Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Subject or Activity Assessed
Is the work being undertaken by contractor or employee
- Employee
- Contractor - Inducted Personnel
- Contractor -Not inducted
- other
Provide details
Provide details of training subject or process being accessed - if safe system of work, operational procedure etc attach the document with details covered.
Name of formal training undertaken prior to this assessment - where possible provide evidence of training certificate -if this is not possible include in statement how you have assessed they have attended training.
Has the person receiving training or being observed demonstrated they can complete the take correctly
- Best Practice
- Compliant
- Some learning
- Poor
- Repeat failure
- N/A
Is the observed person wearing the correct PPE and able to explain why it is required and how to use and take care of it.
- Best Practice
- Compliant
- Some learning
- Poor
- Repeat failure
- N/A
Is the observed person able to explain the purpose for equipment, how to correctly use, store it and take care of it.
- Best Practice
- Compliant
- Some learning
- Poor
- Repeat failure
- N/A
Is the observed person working in a tidy manner and taking steps to avoid slips and trips
- Best Practice
- Compliant
- Some learning
- Poor
- Repeat failure
- N/A
Is the observed person able to demonstrate good understanding of materials and processes associated with the activity.
- Best Practice
- Compliant
- Some learning
- Poor
- Repeat failure
- N/A
Activities discussed
- Permits
- Driving / Towing
- Opening chambers
- Working underground
- Working at height
- MEWP Operations
- Pole climbing
- Emergency Response
- Digging activities
- Cutting or drilling
- Use of hazardous substances
- Environmental Controls
- other
List areas discussed
Is the observed person deemed to demonstrate competency
- Excellent level demonstrated and ability to mentor or provide practical training on this subject.
- Competent and working to a high standard
- Competent
- Demonstrates understanding and ability but needs monitoring to ensure learning remains.
- Requires further training as not able to demonstrate standard required.
- Repeated failure to take on board training and demonstrate the required quality and safety.
- other
Identify how this person will be supported to improve or other action required
Has the individual being observed got any comments about their performance?
Agreed actions and improvements
Any concerns or comments made by the observed person
Observers signature to demonstrate that this is a true record of training/ competency assessment
Observers signature to demonstrate that this is a true record of training/ competency assessment
Employee / Contractor signature to confirm this is a true record of training/ competency assessment