Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Patterns

  • Foundry - DC1

  • Foundry - DC2

  • Foundry - DC3

  • Fettling

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

5.1 Patterns

  • Date

  • Auditee names

  • Is the area tidy, clean and organised

  • Are all patterns and coreboxes suitably identified ?

  • Is storage location recorded ?

  • How are incoming patterns handled ?

  • How are any pattern work requirements documented

  • Document Control

  • Does the evidence indicate that the process map is being followed

5.2 Sand Preparation

  • Date

  • Auditee names

  • Is the mixer area tidy, clean and organised

  • Is the laboratory area tidy, clean and organised

  • What raw materials are used

  • What raw material certification is provided by suppliers ?

  • What sand tests are carried out

  • How often are the sand tests done

  • Are actions taken if results are outside defined limits ?

  • Are actions documented ?

  • Do the results indicate the process is in control ?

  • When was the mixer last calibrated ?

  • Document Control

  • Does the evidence indicate the process map is being followed

5.3 Coremaking / 5.4.1 & 5.4.3 Core Coating

  • Date

  • Auditee names

  • Is the area tidy, clean and organised

  • Is a route card available ?

  • Is the corebox checked before use

  • How does the operator know how the core needs to be made ? (irons, chills etc)

  • How does the operator know when to strip the core ?

  • Does the core get inspected after stripping and what is the operator looking for ?

  • How is the core identified ?

  • How is the core coated ?

  • Are baume coating checks carried out the coating ?

  • Are the baume checks within limits ?

  • How does the operator determine that the core is coated and acceptable for use ?

  • Is the route card signed off and by who ?

  • Document Control

  • Does the evidence indicate that the process map is being followed

5.4.5 Polystyrene Pattern Coating

  • Date

  • Auditee Names

  • Is the area tidy, clean and organised

  • Is the route card available

  • Check the coating type in use

  • How many coats are applied

  • What is the drying time between coats

  • What checks are made after each coat

  • Is route card signed off once coating is complete and poly released for production

  • Document Control

  • Does the evidence indicate that the process map is being followed

5.5 Ramming

  • Date

  • Auditee Names

  • Is the area tidy, clean and organised

  • Is route card available

  • Is daily plan available

  • How is the method instruction communicated

  • Is the prescribed method for the parts being rammed being followed

  • How is the strip time determined ?

  • Is pattern release being used ?

  • How is the moulding box size determined ?

  • How long is each mould allowed to cure ?

  • Document Control

  • Does the evidence indicate that the process map is being followed

5.6 Moulding / 5.4.2 Mould Coating / 5.4.4 Mould Coating - Steel

  • Date

  • Auditees

  • Is the area tidy, clean and organised

  • Are route cards available

  • How are the moulds coated

  • Are baume checks carried out on the coating

  • Are baume checks within limits

  • What is the mould checked for to determine if its acceptable

  • How does the moulder know if cores are required and which cores are for which mould

  • Are cores available and acceptable

  • How are cores assembled into the mould

  • How does the moulder know if there are any special requirements (eg. ingates, filters, inoculant etc)

  • Are 2 people are involved in closing the mould to ensure correct positioning of cope on drag (observe)

  • Is the mould closed and then opened to check for crush, sand etc (observe)

  • What determines whether are fixed (C-clamp) or adjustable (carver clamp) are used

  • What determines if mould weights are used and how is this communicated to the moulder

  • Is the route card signed off and by who ?

  • Document Control

  • Does the evidence indicate that the process map is being followed

5.7 Melting & Pouring / 5.7.1 DC1 / 5.7.2 DC2/DC3

Melt Planning

  • Date

  • Auditee(s)

  • Are route cards available

  • Does the melt plan match the route cards

  • Does the melt plan contain the required information for furnace charges

  • Are the requirements for testing defined (test bars etc)

  • Is the pouring temperature defined for each pour

Charging, Melting & Pouring

  • Date

  • Auditees

  • Is the area tidy, clean and organised

  • Are charge weights recorded and correct to melt plan

  • What determines if Redux needs to be added and to what frequency is it added

  • Are the furnace loadcells in calibration

  • Last loadcell calibration dates

  • DC2/3 only - is 0.1% pre-seed added to SG iron charges

  • Is tapping temperature recorded and in line with melt plan requirements

  • Is thermal analysis sample taken and recorded (total carbon & silicon content) and in line with melt plan requirements

  • How do the melt team know the ladle treatment requirements for the melt (MgFeSi, inoculant etc)

  • Is the iron temperature checked before pouring and correct to melt plan

  • Are the pyrometers and QuikLab in calibration

  • Last pyrometer / QuikLab calibration dtaes

  • Is a test bar poured at the end of pouring when required

  • How is the test bar/keel block identified

  • Is a nodularity test sample poured at the end of pouring when required for SG iron

  • Check the nodularity test records in the lab - are they recorded against melt code and 85% min nodularity

  • If any nodularity results are <85% what actions have been taken

  • Is a spectrometer sample cast and identified against melt code

  • Is the chemistry checked using the spectrometer

  • Is the spectrometer calibration checked using standard samples

  • List spectrometer standard samples in use and drift check dates for last 5 min checks

  • Are the chemistry results in line with metallurgist requirements

  • Is the melt record completed and signed

  • Is the route card completed and signed

  • Is there any evidence that corrective actions have been required and taken as prescribed (HT, concess, scrap etc)

  • List some examples if applicable

  • Document Control

  • Does the evidence indicate that the process map is being followed

5.8 Knockout DC1 / 5.8.1 Knockout DC2 / 5.8.2 Knockout DC3

  • Date

  • Auditees

  • Is the area tidy, clean and organised

  • Is the time from pouring to KO defined on the route card

  • Is this time being followed

  • Record examples

  • Is the casting visually checked at KO

  • Are visually defective castings identified and segregated

  • Are different material types segregated at KO (runners, feeders etc)

  • Which types of material

  • If specified on the route card, how is the temperature of the casting checked before KO

  • Is the sand recycled

  • DC1/DC3 only - is the moulding box checked for damage after KO and sent for repair if required

  • Is the route card completed and signed

  • Document Control

  • Does the evidence indicate that the process map is being followed

5.9 Shotblasting

  • Date

  • Auditees

  • Is the area tidy, clean and organised

  • How is the casting temperature deemed to be low enough for shotblasting

  • What determines which shotblast unit (or sub-con) will be used

  • Is the shotblast quality acceptable (typically Sa 2 1/2)

  • Are visually defective castings identified and segregated at shotblasting

  • Are castings shotblasted after fettling

  • How is this decided

  • Is the route card completed and signed

  • Document Control

  • Does the evidence indicate that the process map is being followed

5.10 Fettling

  • Date

  • Auditees

  • Is the area tidy, clean and organised

  • Is the route card available

  • Is the casting visually inspected during fettling

  • Are written instructions / visual aids / gauges / used for fettling

  • Examples

  • Are defective castings segregated

  • Is HAV's monitoring of each fettling step utilising a powered tool carried out

  • Is the route card completed and signed

  • Document Control

  • Does the evidence indicate that the process map is being followed

5.11 Finishing & Final Inspection

  • Date

  • Auditees

  • Is the area tidy, clean and organised

  • Is the route card available

  • Are any other documents required (standards, specifications, drawings etc) and available

  • Are part/customer specific inspection/test requirements communicated via the route card

  • Are all required inspections completed

  • Are non conforming parts place in quarantine

  • Is the route card completed and signed

  • Document Control

  • Does the evidence indicate that the process map is being followed

5.12 Casting Painting (Internal)

  • Date

  • Auditees

  • Is the route card available

  • Does the route card indicate the painting requirement

  • Check the paint and application are as required (observe)

  • Is the route card completed and signed

  • Document Control

  • Does the evidence indicate that the process map is being followed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.