Title Page
Site conducted
Project Number
Date RAMS/SSoW submitted/received
Review Completed by
Date of Review
Current Review Status
- A - Green (Accepted - Work Authorised to Proceed)
- B - Amber (Conditionally Accepted - Work Authorised to Proceed Subject to Contractor Satisfying Noted Comments/Conditions)
- C - Red (Rejected - Work Not Authorised to Proceed Until Contractor Satisfactorily Addresses Action Items/Omissions)
RAMS Appraisal
Information & Control Statement
The purpose of this document is to ensure that all site activities are planned & carried out in a manner, which reflects the position of Allma Construction as a Safety driven organisation. All subcontractor and Allma Method Statements, Safe Systems of Work & Risk/ Manual Handling/ Noise/ HAV/ COSHH assessments (hereafter identified as RAMS) must have received an A or B rating prior to any work commencing. First consider whether the contractor has detailed what site & job specific hazards exist from their works and if they could cause harm. Then consider whether the RAMS adequately eliminate or control the risks. RAMS must be specific to each site and task. Generic RAMS are unacceptable. Once RAMS have been accepted it is important that Site Management monitors the contractor’s operations to ensure compliance with the RAMS. Where the person reviewing the RAMS differs from the person reviewing the work in progress, both must be familiar with, and fully understand the content and controls contained within the RAMS.
By accepting these Allma Construction Ltd. do not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions by the author. The Contractor is not relieved of their statutory obligation to provide, monitor, review and revise their safe system of work throughout the progress of the task(s). Any revisions to the document must be presented to Allma Construction Ltd. and agreed prior to authorisation to commence is given.
Document Control Information
Please indicate which of the following documents have been submitted by the Contractor for review
Method Statement(s) / Safe Systems of Work
Risk Assessment(s)
COSHH Assessment(s)
Manual Handling Assessment(s)
Noise Risk Assessment(s)
Vibration Risk Assessment(s)
Workforce H&S/Task Specific Training Records
Method Statement / Safe System of Work (MS)
Is the MS dated and signed by a competent person in authority?
Does the MS contains site specific information (incl. project information, description of works, personnel & contact information, plant/equipment, training etc.)?
Does the MS contain an accurate description of extent & location of works / tasks / processes to be carried out, incl. detailed sequence of work operations presented in a logical order. (Incl. relevant drawings/technical information docs as appropriate)?<br>
Does the MS consider the safety of third parties (members of public, adjacent occupants, visitors, other trades etc.)?
Does the MS detail management/supervisory arrangements incl. names and qualifications of managers/supervisors & details of supervision, inspection & monitoring regime?
Does the MS address special considerations (i.e. client restrictions, permit to work requirements, safe isolation procedures, crane lifting plan, confined spaces, excavations, asbestos removal works etc.)?
Does the MS detail procedures for workforce consultation and communicating RAMS content to those doing the work to ensure their understanding. (i.e. toolbox talks, briefings etc.)?
Does the MS identify procedures for changing or departing from Systems of Work/RAMS (incl. re-inducting workforce in changes)?
Does the MS contain details for secure segregation/isolation of hazardous works?
Does the MS contain details of delivery, storing & movement of plant / materials?
Does the MS accurately describe contractor's resources (Plant, equipment etc. incl. operator training certification & current LOLER, PUWER, PAT inspection records etc. where relevant)?
Does the MS contain details of emergency procedures (incl. emergency evacuation/rescue plans, traffic management, fire safety, first aid, accident reporting)?
Does the MS detail work at height access systems to be used (scaffold, mobile tower, MEWP etc. incl. load of materials)?
Does the MS contain details of any necessary testing, inspection & handover procedures?
Does the MS detail any protective clothing/equipment/PPE/RPE to be used?
Risk Assessment(s) - (RA)
Is the RA(s) dated and signed by a competent person in authority?
Does the RA(s) accurately detail project & task specific hazards (i.e. anything that could cause harm)?
Does the RA(s) accurately identify who is at risk from the hazards and how?
Does the RA(s) accurately detail suitable project & task specific control measures to eliminate or adequately mitigate risk from the hazards identified?
Does the RA(s) accurately describe contractor's resources (Barriers, Signage, Safety Equipment, Personnel Training requirements etc.) to adequately eliminate or mitigate risk?
Does the RA(s) detail any protective clothing/equipment/PPE/RPE to be used?
Does the RA(s) contain suitable manual handling risk control measures?
Does the RA(s) contain suitable noise risk control measures?
Does the RA(s) contain suitable vibration risk control measures?
Does the RA(s) contain suitable dust/respiratory hazard risk control measures?
Does the RA(s) contain suitable work at height hazard risk control measures?
COSHH Assessment(s) - (CA)
Are COSHH Assessments relevant to this Contractor's works?
Is the CA(s) dated and signed by a competent person in authority?
Has the Contractor provided CA(s) which consider potential construction related airborne respiratory hazards (i.e. silica/wood dusts etc.)?
Has the Contractor provided CA(s) for all relevant material/substances they have brought to site?
Does the CA(s) identify any Workplace Exposure Limit (WEL) or Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) for material/substance?
Does the CA(s) consider material/substance usage, storage, disposal, spillage & environmental hazards?
Does the CA(s) identify fire fighting control measures?
Does the CA(s) identify emergency first aid measures hazards?
Does the CA(s) detail any protective clothing/equipment/PPE/RPE to be used?
Manual Handling Assessment(s) - (MHA)
Are Manual Handling Assessments relevant to this Contractor's Works
Does the MHA identify the weight(s) of the objects to be manually lifted?
Does the MHA identify any mechanical lifting equipment/aids to be used for the task?
Does the MHA identify the minimum number of persons required to carry out the lifting task(s)?
Does the MHA consider the elements of TILE (Task, Individual, Load, Environment)?
Does the MHA consider frequency of lifts/repetitive lifting requirements?
Does the MHA consider training/guidance requirements for the workforce?
Does the MHA detail any protective clothing/equipment/PPE to be used?
Noise Risk Assessment(s) - (NRA)
Are Noise Risk Assessments relevant to this Contractor's Works
Does the NRA identify the expected maximum noise levels from the task(s)?
Does the NRA identify the expected duration of exposure to noise from the task(s)?
Does the NRA identify suitable engineering controls to protect against noise hazards (i.e. noise exclusion zones, barriers/signage, enclosures)?
Does the NRA detail the effective hearing protection to effectively control noise levels (i.e. disposable ear plugs, ear defenders, SNR rating etc.)?
Vibration Risk Assessment(s) - (VRA)
Are Vibration Risk Assessments relevant to this Contractor's Works
Does the VRA identify the vibration value of the equipment/tool(s)?
Does the VRA identify the expected user duration of exposure to vibration from the task(s)?
Does the VRA identify the maximum user "trigger" time to reach Exposure Action Value (EAV) (i.e. the daily amount of vibration exposure above which employers are required to take action to control exposure = 2.5 m/s2)?
Does the VRA identify the maximum user "trigger" time to reach Exposure Limit Value (ELV) (i.e. the maximum amount of vibration an employee may be exposed to on any single day = 5 m/s2 )?
Does the VRA identify suitable control measures to limit exposure to vibration (i.e. intermittent use of equipment, job rotation, additional breaks, PPE (i.e. anti-vibration gloves etc.)?
H&S Training
Has the Contractor provided suitable evidence of currently valid H&S competency/training certification/records for all managers/supervisors/operatives etc.?(SMSTS/SSSTS/CSCS/CPCS etc.)
Has the Contractor provided suitable evidence of currently valid task specific training certification/records for their workforce (Asbestos Awareness / Face Fit / IPAF / PASMA / Abrasive Wheels etc.)