  • Comments:

  • COSHH assessments & data sheets.

  • Comments:

  • Fire risk assessments.

  • Comments:

  • Manual handling assessments.

  • Comments:

  • DSE workstation checklist.

  • Comments:

  • PPE risk assessments.

  • Comments:

  • Noise assessments.

  • Comments:

  • Vibration assessments

  • Comments:

Health & Safety Audit Hazardous Procedures/Substances

  • Safe Working Method Statements

  • Comments:

  • Hazardous substances storage

  • Comments:

  • Hazardous substance inventory

  • Comments:

  • Flammable liquid storage

  • Comments:

  • Fuel storage

  • Comments:

  • Flammable compressed gas storage

  • Comments:

  • Non-Flammable compressed gas storage

  • Comments:

  • Asbestos surveys

  • Comments:

  • Noise surveys

  • Comments:

  • Air monitoring

  • Comments:

  • Legionella prevention measures

  • Comments:

  • Health surveillance documentation

  • Comments:

  • Hazard reporting

  • Comments:

  • Personal protective equipment available

  • Comments:

  • PPE issue records

  • Comments:

Health & Safety Audit Place of Work

  • Workplace Inspection records

  • Comments:

  • Safety signage

  • Comments:

  • Welfare facilities <br>(Changing room, drinking water, toilets, area to sit, eat and warm food, washbasins, hot and cold(or warm) running water, soap and towels)

  • Comments:

  • Office facilities

  • Comments:

  • Safe access and egress e.g. Roads, warehouse etc.

  • Comments:

  • Adequacy and condition of loading & loading parking areas

  • Comments:

  • Storage facilities stable, braced, and not overloaded

  • Comments:

  • Working areas and walkways free from obstructions

  • Comments:

  • Safe tidy, materials stored safely

  • Comments:

  • Collection and disposal of waste

  • Comments:

  • Suitable lighting for conditions

  • Comments:

  • General condition of premises

  • Comments:

Health & Safety Audit Electrical

  • Fixed electrical installation maintenance

  • Comments:

  • Portable electrical appliance testing and records

  • Comments:

  • General condition of electrical power supplies and installations

  • Comments:

Health & Safety Audit Training

  • Training assessments and records

  • Comments:

  • H&S induction

  • Comments:

  • Fire safety training

  • Comments:

  • Display screen equipment training

  • Comments:

  • Fork lift training

  • Comments:

  • Equipment training

  • Comments:

  • Manual handling training

  • Comments:

  • Access equipment training

  • Comments:

  • On road vehicle training

  • Comments:

  • Banksmem

  • Comments:

  • Toolbox talks

  • Comments:

Health & Safety Audit Equipment

  • Defect reporting

  • Comments:

  • Plant & equipment maintenance

  • Comments:

  • Equipment guarding

  • Comments:

  • Lifting gear and appliances inc. forklifts (testing and records)

  • Comments:

  • Working at heights

  • Comments:

  • Ladder register

  • Comments:

  • Ladder inspections and records

  • Comments:

  • Gas (inc. all fuel oil) installations checks and records

  • Comments:

  • Extraction equipment checks and records

  • Comments:

  • Pressure equipment checks and records

  • Comments:

Health & Safety Audit Workplace Transport

  • Traffic routes for vehicles and pedestrians

  • Comments:

  • Vehicle servicing

  • Comments:

  • Vehicle maintenance including driver checks

  • Comments:

  • Use of banksmen

  • Comments:

  • Loading and unloading operations

  • Comments:

Health & Safety Audit Sub Contractors and Visitors

  • Signposting for staff and visitors

  • Comments:

  • Competence of sub-contractors

  • Comments:

  • Segregation of pedestrians and vehicles

  • Comments:

  • Signing in procedure for contractors and visitors

  • Comments:

Enviromental Audit Environmental General

  • Is the management system approved to a recognised and appropriate standard (ISO 14001 or equivalent)? <br><br>If yes: complete questions 176 to 180<br>If no: go to question number 180

  • Comments:

  • Are the policies (scope) consistent with those of SMD?

  • Comments:

  • Reviewed the last 3rd party surveillance or accreditation visit. Are issue highlighted being closed out?

  • Comments:

  • Are non-conformances and corrective actions being taken?

  • Comments:

  • Are the non-conformances and corrective actions brought to the attention of senior management?

  • Comments:

  • Do you feel that the corrective actions being taken seem appropriate and effective?

  • Comments:

Environmental Audit Environmental - General Non ISO 14001

  • Has the organisation established an appropriate environmental policy?

  • Comments:

  • Has top management defined the organisations environmental policy?

  • Comments:

  • Is the policy appropriate to the nurture, scale and environmental impacts of its activities, products or services?

  • Comments:

  • Does it include commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution?

  • Comments:

  • Does it provide a framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets?

  • Comments:

  • Is the policy documented, implemented and maintained?

  • Comments:

  • Is the policy communicated to employees and contractors?

  • Comments:

  • Is the policy available to the public?

  • Comments:

  • Has the organisation considered environmental aspects such as emission into the air?

  • Comments:

  • Has the organisation considered environmental aspects of its waste streams?

  • Comments:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.