Title Page
Line or Area
Date of non-routine task/QRP conducted
Describe the non routine task in a few words (title)
Equipment involved for the non-routine task
Name of all employees involved in completing the task and QRP
Supervisor Signature
What Are You About To Do?
Describe in detail the non-routine job task or activity?
Is a standard operating procedure or safe practice available?
Should a procedure be made for the task?
Critique, document and share the job task in the form of an SOP or safe practice with employees for future use.
How Could I Get Hurt?
What are the hazard(s)?
- Struck by
- Caught in
- Pinched
- Hot/Cold Surface
- High Pressure
- Chemical Exposure
- Spill
- Slip, Trip and Fall
- Electrical Shock
- Body Position
- Fire/ Explosion
- Un-expected Moving Parts
- Lack of Ventilation
- Other
Preventative Measures: What am I going to do to prevent a serious injury?
What Do I Need To Do This Job Safely?
Does the task need to be performed in a certain way or monitored?
How will the task will be performed or monitored.
Is the standard PPE required being used and is it enough to prevent injury during the non-routine task?
Stop Work. Obtain and use the necessary PPE, review prevention measures.
Should the non-routine task or activity be reviewed and documented in a written procedure?
How will the critique of the job task be accomplished and who will be responsible for documentation?
Should new findings of safe practices be shared with employees to improve awareness?
Create a safe practice using the documented findings found while completing this QRP. Once a safe practice is documented, share/post near equipment associated with the task for employee future use.
Any other measures not previously identified to ensure work is done safely?
What additional measures need to be implemented prior to completing the task?