Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Regular Monthly Checks
Does the QHSE information board contain all of the necessary information?
Is the information held on the QHSE information board up to date?
Is there adequate lighting throughout the premises?
Is housekeeping to an acceptable standard?
Is the office / depot free from slip and trip hazards?
Are materials stored on shelves and in storage cupboards / rooms as appropriate?
Is shelving suitable for the load being stored, level and secured with no defects or deterioration which impact it's integrity?
Are heavier items stored between mid-thigh / shoulder height?
Are materials stored to prevent shifting / falling?
Is there an appropriate number of first aid kits available on site, and are they fully stocked? [Check dates and dispose if required]
Is there a fully stocked eye wash kit available on site?
Is the defibrillator accessible and in working order?
Are facilities in good working order and clean?
Are toilets in good working order and clean?
Has the general waste and mixed municipal waste been placed in appropriate receptacles?
Is it clear the general waste and mixed municipal waste receptacles are emptied prior to overflowing?
Are there appropriate arrangements for the storage of COSHH substances, and is this suitably managed?
Is the workplace free from COSHH products that should be stored in the COSHH container?
Are LPG gas bottles stored correctly in the gas cage provided?
Monthly Fire Checks
Are weekly fire alarm tests being performed and recorded?
Are monthly emergency lighting checks being performed and recorded?
Are the firefighting appliances accessible and in working order?
Are exit corridors / routes clear of obstructions, marked and clearly signed?
Do all fire does open with ease?
Are fire door seals in good condition?
Is the Disabled toilet alarm in working condition?
Quarterly Workplace Inspection
Workplace Assets
Select workplace assets that are subject to either a statutory inspection or other essential compliance?
Air Conditioning
Has the air conditioning unit been serviced and leak tested in the last 12 months?
Enter date
Boiler and other Gas Appliances
Has the Boiler (and other Gas Appliances) been serviced in the last 12 months?
Enter date
Fire Alarm
Has the fire alarm been serviced in the last 6 months?
Enter date
Emergency Lighting
Has the emergency lighting been serviced in the last 12 months?
Enter date
Fire Extinguishers
Have the fire extinguishers been serviced in the last 12 months?
Enter date
Are the Fire Fighting appliances visibly marked?
Are there enough appliances sited throughout the building?
Are there controls in place to stop misuse of the appliances?
Fixed Wiring
Has the fixed wiring been inspected in the last 5 years?
Enter date
Has the lift been serviced in the last 12 months?
Enter date
Has the lift received a thorough LOLER inspection in the last 6 months?
Enter date
PAT Testing
Has the PAT testing been carried out in the last 12 months?
Enter date
Radio / TV Licence
Has the radio / tv licence been renewed in the last 12 months?
Enter date
Roller Shutter
Has the roller shutter been serviced in the last 12 months?
Enter date
Waste Disposal
Has the locations current commercial waste collector got an in-date waste carriers licence?
Enter date
Has the locations current sanitary waste collector got an in-date waste carriers licence?
Enter date
Asset Condition
Are all assets free from defects or outstanding maintenance?
Are any assets due for inspection in the next 3 months?
Please list:
Is the room at a comfortable temperature?
Is the premises free from odours?
Are noise levels acceptable?
Is there adequate ventilation throughout the premises?
Means of Egress
Are all floor surfaces in good condition?
Are stair treads in good condition?
Can all exit doors be opened from inside in direction of escape?
Are all plugs, leads, sockets and switches in good repair, free from fraying and damage?
First Aid
Is there a sufficient number of trained first aiders on site?
Please provide names
Are the first aid kits visibly marked, and stored in appropriate locations?
Is the eye wash kit visibly marked, and stored in an appropriate location?
Is the defibrillator visibly marked, and stored in an appropriate location?
Is the fire risk assessment completed and up to date?
Are fire drills being performed and recorded?
Is there a sufficient number of trained fire wardens on site?
Please provide names
Are all fire doors fully functional and do they meet the legal standards?
Does all emergency lighting operated on test for their full rated duration?
Is the fire assembly point identified and adequately sign posted?
Is there suitable access for the fire service and adequately maintained?
Are COSSH Assessments available for products stored on site? Please choose three COSHH substances, and confirm whether the MSDS and COSHH assessments are available in the shared folders
Are there suitable arrangements in place for the disposal of COSHH substances?