
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • 1. Has the workforce been given clear instruction in relation to the work at hand, in particular, quality requirements.

  • 2. Have the foreman and leading hands been communicated the requirements from the relevant construction method statement?

  • 3. Are the foremen using the verification checklist on a daily basis to control quality in the field?

  • 4. Layer thickness is accurate and control measures are being used?

  • 5. The spotter and plant operator are aware of the material requirements?

  • 6. Is the material<br>- lots homogeneous<br>- free of organic or deleterious material<br>- free from segregated stone or excess fine patches<br>- free of oversize<br>- no visible soft spots/heaving

  • 7. Has uniform spreading, mixing, watering and compaction of material been achieved?

  • 8. Are there methods used to control moisture in the fill material?

  • 9. Is there a process in place to protect survey markers during operations?

  • 10. Are protective measures in place for movement of heavy construction plant over and around pipe/ box culvert structures?

  • 11. Are embankments sealed off and shaped to allow water to drain away (no pounding)?

  • 12. Have environmental control devices been put in place prior to commencement of work and reestablished at the completion of works?

  • 13. Are batters stable, free of loose material?

  • 14. Are the batter gradients accurate and uniform?

  • 15. Are the batters being progressively landscaped?

  • 16. Is the plant and equipment being used suitable for the work being performed?

  • 17. Any other item, activities underway that demonstrate commitment to improving levels of workmanship?


  • 1. Has the workforce been given clear instruction in relation to the work at hand, in particular, quality requirements.

  • 2. Have the foreman and leading hands been communicated the requirements from the relevant construction method statement?

  • 3. Are the foremen using the verification checklist on a daily basis to control quality in the field?

  • 4. Are incoming products (i.e. pipes, culverts, pits, etc..)inspected for quality and quantity upon delivery and/or prior to being incorporated into the works? <br>

  • 5. Are there sufficient survey pegs and controls in place to achieve tolerances?

  • 6. Level checks are being carried out and recorded uponplacement of all the pipes..

  • 7. Diversion channels and temporary crossings installed priorto commencing work (where required).

  • 8. Excavations (excluding pipes) have a clear width between the structure wall and face of the excavation is at least 300mm or 1/3 of the height of the face of the excavation,whichever is greater.

  • 10. Are protective measures in place for movement of heavy construction plant over and around pipes/box culvert structures? <br>

  • 9. Does the bedding extend to the full width of trench and todesign depth

  • 10. Are lifting holes been effectively sealed to prevent the ingress of materials? <br>

  • 11. All exposed steel (cut pipes, lifting hooks) has been coated to prevent corrosion <br>

  • 12. No evidence of water ponding at the base of pits.

  • 13. Are foundations, bedding support and backfill materialcompacted in layers not exceeding 150mm compacted thickness? <br>

  • 14. Are controls in place to prevent loss of density and strength in nearby earthworks through over wetting? <br>

  • 15. Are protective measures in place for movement of heavy construction plant over and around pipes/box culvert structures?

  • 16. Open drains are trimmed to a uniform surface free of irregularities and graded to ensure free flow of water.

  • 17. Is the scour protection been installed in accordance with the design (i.e. correct with, length, depth and rock size)?And fits into surrounding ground levels. <br>

  • 18. Have environmental control measures (sediment, erosion,dust, etc..) been put in place prior to commencing work andre-established at the completion of works, unless they form part of the environmental control measure?

  • 19. Are pipe / culvert joints fit and finished adequately?

  • 20. Has a uniform vertical / horizontal alignment beenachieved?

  • 21. Are pits / rungs fit and finished adequately?

  • 22. Are lids and surrounds fit and finished adequately withdesign ground level <br>

  • 23. Any other items, activities underway that demonstrate commitment to improving levels of workmanship.

Bridges and Other Structures

  • 1. Has the workforce been given clear instruction in relation tothe work at hand, in particular quality requirements?

  • 2. Have the Foremen and Leading Hands communicated the requirements from the Construction Work Method Statements? <br>

  • 3. Are the Foremen using the Verification Checklist on a dailybasis to control quality in the field? <br>

  • 4. Are incoming products (i.e. precast concrete elements,barrier rails, throw screens, etc..) inspected for quality and quantity upon delivery and/or prior to being incorporated into the works? <br>

  • 5. Is the supply of concrete consistent?

  • 6. Are there sufficient survey pegs/marks and controls inplace to achieve tolerances and level control? <br>

  • 7. Is piling within specified tolerances for location, size, alignment and depths? <br>

  • 8. Is the fixing of reinforcement steel and other embedded items fabricated correctly, including set out and spacing?

  • 9. Has welding been carried out to the specified requirements?

  • 10. Are the required lengths been achieved for lapped bars?

  • 11. Are embedments installed securely and protected fromconcrete slurry during the pour?

  • 12. Has the formwork been certified and assembled correctly?

  • 13. Are forms in a condition that will allow the required class offinish to be achieved? <br>

  • 14. Are the gaps, joints and voids in the formwork adequately sealed to prevent slurry loss?

  • 15. Is adequate concrete cover achievable?

  • 16. Are the bottom of concrete pours clean and debris free?

  • 17. Have the construction joints been prepared adequately?

  • 18. Is the handling and placement of concrete and compaction performed correctly?

  • 19. Concrete curing process achieved? Have curing periodsbeen achieved?

  • 20. Surface finish blowhole and colour evaluation.

  • 21. Are any cracks evident in the concrete finish surface

  • 22. Has nonconforming concrete works been repaired to the required standard, uniformity and finishing?

  • 23. Are the Expansion joints installed correctly?

  • 24. Are bearings correct type, orientation and installation withinspecified tolerances?

  • 25. Have the girders been positioned correctly to axially load the bearings and visually neat and consistent?

  • 26. Have precast units been positioned correctly, uniformly aligned, in good condition (i.e. no chips, scratches, etc), visually neat and consistent.

  • 27. Are corners / edges of concrete elements neat withoutexcessive damage? <br>

  • 28. Are the bridge barrier railings, safety screens and pedestrian railings installed correctly, uniformly aligned andpositioned?

  • 29. Has the waterproofing membrane been prepared andapplied correctly to bridge decks? <br>

  • 30. Have environmental control measures (sediment, erosion,dusts, etc.) been put in place prior to commencing work and re-established at the completion of works?

  • 31. Precast elements have they been bagged and finished to an acceptable urban design standard <br>

  • 32. Has deck uniformity and finish been achieved?

  • 33. Has level and finish of bridge joints been achieved?

  • 34. Have uniform, smooth transitions on approaches been achieved?

  • 35. Has consistency of concrete deck levels been achieved?

  • 36. Any other items, activities underway that demonstrate commitment to improving levels of workmanship.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.