Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Evidence of Documentation
Has the service implemented (where applicable) an Excursion Risk Assessment?
The Service has Risk Assessments in place for all areas of play?
Does the service utilise Cleaning and Maintenance Logs? If not how do they demonstrate cleaning of service including toys, blankets and cushions etc.
Has the service a format for auditing Equipment? Do they record disposal of broken items and how do they decide which equipment to purchase?
Has the service completed a Facilities and Equipment Guide?
Facilities and Resources
The Service Inside Play Equipment Quantity and condition meet the needs of the children in care?
The Service Inside Furniture Quantity and condition meet the needs of the service and children in care?
Is there enough indoor play space for the number of approved places?
Is the room set up to ensure engagement of children?
Do children have free access to craft resources?
Is there sufficient craft resources for children?
Do children have free access to resources?
Is the room well lit and ventilated?
The Service Outside Play Equipment Quantity and condition meet the needs of the service and the children in care?
Is there enough outdoor play space for the number of approved places?
Are there opportunities for the children to explore the natural environment?
Is there shade available for children in outside play?