Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
RAMS Review
Prior to contractor-led work commencing on site, the Person responsible for engaging the contractor must review the contractor's risk assessment and method statement and document the review using this form. The form will then be stored in the relevant work pack.
Contractor's Company Name:
Project Name (if applicable):
Reference, Issue Number and Date of Risk Assessment and Method Statement being reviewed:
Contractor's Site Contact for work being undertaken:
Company Responsible Person Site Contact for work activity:
Description of Work Activity:
Scheduled Date(s) of Work Activity:
1. Is the scope of the task clearly identified with a brief description of the work activity elements?
2. Are all the significant health, safety and environmental (HS&E) hazards/aspects relevant to the task(s) identified?
3. Are all the significant health, safety and environmental (HS&E) hazards/aspects relevant to the working area identified?
4. Does it identify all parties who may be harmed as a result of the work activity e.g. our employees, other contractors, visitors or members of the public?
5. If the risk assessment includes activities performed by sub/contractor tasks, has it been reviewed by the sub/contractor?
6. Does it define clear control measures for each risk using the hierarchy of control: Elimination, Substitution, Isolation, Engineering Control, PPE/RPE?
7. Has a risk rating been applied to each significant risk identified?
8. Does it identify any further actions necessary to reduce risks to ALARP?
9. Does it reference any additional specific assessments required e.g. COSHH, Noise, Vibration, Manual Handling?
Please supply COSHH assessment including SDS for all materials in use.
10. Does it identify specific detail regarding control of exposure levels where applicable, (vibration magnitude, trigger times, noise level, COSHH Workplace Exposure Limits?
Please supply vibration magnitudes /assessment for tools in use, please state exposure action and limit values for noise.
11. Does it identify the requirement to conduct task specific/point of works risk assessments?
12. Is there a requirement for other relevant company parties to review the risk assessment?
1. Is a method statement necessary for the task(s)?
2. Does it include a title, date and issue/revision number?
3. Does it clearly detail the scope of the task(s) and the location of the work activity?
4. Does it detail the start date, working hours (including any weekend working) and the estimated completion date?
5. Does it clearly detail site access arrangements i.e. sign in/out, induction etc?
6. Does it clearly detail the logical sequence of the task from arrival on site through to departure from site? (a defined clear sequence of the works, method of how the works will be completed and responsibilities for each step)
7. Does it identify the responsible supervisor and required competencies for controlling the works on site?<br>
8. Does it identify the supervisor’s name, responsibilities and contact details?
Please supply competencies for supervisor
9. Does it identify the competent labour resources required, their training, numbers and trades?
Please supply competencies for work party that cover the hazards identified. Please include vocational and health and safety competencies.
10. Does it identify any personal restrictions e.g. young person, ill-health, disabilities?
11. Does it adequately address the relevant risk assessment control measures identified in terms of documented arrangements with regard to significant risks?
12. Does it detail the plant and equipment to be used and any associated inspection/maintenance regime - (LOLER/PUWER)? (Thorough examination, calibration and test certification to be provided / checked)
Please supply record of thorough inspection for 6/12 months as required by LOLER.
13. Does it identify the permitting requirements i.e. general, hot work, confined space, excavation permits.<br>
14. Does it address any other relevant checklists/documentation requiring completion prior to commencement of works e.g. Lift Plan, traffic management plan, environmental impact assessment?
15. Are significant materials (including hazardous substances) required, including sizes, quantity, and weights/measures, delivery methods, inspection, storage, issue of, protection and disposal?
16. Does it identify measures required for layout and securing and/or segregation and signing the work area e.g. barriers, sheeting/screening, lay down/storage and waste disposal?
17. Does it identify the requirement for specialist training, e.g., PASMA, Confined Space entry?
Please supply specialist competencies for PASMA, CS, Lifting Operations.
18. Are all mandatory site/location and task specific PPE / RPE requirements detailed?
19. Include any additional specific risk assessments required e.g., COSHH, noise, manual handling and point of work assessments?
20. Does it include or refer to any relevant drawings / sketches required e.g., lift plans, site boundaries etc.?
21. Does it include details of welfare requirements and responsibility for their provision and maintenance?
22. Does it specify how operatives will be briefed on site safety arrangements, changes to work scope, work activity of other contractors if applicable and/or hazards and by whom?
23. Where applicable, are specific emergency arrangements/procedures formulated for the task, (rescue plan, special first aid / fire requirements, environmental emergency actions, means of communication (radio), details of what to do and by whom)?
24. Does it adequately detail the arrangements for waste segregation and disposal?
Initial Company Risk Assessment and Method Statement Review Outcome (in the space below document any changes required as a result of the review)
PRINT NAME: Graeme Clark
JOB TITLE: Director Ethos Safety
Ethos Safety Ltd