Title Page

  • Who's on shift?

Shift Duties


  • Speak with PM Shift Manager and go through their shift log and communication diary and gather any relevant information

  • Read through teams chats since last shift and note antyhing required

  • Read communication diary since last shift for any relevant information

Login into Systems

  • Log into - Mews, Goki, Outlook, Teams, CCTV and any other relevant systems and make sure you have logged out of others profiles

  • Make sure the Goki Dashboard is open on a computer and all messages and inboxes are being answered and responded to in a timely manner

  • Make sure CCTV is open and operating on one computer

  • Make sure Shift Report is open and you're using it throughout shift

  • Make sure Emergency phone is fully charged or on charge

  • Check remnants lighting is ON (switch 15 in back corridor switchboard)

Read and action customer notes for the next 48 hours

  • Goto In house Guests in house report. Burger menu>Operations>Guests in house>filter by date and put todays date at midnight and filter for two days. Selected status confirmed (Untick checked in) and select the following display options: Balance, customer notes, reservation notes, all products

  • Go through and action any notes from customers or reservation notes and add additional notes to communicate it has been actioned. Add anything relevant to the correct day in the Shift Report and note on the account you have transferred the information to the Shift Report

Reply to Trust you reviews

  • Open Trust you- https://analytics.trustyou.com/tyra-5/static/home.html#/auth/hotel/login

  • Login in with your username and password

  • Click on reviews and filter by this month

  • Reply to all reviews rated between 20-100 paying extra attention to reviews 80 and below and sending anything of concern or that needs to be looked into to the Property Manager

  • For any reviews 20< - Click more > Add task > Name the task "Property Manager reply" tag the Property Manager and put the due days for 7 days in the future

After 12am - Reconcile the Square daily account

  • Please see how to video here - https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/ce1525eb-4c40-438f-b5c4-5b2d055d4d86

After 3am - Reconcile and prepare bill and reservations for the day ahead

  • Open the accounting ledger and untick "highlight open payments" generate Guest in house report and close all open bills for the coming day. Burger menu>Operations>Guests in house>filter by date and put todays date at midnight for start and tomorrows date at midnight to end> select status "confirmed" and unselect status "checked in"> select display options>tick reservation notes and balance (un-tick all products) and view report - Close all open bills on $0 - See below for process regarding outstanding bill

Manage accounting ledger and prepare reservations for the day ahead

  • Open the accounting ledger and untick "highlight open payments"

  • Go through all "in house" accounts and close all balances with $0

  • If there is a remaining balance and is a paymaster booking transfer to the correct paymaster

  • if the booking is a Virtual credit card ensure all details are correct, if still cannot be charged make notes on account that details have been double checked

  • If the booking is a Web beds booking please add notes to the account to charge at 2pm

  • Go through timeline and fix all redline bookings where possible

  • Look through Timeline for any bookings that are booked together and make sure to put them in the same room and lock the reservation adding notes to the reservation, if not possible un-assign the entire group and communicate this in the communication diary

  • Go through reservations and make sure all reservations that are checkout/checkin reservations have been actioned.

  • For any outstanding bills that have failed due to the customer not having enough money on their card write a note on the account that the card was tried to be charged and failed - write down th reservation number in your log and pass information to morning staff

Every 2 hours - Property Walk

  • Check all common areas keeping a keen eye out for any rubbish on tables or on the floor and pick it up, take note of any particularly dirty areas that need attention, and any maintenance issues you come across. flush any toilets and make sure all common areas are stocked with what they require

  • Check rooftop, make sure no one is smoking on the rooftop - re arrange and reset any furniture out of place, pick up any bits of rubbish make sure bins are not overflowing

  • Walk through all hallways and stairwells making sure the lighting and music is correct and at adequate levels, check cleanliness of stairwells and lift. Make note of anything dirty and ensure music if off in hallways

  • Close both terraces and the pool room and lock them at 10:30pm

After 3am - Prepare Group arrivals for the day

  • Check the Groups folder for all of the days arrivals

Inside the groups folder you should have the following

  • Cover Page

  • Rooming list

  • Tax Invoice

  • 2 x Team leader checklist

  • Cross reference the rooming list with the reservation on Mews to make sure all rooms match. If there is a discrepancy please flag it and add details in "Groups issues" at the bottom of the shift report

  • If there is any room configuration issues (Kings needing to be twins) also write in groups issues at the bottom and ad to todays date in the diary

  • On the team leader induction list, ensure all catering information is current and the same as the catering information on the cork board make sure there is two copies available

  • One the cover page of the group, check to see if the group requires towels. If they do, please add at the bottom of the report which groups require towels under "Group towel requests" and add to the diary

  • Cut keys for rooms and label each group of keys and put in white envolope

6am - Prepare Housekeeping list and action items

  • print space status report>>today date>filter "departed and departing">Print individual floor numbers

  • Go through report and cross ot any checkout/check ins

  • Check if any groups have ordered towels in rooms > if so add to communication diary and write at the bottom in group issues/action list

  • Check through Group and FIT arrivals for room configurations ie. King beds requiring to be split > add to communication diary

  • Check if there are any service requests in the communicaion Diary and ensure you remind morning Shift manager

Common room and Kitchen Clean up

  • Wipe down all tables in common room and kitchen

  • Change over the bins in the kitchen

  • Reset all furniture so it's neat and tidy

  • Collect all Bread trays and milk crates from the group room to go back to go back to the suppliers and put in office till the morning

Check Guest Kitchen

  • Reset all furniture

  • Clean up and dirty dishes left in the kitchen

  • Clean all display cabinets with glass cleaner

  • Daily Tasks

  • Tidy and clean Reception desk including drawers

  • Bring Return and Earn bin down from terrace to bin room.

  • Clean staff kitchen and completely reset furniture, put all cutlery and plates away and table should be compeltely cleaned

  • Clean staff kitchen and completely reset furniture, put all cutlery and plates away and table should be compeltely cleaned

  • Restock reception cupboards with toilet paper, sheets, laundry powder etc.

Daily general

  • Stock reception of needed supplies including lots of towels

  • Wrap towels and display in reception

  • Make sure lighting display is on in the Big Dig

  • Ensure all Emails and Goki requests are actioned and filed away. pass on any relevent information to be followed up to AM Shift Manager

  • Make up laundry powder packets

  • Empty dishwasher in staff kitchen and turn sign to dirty so people know to stack dirty dishes in the dishwasher

  • Take a 30 minute break - put up the reception sign stating what time you will be back from your break as well as the number for the emergency phone. Keep the emergency phone on you.

  • Sunrise - open both terraces

  • After 6am - Turn off remnants lighting (switch 15 in back corridor switchboard)

  • Check bin room to make sure no rubbish is overflowing - if it is email Property Manager

  • 06.45am Open front and side doors and laneways and bi folding windows on Cumberland street

  • Handover to AM Shift Manager

  • Clean back bench and back office area so it clear of clutter

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.