Title Page
Document No.
Rack Check Found Issue Report
GMX 512/A1AC
Conducted on
Team Lead or Supervisor initials
This report is to record a discussion between production supervisor or team lean and a production operator regarding an issue found in a finished good rack check.
Top Number
Rack number
Take a photo of the issue if possible
Issue(s) found in rack check.
Operator Name
Station Where Issue Occured
Is this a quality or engineering issue?
FYI this is not an official step in the write up/disciplinary process. This is only a recording document. You may be asked to inspect for defects/issues outside of normal work instructions. Please see Follow up Actions to continue.
Was the above issue due to an operator mistake?
Is this a repeat mistake?
FYI this is not an official step in the write up/disciplinary process. This is only a recording document. This document can be used if/when disciplinary process begins as an example of poor quality. Failure to follow corrective actions may result in the starting of the discipline process up to termination.
FYI this is not an official step in the write up/disciplinary process. This is only a recording document. This document can be used if/when disciplinary process begins as an example of poor quality. Failure to follow corrective actions may result in the starting of the discipline process
Corrective Follow Up Action(s):
Does the operator understand the above stated issue(s) and the above stated corrective action(s)
Explain again to the operator the issues and corrective issue until fully understood. When operator understands change answer to yes.
TEAM LEAD/ PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR: By signing here you certify that the issue(s) and corrective action(s) have been explained and are understood by the operator.
OPERATOR: By signing here you acknowledge that you understand the above issue(s) and you will follow the stated corrective actions.