Title Page

  • Who's the receptionist on Duty?

  • Shift Duties


  • Speak with AM Shift Manager and go through their shift log and communication Diary and gather any relevant information

  • Read through teams chats since last shift and note antyhing required

  • Read Communication Diary since last shift for any relevent information

  • Read through previous shift Manager Logs in communication Diary since last shift for any relevant information

Login Into Systems

  • Log into - Mews, Goki, Outlook, Teams any other relevent systems and make sure you have logeed out of others profiles

  • Make sure the Goki Dashboard is open on a computer and all messages and inboxes are being answered and responded to in a timely manner

  • Make sure communication diary is open and is being used throughout shift

Group Arrivals Preparation

  • Make sure you are aware of all groups arriving

  • Ensure all keys have been Prepared

  • make sure group files have all relevant information

  • When doing group induction speak to your audience. Make sure Primary schools are given a Primary school induction, high schools a high school induction and Over 18's an over 18 induction.

  • Ensure team leader Checklists have been gone over thoroughly with all group leaders

Daily Tasks

  • Reply and file away all emails and check the Goki Dashboard periodically throughout shift

  • Reply booking.com

  • Reply Agoda

  • Reply AIRBNB

  • Check Fridge

  • Check "Monday" fridge and throw out all unnamed items or off foods

  • Check "Wednesday" Fridge and throw out food that isn't labelled and anything off

  • Check "Friday" Fridge and throw out food that isn't labelled and anything off

Trust You Replies

  • Open Trust You and login with your username - https://analytics.trustyou.com/tyra-5/static/home.html#/auth/hotel/login3

  • Filter replies by date, ranging from January 1st 2024 to the current date

  • Filter by review score ranging from 80-100

  • Reply to all reviews making sure to stay within guidelines from training

9PM Pack down Cafe (only sweets)

  • Take all items in ambient display and put them in airtight containers with lids - containers are found in commercial kitchen.

  • Take temperature checks for all fridges and input information into the following file - https://yhaaustraliainc.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/SydneyHarbour/Food%20%20Beverage/Food%20%26%20Beverage/Food%20Safety/Fridge%20Temperature%20Log%20-%202023.xlsx?d=wa2e531f499ab471dbe10b97ec40162a4&csf=1&web=1&e=S42CqW

  • Clean out Ambient display glass inside and out with glass spray and paper towel

  • Wipe down all surfaces in the cafe and clean display fridge rubber seals

9 PM - Coffee machine clean

  • Put all milk jugs, coffee handles, filters into the dishwasher and set on

  • Wipe down all benches including under the machine and around the coffee grinder getting rid of all coffee

  • Turn off coffee grinder

  • Take out Coffee tray and rinse out with soapy and completely clean down

  • Use the coffee cleaner and chemical to clean out the coffee machine - Speak to Shift Manager if you don't know how to do this

  • Record all waste items including food that has come out of the fridge from cafe in the cafe waste sheet - https://yhaaustraliainc.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/SydneyHarbour/Food%20%20Beverage/Food%20%26%20Beverage/Cafe%20Waste%20record%202023.xlsx?d=w20769b5648b846abb5d91d319763e063&csf=1&web=1&e=SWRiwa

  • Mop all of Reception and cafe floor

  • Wipe down all benches with soap and hot water

  • Take out all bins

  • clean sanitise every single night

9:30pm - Checkbox to see what is required

  • Turn off Music for hallways keeping music on for the rooftop, kitchen and reception

  • Check that alarms are activated for the big dig (code 2222)

  • Close lane-way and lock front and side doors

  • Check all hallways and common areas are neat and tidy, adjust furniture as required

End of Shift

  • Leave your desk clean

  • Leave the reception with Towels

  • Close all your Sessions

  • Clock out

  • Add feedbacks.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.