Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location or Vessel Name

Human Resources (HR)

  • Do you meet your Safe Manning Certificate requirement?

  • Do you keep on file a copy of all employees IDs or passports?

  • Do you keep on file emergency contact details for all employees?

  • Is an "Onboard Familiarisation Form" filled in each time a new crew member comes aboard or a crew member who rejoins after a long absence?

  • Do you keep on file a copy of all employee contracts?

  • Do you keep on file a copy of all crew member certificates that are required by flag or local regulations?

  • Do you keep on file a copy of all dive crew member professional liability insurances?

  • Do you keep on file a copy of all the diving crew members professional up-to-date certificates (renewed)?

  • Are all your crew members and staff covered by either the local social security and/or accident/health insurance?

Guests Satisfaction

  • Has every crew member been issued enough uniform?

  • Do all crew members wear uniform at all times when guests are aboard?

  • Select the briefings that the guests receive during their stay onboard?

  • Are all guests offered the chance to fill in a feedback survey at the end of each cruise?

  • How do you carry out surveys? Paper, boat device, guest's own device? Please describe

  • Can you provide a receipt of payment for on board sales should a guest or the sales & reservation department ask for one?

  • Do your on board prices match the prices found on the Master Liveaboards website? (reference: https://masterliveaboards.com/downloads/)

  • For non-cash payments, do you use the payment method supplied by Master Liveaboards?

  • As you use Flywire, can you confirm you follow the processes?

  • Do you offer some merchandise for sale onboard?

  • Do you have a cabin folder in each cabin?

  • Is this cabin folder up-to-date? (Information correct and with right branding)

  • Does this cabin folder contain promotion for the fleet at the end?

  • Do you deal with complaint as per ML guidelines found here: https://bookstack.wwdas.com/books/operations-manual/page/customer-satisfaction-going-the-extra-mile?


  • Do you conduct a briefing of the general itinerary at the beginning of each cruise?

  • Do you conduct the itinerary as per the Itinerary description that can be downloaded from the Master Liveaboards website? (https://masterliveaboards.com/downloads/) Weather permitting of course

  • Are the guides using their own photo/video equipment while guiding?

  • How does the crew handle the guests' equipment on the dive deck and tender?

  • Is your crew assisting guests to suit up and off?

  • Are all your dives guided or if independent diving is authorised, do you offer guides' service ?

  • Are all your guests wearing a dive computer?

  • Is there an accountability system to keep tracks of divers (both dives and land visits)?

  • Do dive crew members each have all their own equipment?

  • Do you assess conditions and confer with captain before each dive (current for example)?

  • Are Minimum Diving Requirements respected for your location? (ref: shorturl.at/iBXY6) - unless previously discussed and approval granted

  • Do you adhere to PADI Scuba Diving Safe Practices at all times?

  • Are environmental protection best practices mentioned and enforced?

Diving Equipment

  • Is all rental equipment serviced regularly, either by yourself or an outside company?

  • Do you keep service records for your cylinders?

  • Do you keep service records for your rental regulators?

  • Is the maintenance and service conducted by one of your employees?

  • Does this employee hold the appropriate certificate to do this type of servicing?

  • Do you have a detailed inventory of your rental equipment that will include the service due dates?

  • Select the appropriate box to describe the general state of your rental equipment?

  • Does your diving crew rent personal equipment out to guests?

  • Do you conduct pre and post cruise checks on your rental equipment?

  • Do you use the rental equipment form when you rent equipment?

  • When your cylinders are being filled with nitrox, do the guests analyse them or alternatively the crew does the analysing in presence of the guests?

  • Do you keep nitrox logs?

  • Are any diving courses provided onboard?

  • Does the instructor hold the appropriate certification to conduct said course?

  • Do you ask the students to fill in the appropriate waivers for that said course?

  • Do you provide a complete set of materials to the student (actual books or online)? A manual and a certification if the course is successful?

  • Do you keep the student records along with the appropriate waivers on file?

  • Do you conduct any special type of diving (night, solo, open deck, technical, cave, blackwater, etc.)

  • Do you follow Master Liveaboards procedures for this special type of diving?


  • Are the correct liability releases used for every cruise by every guest?

  • Are these liability releases kept on file safely for at least 5 years?

  • Is a cruise report sent to head office after each cruise?

  • Do all guest sign the Muster Drill Log and is it also sent to head office after each cruise?

  • Is an Onboard Sales Sheet OBSS (or equivalent like Loyverse) completed for each cruise and sent to the relevant accountant?

  • If there was an incident onboard, is an incident report form completed and sent through every time?

  • Does the vessel carry Marine hull insurance cover and is it in date?

  • Does the vessel (or destination) carry marine liability cover and is it in date?

  • Does the vessel (or destination) have a liability cover for scuba diving activities and is it in date?

  • Do you have an SMS for your vessel/location?

  • If you have an SMS, is this saved in Bookstack as a public record?

  • Do you review bi-yearly your SMS and update it?

Safety, emergency and crisis

  • Do you conduct safety drills onboard with the crew? Example: fire drill

  • Do you respect the drill calendar? IE a safety drill should be conducted every 3 months

  • Do you record these drills into a log and get the crew to sign them?

  • Are copies of the log sent or shared with the head office?

  • Do you have a copy of the Emergency Plans onboard?

  • Does the crew know where they are and how to use them?

  • Do you know how to report an incident depending on its severity?

  • Are some of the crew members trained in first aid including CPR?

  • Do all crew members maintain good hygiene, including regular hand washing and showers?

  • Do you carry enough oxygen for the planned itinerary?

  • Are the guests told not to charge electronics in their cabins?

  • Do you have a muster point onboard?

  • Can you confirm that EVERYONE onboard (crew and guests) know where this is?

  • Do you have a station bill onboard?

  • Do you have emergency evacuation plans displayed clearly throughout the boat?

  • Are they correct?

  • Do you have a satellite phone and is it working?

  • Do have emergency lighting onboard?

  • Is this tested regularly to ensure it will work if needed?

  • Do you have emergency signage throughout the boat? Example: green reflective exit arrow

  • Are you sure they are correct?

Emergency Equipment

  • Select the emergency equipment you carry onboard?

  • Do you hold an inventory of your AED equipment including expiry dates for pads and battery? Are they in date?

  • Is the O2 unit currently in working order? Is it checked at the start of every single cruise?

  • Are the guests and crew aware the boat has CCTV (data protection)?

  • Are the life rafts in date?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.