School Complete monthly checklist
Monthly checklist
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1: Context of the organization
Please complete all sections. Remember to attach evidence to items where required, and to sign off and complete this assessment/inspection in the final section.
1.1 Licenses.
Do you have a valid Civil Defense license?
Do you have a valid DOH license?
Do you have a valid MCC certificate?
Do you have a valid Trade license?
Do you have a valid Hassantuk certificate?
Do you have a valid canteen license (ADAFSA)?
Do you have a valid tenancy contract?
1.2 AMC contracts
Do you have a valid CCTV AMC?
Do you have a valid transportation contract?
Do you have a valid Security contract?
Do you have a valid Life guard AMC contract.
Do you have a valid AMC contract for nurses?
Do you have a valid pest control contract?
Do you have a valid ADEK certificate?
Do you have valid waste management contracts- Recycling; Medical and General?
Do you have a valid Medical equipment calibration contract?
Has all the contractors that will work on-site signed the Permit to work?
Has all contracted staff been added to ADEK pass?
Has an induction been carried out on all contractors that will be on-site?
1.3 Inspections
Was monthly bus inspections completed?
Was the weekly cleaning checklist completed?
Has all planned PPM been completed on HVAC systems?
Was daily building inspections completed, and concerns raised?
Has inspection been completed on the CCTV system?
Was inspections completed on Electrical rooms and service room to ensure it is not being used for storage?
Does electrical rooms have sufficient cooling?
Was inspection completed on classrooms?
Is the tank cleaning schedule followed?
Is the Water tank testing completed as per schedule?
Has pest control been completed in all areas and there are no visible signs of pests?
Have you checked that fire extinguishers and fire hose reels have been inspected by a third-party contractor?
Have all play areas and equipment been inspected?
Has a canteen inspection been conducted?
Are all external areas free from waste, landscaped areas maintained?
1.4 Asset verification
Have you completed the monthly asset verification and shared the excel sheet?
Have all transfer requests been approved and shared?
Has all disposal requests been approved and shared?
Have any additional assets been requested from ADEK?
Have all newly purchased FF and E been updated on the assets list?
Have all newly purchased FF and E been asset tagged?
2. TPA Accommodation
Has the move-in checklist been signed by tenant and shared with HR?
Has the move-out checklist been completed and signed?
Has the Sublease agreement been shared by HR?
3. Purchase orders- ERP
Have all POs been raised for the current month?
Has the order been received and handed to relevant department?
Have all received invoices been signed, stamped and put away?
Has all utility, telecommunications bills been raised?
4. Planning
4.1 Planning
Has regular maintenance been planned and required material sourced?
Is there a tracker in place to track the validity of AMC contracts?
Is there a tracker in place to track the validity of all regulatory licenses?
Is there a PPM schedule available for all maintenance-related units? (HVAC, water tank cleaning, Swimming pool, general maintenance, ect.)
Is there a plan available for the predicted expenditure regarding general maintenance?
4.2 Policies
Have all policies been reviewed and implemented? (Fire emergency; swimming pool; Bus policy ect.)
Have all policies been signed by the relevant party?
Sign Off
Sign Off
I, the undersigned, have completed this Monthly checklist in an accurate manner. I have attached evidence as required .
Full name and signature of auditor