Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Project Manager

  • Inspection Number

  • Inspector

  • Installer

  • Is this a remedial action inspection

  • Give previous project inspection number


  • Inverter Brand

  • System kWp

  • Modules Size

  • Inverter size

  • Number of inverters

  • Type

  • Monitoring Equipment ( OOB, Janitza, MeteoControl, Weather station, Router, Gen Int controller, SCADA)

DC - Module Area


  • Has modules installation been finished?

  • Has the modules been laid out as per layout?

  • Is there flashing, obstacles or a mounting issue preventing layout?

  • String layout is confirmed to match final design

  • Has the modules been laid out as per layout?

  • Is there flashing, obstacles or a mounting issue preventing layout?

  • String layout is confirmed to match final design

  • Is the Layout from PVSol followed?

  • Number of Modules per String match PVSol Design and SLD

  • List anomalies

  • Number of Strings match PVSol Design and SLD

  • String Input to Inverters matches PVSol Design and SLD

  • Is there shading on modules due to obstacles?

Module mounting

  • Is clamps in clamp zone? (1/8L - 1/4L +- 50mm)

  • Is there clamps close to the edge of the shortrails?

  • Any Broken modules?

  • Any loose clamps?

  • What mounting system is used?

  • Is there clamps close to the edge of the shortrails?

  • Is there maintenance gaps between rows/columns as per design?

Cable Trays

  • Has the position of cable trays, bends, entry points been identified (Take photos of all cable trays)

  • Cable entries into trays are mechanically protected and not exposed to sunlight or sharp edges

  • Any joins or connection in the DC cable are identified and recorded for asbuilt

  • DC cable is protected from sharp edges in trunking

  • Has the joins and cuts been cold galvanised or protected from environment in some manner?

  • Cables are managed neatly in the cable trays and will not pinch in the lid and no sharp edges at cable tray joints

  • Is sprague used between modules, module arrays and leading to cable trays or junction boxes?

  • Is cable trays/mesh trays or conduits used between modules, module arrays and leading to cable trays or junction boxes?

  • Is the sprague fixed properly at all places?

  • Is the same sprague used thoughout the project? Multiple sizes allowed but only one manufacturer and type

  • Cable trays are properly fixed and does not show excessive deflection

  • Walkways are properly fixed and does not show excessive deflection

  • Is the cable tray lids properly fixed?

  • Sharp bends or turns on the DC cable


  • An earthing and bonding arrangement has been established inter Array

  • Method of interconnecting earthing between sub arrays

  • Connected to

  • Earth cable size and Type

  • Type

  • Earth busbar or connection point Example

  • Is there an Earth busbar or connection point on cable tray?

  • The earth conductor size from sub arrays to earth connection point on roof

  • The earth conductor size from earth connection point on roof to Main earth bar in PV Sub DB

  • Any loose earthing/bonding connection?

  • Spot checks for loose bonding lugs has been done on the outside modules and no loose lugs found

  • Latest design has been confirmed and approved by EE Design team

  • Earthing layout follows design


  • String labels on roof are present

  • String labels at DC junction box and/or Inverters are present

  • String labels for DC High voltage present on cable trays


  • All MC4 connectors have been crimped with correct tool and tightened to the correct torque

  • Exposed MC4s are sealed and not exposed to the weather while not connected

  • No MC4 connectors are touching the roof sheeting

  • Only original MC4s are being used on site Especially SolarEdge sites

  • Take picture of Module MC4

  • Take picture of String MC4

  • Is this a SolarEdge system

  • SolarEdge optimiser layout is being followed

  • Optimiser sticker layout is complete and clear

  • No mistakes are found in optimiser spot checks (Check at least 5)

AC - Tie in to Inverter

Inverter / LV Area

  • Is there more than one Tie in?

  • Tie in 1

  • The SLD lines up with the physical site inspection

  • Has the PV Sub DB been installed?

  • Take Video of PV DB location and surrounding area

  • NRS 097 Warning Labels have been procured and the position is determined

  • Labelling is complete and permanent, All devices are clearly labelled including Inverters, Circuit Breakers, Isolators and DB boards

  • Inverters Installed?

  • Record inverter serial numbers

  • Is the Installation finished

  • The EE Commissioning Forms have been filled in and returned by the installer

  • All the CoC tests have been performed and results recorded by someone on site Record the name of the person who performed the testing

  • The CoC has been issued

  • Inverter casings and all metal cableways are bonded less than 0.2Ω


  • Take pictures of inverter Serial Numbers

  • Take Pictures of String Inputs to inverters

  • All strings are labelled at inverter

  • Inverter mounting and spacing is as per the installation manual

  • Inverter installation manual is on site with the installation team

  • All inverters are producing energy and are communicating with the monitoring platform

  • Unused glands and holes are to be sealed with the blanks supplied in the inverter box

  • Is the inverters located outside

  • Does it require a cage and roof?

  • The inverter room has sufficient airflow and cooling

  • Inverter covers are mounted securely and all screws and glands are tightened correctly

  • Bonding, Earthing and insulation resistance test has been done and has passed before turning the power on

  • Production reading lines up with a manual measurement


  • Any loose connections found in PV DB?

Main breaker in PV Sub DB

  • Motorised breaker setup

  • Take photo of Isolator location and ratings

  • Take photo of Busbars/connection point (AC and Earth)

  • Take photo of Motorised breaker (connections/ trip settings/Serial Number/motorising unit)

  • Is there terminal blocks for control wiring from PV DB to main motorised breakers in Main DB

  • Is the control cable directly wired?

  • Is the connections torqued and have they been marked?

  • Current rating and setting applied, Breaker Fault level in kA, Is the breaker 3 or 4 Pole

  • AC Cables size from Tie in to PV DB motorised breaker

  • Cable sizes are sufficient to carry the current from the inverters/system. Refer to SANS 101421, Table 6.4(a) for SWA Armoured Cable

  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Does the Breaker and setting of breaker match SLD ( current and Fault rating)

  • Have the cables heatshrink been properly done?

  • Have the Breaker been labelled correctly?

  • Is the modules connected directly to earth busbar?

  • Earth cable size

  • Evidence required

  • Earth cable type

  • Evidence required

  • Type of termination on CB's and Terminals in PV DB

  • Take photo of all terminations on CB's, Terminal block, fuses and other equipment in DB

  • Is there a OOB Relay?

  • Type of Relay

  • Location of Voltage reference

  • Is there Relay voltage reference protection (type and size)

  • Are bootlace ferrules used on all connections on grid relay?

  • Is there terminal blocks for control wiring from grid relay to motorised breakers

  • Are there bootlace ferrules used on the connections of the terminal blocks?

  • Is the control cable directly wired?

  • Take photo of serial numbers

  • Out of Bounds relay connection is correct and operates the MCCBs or contactors 2 in series. The OOB relay must be able to open and close the solar connection

  • Is the system smaller than 30kVA?

  • Solar DB design has been reviewed and is sized correctly for cooling etc

  • Is cooling equipment required?

  • Take photo of cooling equipment in DB

  • Is there AC SPD?

  • Type of SPD

  • Does the SPD have Fuse protection?

  • Fuze size

  • Cable size to fuse from Busbar

  • Cable size to fuse from SPD

Inverter Breakers

  • Take photo of Busbars/connection point where inverter breakers are tied in to

  • Is the connections torqued and have they been marked?

  • Current rating and setting applied, Is the breakers 3 or 4 Pole, Breaker Fault level in kA

  • AC Cables size and type from Inverters to PV DB inverter breakers

  • Cable sizes are sufficient to carry the current from the inverters/system. Refer to SANS 101421, Table 6.4(a) for SWA Armoured Cable

  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Does the Breaker and setting of breaker match SLD ( current and Fault rating)

  • Have the cables heatshrink been properly done?

  • Have the Breakers been labelled correctly?

  • Earth cable size from earth busbar to inverters

  • Earth cable type from earth busbar to inverters

Tie - in DB

  • The Tie-In point to client DB has been identified, photos and video

  • Take photo of Busbars/connection point (AC and Earth)

  • Take photo of Motorised breaker (connections/ trip settings/Serial Number/motorising unit)

  • Is the connections torqued and have they been marked?

  • Current rating and setting applied, Is the breaker 3 or 4 Pole, Breaker Fault level in kA

  • Is there terminal blocks for control wiring from PV DB to main motorised breakers in Main DB

  • Is the control cable directly wired?

  • AC Cables size/ busbar size from Main busbar/connection point to Main DB motorized breaker

  • Evidence required

  • Type of cables

  • AC Cables size from Main DB motorized breaker to PV DB motorized breaker

  • Type of cables

  • Earth Cables size from Main DB to PV DB

  • Type of cables

  • Cable sizes are sufficient to carry the current from the inverters/system. Refer to SANS 101421, Table 6.4(a) for SWA Armoured Cable

  • Cables.PNG
  • Cables.PNG
  • Does the Breaker and setting of breaker match SLD ( current and Fault rating)

  • Have the cables heatshrink been properly done?

  • Have the Breaker been labelled correctly?

  • Is there generator integration?

  • Take photo of generator tie in ( circuit breakers and wiring)

  • Is the Generator correct tie in correct?

  • Take photos of Generator integration conroller

  • Are the CT's in the correct location?

  • Where is the CTs located (Mains input/ generator input/ Automatic transfer switch output)

  • The grid consumption CTs are installed in the correct direction, ie. K or P1 towards the Grid For Solar Edge, Arrow points towards the grid

  • Take pictures of CT location, wiring and Serial Number/nameplate

  • Details of the CT's (Class/A rating/ VA rating/ 333mV or 5A output)

Cable trays

  • AC and DC cable trays separate?

  • Is the AC and DC cable trays mounted securely?

  • Is the AC and DC Cable tray lids mounted securely?

  • Is the AC and DC Cable trays bonded?

  • Comms Cable running separately from AC and DC conductors?

  • Cable bends are not too small in radius and are mechanically protected

  • Cable tray edges are deburred and or mechanically protected

  • Is the cuts cold galvanised?

  • Is the cuts cold galvanised?


  • Has the communication and metering equipment location been finalised

  • Take photo of Comms box inside and location

  • Datalogger type

  • Does the system require SCADA(>100kVA) (cape town)

  • For plants greater than 100kVA The Scada Device has been procured and the installation location is established

  • The connection between the inverters and the Scada device has been wired

  • Wiring method (RS485 or Modbus TCP)

  • Rs485 Cables used for Smartlogger/janitza/power meters/solaredge inverters ?

  • Does devices at start and end of chain have terminating resistor or switch?

  • Is the metal shielding connnected to ground on one side and disconnected on the other end?

  • Is there RS485 SPD on RS485 lines for Smartlogger/Elum/HIgeco dataloggers?

  • Is there an Ethernet Switch?

  • Is there a power point in/nearby comms DB or in PV DB?

  • Is the installer aware that there is a need to install the techsitter meter

  • Is this a roof rental or PPA Has the Techsitter meter been ordered with the correct CTs

  • Does the monitoring system have its own router?

  • Is the router easily accessible for O&M?

  • Is the router set up and internet connectivity good?

  • Is the inverters running?

  • Inverter brand

  • IP Address of Smartlogger/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • Modbus ID's of inverters

  • Take photo of Comms box inside and location

  • Datalogger type

  • Does the system require SCADA(>100kVA) (cape town)

  • For plants greater than 100kVA The Scada Device has been procured and the installation location is established

  • The connection between the inverters and the Scada device has been wired

  • Wiring method (RS485 or Modbus TCP)

  • Rs485 Cables used for Smartlogger/janitza/power meters/solaredge inverters ?

  • Does devices at start and end of chain have terminating resistor or switch?

  • Is the metal shielding connnected to ground on one side and disconnected on the other end?

  • Is there RS485 SPD on RS485 lines for Smartlogger/Elum/HIgeco dataloggers?

  • Is there an Ethernet Switch?

  • Is there a power point in/nearby comms DB or in PV DB?

  • Is the installer aware that there is a need to install the techsitter meter

  • Is this a roof rental or PPA Has the Techsitter meter been ordered with the correct CTs

  • Does the monitoring system have its own router?

  • Is the router easily accessible for O&M?

  • Is the router set up and internet connectivity good?

  • Is the inverters running?

  • Inverter brand

  • IP Address of Smartlogger/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • Modbus ID's of inverters

  • Tie in 2

  • The SLD lines up with the physical site inspection

  • Has the PV Sub DB been installed?

  • Take Video of PV DB location and surrounding area

  • NRS 097 Warning Labels have been procured and the position is determined

  • Labelling is complete and permanent, All devices are clearly labelled including Inverters, Circuit Breakers, Isolators and DB boards

  • Inverters Installed?

  • Record inverter serial numbers

  • Is the Installation finished

  • The EE Commissioning Forms have been filled in and returned by the installer

  • All the CoC tests have been performed and results recorded by someone on site Record the name of the person who performed the testing

  • The CoC has been issued

  • Inverter casings and all metal cableways are bonded less than 0.2Ω


  • Take pictures of inverter Serial Numbers

  • Take Pictures of String Inputs to inverters

  • All strings are labelled at inverter

  • Inverter mounting and spacing is as per the installation manual

  • Inverter installation manual is on site with the installation team

  • All inverters are producing energy and are communicating with the monitoring platform

  • Unused glands and holes are to be sealed with the blanks supplied in the inverter box

  • Is the inverters located outside

  • Does it require a cage and roof?

  • The inverter room has sufficient airflow and cooling

  • Inverter covers are mounted securely and all screws and glands are tightened correctly

  • Bonding, Earthing and insulation resistance test has been done and has passed before turning the power on

  • Production reading lines up with a manual measurement


  • Any loose connections found in PV DB?

Main breaker in PV Sub DB

  • Motorised breaker setup

  • Take photo of Isolator location and ratings

  • Take photo of Busbars/connection point (AC and Earth)

  • Take photo of Motorised breaker (connections/ trip settings/Serial Number/motorising unit)

  • Is there terminal blocks for control wiring from PV DB to main motorised breakers in Main DB

  • Is the control cable directly wired?

  • Is the connections torqued and have they been marked?

  • Current rating and setting applied, Breaker Fault level in kA, Is the breaker 3 or 4 Pole

  • AC Cables size from Tie in to PV DB motorised breaker

  • Cable sizes are sufficient to carry the current from the inverters/system. Refer to SANS 101421, Table 6.4(a) for SWA Armoured Cable

  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Does the Breaker and setting of breaker match SLD ( current and Fault rating)

  • Have the cables heatshrink been properly done?

  • Have the Breaker been labelled correctly?

  • Is the modules connected directly to earth busbar?

  • Earth cable size

  • Evidence required

  • Earth cable type

  • Evidence required

  • Type of termination on CB's and Terminals in PV DB

  • Take photo of all terminations on CB's, Terminal block, fuses and other equipment in DB

  • Is there a OOB Relay?

  • Type of Relay

  • Location of Voltage reference

  • Is there Relay voltage reference protection (type and size)

  • Are bootlace ferrules used on all connections on grid relay?

  • Is there terminal blocks for control wiring from grid relay to motorised breakers

  • Are there bootlace ferrules used on the connections of the terminal blocks?

  • Is the control cable directly wired?

  • Take photo of serial numbers

  • Out of Bounds relay connection is correct and operates the MCCBs or contactors 2 in series. The OOB relay must be able to open and close the solar connection

  • Is the system smaller than 30kVA?

  • Solar DB design has been reviewed and is sized correctly for cooling etc

  • Is cooling equipment required?

  • Take photo of cooling equipment in DB

  • Is there AC SPD?

  • Type of SPD

  • Does the SPD have Fuse protection?

  • Fuze size

  • Cable size to fuse from Busbar

  • Cable size to fuse from SPD

Inverter Breakers

  • Take photo of Busbars/connection point where inverter breakers are tied in to

  • Is the connections torqued and have they been marked?

  • Current rating and setting applied, Is the breakers 3 or 4 Pole, Breaker Fault level in kA

  • AC Cables size and type from Inverters to PV DB inverter breakers

  • Cable sizes are sufficient to carry the current from the inverters/system. Refer to SANS 101421, Table 6.4(a) for SWA Armoured Cable

  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Does the Breaker and setting of breaker match SLD ( current and Fault rating)

  • Have the cables heatshrink been properly done?

  • Have the Breakers been labelled correctly?

  • Earth cable size from earth busbar to inverters

  • Earth cable type from earth busbar to inverters

Tie - in DB

  • The Tie-In point to client DB has been identified, photos and video

  • Take photo of Busbars/connection point (AC and Earth)

  • Take photo of Motorised breaker (connections/ trip settings/Serial Number/motorising unit)

  • Is the connections torqued and have they been marked?

  • Current rating and setting applied, Is the breaker 3 or 4 Pole, Breaker Fault level in kA

  • Is there terminal blocks for control wiring from PV DB to main motorised breakers in Main DB

  • Is the control cable directly wired?

  • AC Cables size/ busbar size from Main busbar/connection point to Main DB motorized breaker

  • Evidence required

  • Type of cables

  • AC Cables size from Main DB motorized breaker to PV DB motorized breaker

  • Type of cables

  • Earth Cables size from Main DB to PV DB

  • Type of cables

  • Cable sizes are sufficient to carry the current from the inverters/system. Refer to SANS 101421, Table 6.4(a) for SWA Armoured Cable

  • Cables.PNG
  • Cables.PNG
  • Does the Breaker and setting of breaker match SLD ( current and Fault rating)

  • Have the cables heatshrink been properly done?

  • Have the Breaker been labelled correctly?

  • Is there generator integration?

  • Take photo of generator tie in ( circuit breakers and wiring)

  • Is the Generator correct tie in correct?

  • Take photos of Generator integration conroller

  • Are the CT's in the correct location?

  • Where is the CTs located (Mains input/ generator input/ Automatic transfer switch output)

  • The grid consumption CTs are installed in the correct direction, ie. K or P1 towards the Grid For Solar Edge, Arrow points towards the grid

  • Take pictures of CT location, wiring and Serial Number/nameplate

  • Details of the CT's (Class/A rating/ VA rating/ 333mV or 5A output)

Cable trays

  • AC and DC cable trays separate?

  • Is the AC and DC cable trays mounted securely?

  • Is the AC and DC Cable tray lids mounted securely?

  • Is the AC and DC Cable trays bonded?

  • Comms Cable running separately from AC and DC conductors?

  • Cable bends are not too small in radius and are mechanically protected

  • Cable tray edges are deburred and or mechanically protected

  • Is the cuts cold galvanised?

  • Is the cuts cold galvanised?


  • Has the communication and metering equipment location been finalised

  • Take photo of Comms box inside and location

  • Datalogger type

  • Does the system require SCADA(>100kVA) (cape town)

  • For plants greater than 100kVA The Scada Device has been procured and the installation location is established

  • The connection between the inverters and the Scada device has been wired

  • Wiring method (RS485 or Modbus TCP)

  • Rs485 Cables used for Smartlogger/janitza/power meters/solaredge inverters ?

  • Does devices at start and end of chain have terminating resistor or switch?

  • Is the metal shielding connnected to ground on one side and disconnected on the other end?

  • Is there RS485 SPD on RS485 lines for Smartlogger/Elum/HIgeco dataloggers?

  • Is there an Ethernet Switch?

  • Is there a power point in/nearby comms DB or in PV DB?

  • Is the installer aware that there is a need to install the techsitter meter

  • Is this a roof rental or PPA Has the Techsitter meter been ordered with the correct CTs

  • Does the monitoring system have its own router?

  • Is the router easily accessible for O&M?

  • Is the router set up and internet connectivity good?

  • Is the inverters running?

  • Inverter brand

  • IP Address of Smartlogger/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • Modbus ID's of inverters

  • Take photo of Comms box inside and location

  • Datalogger type

  • Does the system require SCADA(>100kVA) (cape town)

  • For plants greater than 100kVA The Scada Device has been procured and the installation location is established

  • The connection between the inverters and the Scada device has been wired

  • Wiring method (RS485 or Modbus TCP)

  • Rs485 Cables used for Smartlogger/janitza/power meters/solaredge inverters ?

  • Does devices at start and end of chain have terminating resistor or switch?

  • Is the metal shielding connnected to ground on one side and disconnected on the other end?

  • Is there RS485 SPD on RS485 lines for Smartlogger/Elum/HIgeco dataloggers?

  • Is there an Ethernet Switch?

  • Is there a power point in/nearby comms DB or in PV DB?

  • Is the installer aware that there is a need to install the techsitter meter

  • Is this a roof rental or PPA Has the Techsitter meter been ordered with the correct CTs

  • Does the monitoring system have its own router?

  • Is the router easily accessible for O&M?

  • Is the router set up and internet connectivity good?

  • Is the inverters running?

  • Inverter brand

  • IP Address of Smartlogger/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • Modbus ID's of inverters

  • Tie in 3

  • The SLD lines up with the physical site inspection

  • Has the PV Sub DB been installed?

  • Take Video of PV DB location and surrounding area

  • NRS 097 Warning Labels have been procured and the position is determined

  • Labelling is complete and permanent, All devices are clearly labelled including Inverters, Circuit Breakers, Isolators and DB boards

  • Inverters Installed?

  • Record inverter serial numbers

  • Is the Installation finished

  • The EE Commissioning Forms have been filled in and returned by the installer

  • All the CoC tests have been performed and results recorded by someone on site Record the name of the person who performed the testing

  • The CoC has been issued

  • Inverter casings and all metal cableways are bonded less than 0.2Ω


  • Take pictures of inverter Serial Numbers

  • Take Pictures of String Inputs to inverters

  • All strings are labelled at inverter

  • Inverter mounting and spacing is as per the installation manual

  • Inverter installation manual is on site with the installation team

  • All inverters are producing energy and are communicating with the monitoring platform

  • Unused glands and holes are to be sealed with the blanks supplied in the inverter box

  • Is the inverters located outside

  • Does it require a cage and roof?

  • The inverter room has sufficient airflow and cooling

  • Inverter covers are mounted securely and all screws and glands are tightened correctly

  • Bonding, Earthing and insulation resistance test has been done and has passed before turning the power on

  • Production reading lines up with a manual measurement


  • Any loose connections found in PV DB?

Main breaker in PV Sub DB

  • Motorised breaker setup

  • Take photo of Isolator location and ratings

  • Take photo of Busbars/connection point (AC and Earth)

  • Take photo of Motorised breaker (connections/ trip settings/Serial Number/motorising unit)

  • Is there terminal blocks for control wiring from PV DB to main motorised breakers in Main DB

  • Is the control cable directly wired?

  • Is the connections torqued and have they been marked?

  • Current rating and setting applied, Breaker Fault level in kA, Is the breaker 3 or 4 Pole

  • AC Cables size from Tie in to PV DB motorised breaker

  • Cable sizes are sufficient to carry the current from the inverters/system. Refer to SANS 101421, Table 6.4(a) for SWA Armoured Cable

  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Does the Breaker and setting of breaker match SLD ( current and Fault rating)

  • Have the cables heatshrink been properly done?

  • Have the Breaker been labelled correctly?

  • Is the modules connected directly to earth busbar?

  • Earth cable size

  • Evidence required

  • Earth cable type

  • Evidence required

  • Type of termination on CB's and Terminals in PV DB

  • Take photo of all terminations on CB's, Terminal block, fuses and other equipment in DB

  • Is there a OOB Relay?

  • Type of Relay

  • Location of Voltage reference

  • Is there Relay voltage reference protection (type and size)

  • Are bootlace ferrules used on all connections on grid relay?

  • Is there terminal blocks for control wiring from grid relay to motorised breakers

  • Are there bootlace ferrules used on the connections of the terminal blocks?

  • Is the control cable directly wired?

  • Take photo of serial numbers

  • Out of Bounds relay connection is correct and operates the MCCBs or contactors 2 in series. The OOB relay must be able to open and close the solar connection

  • Is the system smaller than 30kVA?

  • Solar DB design has been reviewed and is sized correctly for cooling etc

  • Is cooling equipment required?

  • Take photo of cooling equipment in DB

  • Is there AC SPD?

  • Type of SPD

  • Does the SPD have Fuse protection?

  • Fuze size

  • Cable size to fuse from Busbar

  • Cable size to fuse from SPD

Inverter Breakers

  • Take photo of Busbars/connection point where inverter breakers are tied in to

  • Is the connections torqued and have they been marked?

  • Current rating and setting applied, Is the breakers 3 or 4 Pole, Breaker Fault level in kA

  • AC Cables size and type from Inverters to PV DB inverter breakers

  • Cable sizes are sufficient to carry the current from the inverters/system. Refer to SANS 101421, Table 6.4(a) for SWA Armoured Cable

  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Does the Breaker and setting of breaker match SLD ( current and Fault rating)

  • Have the cables heatshrink been properly done?

  • Have the Breakers been labelled correctly?

  • Earth cable size from earth busbar to inverters

  • Earth cable type from earth busbar to inverters

Tie - in DB

  • The Tie-In point to client DB has been identified, photos and video

  • Take photo of Busbars/connection point (AC and Earth)

  • Take photo of Motorised breaker (connections/ trip settings/Serial Number/motorising unit)

  • Is the connections torqued and have they been marked?

  • Current rating and setting applied, Is the breaker 3 or 4 Pole, Breaker Fault level in kA

  • Is there terminal blocks for control wiring from PV DB to main motorised breakers in Main DB

  • Is the control cable directly wired?

  • AC Cables size/ busbar size from Main busbar/connection point to Main DB motorized breaker

  • Evidence required

  • Type of cables

  • AC Cables size from Main DB motorized breaker to PV DB motorized breaker

  • Type of cables

  • Earth Cables size from Main DB to PV DB

  • Type of cables

  • Cable sizes are sufficient to carry the current from the inverters/system. Refer to SANS 101421, Table 6.4(a) for SWA Armoured Cable

  • Cables.PNG
  • Cables.PNG
  • Does the Breaker and setting of breaker match SLD ( current and Fault rating)

  • Have the cables heatshrink been properly done?

  • Have the Breaker been labelled correctly?

  • Is there generator integration?

  • Take photo of generator tie in ( circuit breakers and wiring)

  • Is the Generator correct tie in correct?

  • Take photos of Generator integration conroller

  • Are the CT's in the correct location?

  • Where is the CTs located (Mains input/ generator input/ Automatic transfer switch output)

  • The grid consumption CTs are installed in the correct direction, ie. K or P1 towards the Grid For Solar Edge, Arrow points towards the grid

  • Take pictures of CT location, wiring and Serial Number/nameplate

  • Details of the CT's (Class/A rating/ VA rating/ 333mV or 5A output)

Cable trays

  • AC and DC cable trays separate?

  • Is the AC and DC cable trays mounted securely?

  • Is the AC and DC Cable tray lids mounted securely?

  • Is the AC and DC Cable trays bonded?

  • Comms Cable running separately from AC and DC conductors?

  • Cable bends are not too small in radius and are mechanically protected

  • Cable tray edges are deburred and or mechanically protected

  • Is the cuts cold galvanised?

  • Is the cuts cold galvanised?


  • Has the communication and metering equipment location been finalised

  • Take photo of Comms box inside and location

  • Datalogger type

  • Does the system require SCADA(>100kVA) (cape town)

  • For plants greater than 100kVA The Scada Device has been procured and the installation location is established

  • The connection between the inverters and the Scada device has been wired

  • Wiring method (RS485 or Modbus TCP)

  • Rs485 Cables used for Smartlogger/janitza/power meters/solaredge inverters ?

  • Does devices at start and end of chain have terminating resistor or switch?

  • Is the metal shielding connnected to ground on one side and disconnected on the other end?

  • Is there RS485 SPD on RS485 lines for Smartlogger/Elum/HIgeco dataloggers?

  • Is there an Ethernet Switch?

  • Is there a power point in/nearby comms DB or in PV DB?

  • Is the installer aware that there is a need to install the techsitter meter

  • Is this a roof rental or PPA Has the Techsitter meter been ordered with the correct CTs

  • Does the monitoring system have its own router?

  • Is the router easily accessible for O&M?

  • Is the router set up and internet connectivity good?

  • Is the inverters running?

  • Inverter brand

  • IP Address of Smartlogger/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • Modbus ID's of inverters

  • Take photo of Comms box inside and location

  • Datalogger type

  • Does the system require SCADA(>100kVA) (cape town)

  • For plants greater than 100kVA The Scada Device has been procured and the installation location is established

  • The connection between the inverters and the Scada device has been wired

  • Wiring method (RS485 or Modbus TCP)

  • Rs485 Cables used for Smartlogger/janitza/power meters/solaredge inverters ?

  • Does devices at start and end of chain have terminating resistor or switch?

  • Is the metal shielding connnected to ground on one side and disconnected on the other end?

  • Is there RS485 SPD on RS485 lines for Smartlogger/Elum/HIgeco dataloggers?

  • Is there an Ethernet Switch?

  • Is there a power point in/nearby comms DB or in PV DB?

  • Is the installer aware that there is a need to install the techsitter meter

  • Is this a roof rental or PPA Has the Techsitter meter been ordered with the correct CTs

  • Does the monitoring system have its own router?

  • Is the router easily accessible for O&M?

  • Is the router set up and internet connectivity good?

  • Is the inverters running?

  • Inverter brand

  • IP Address of Smartlogger/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • Modbus ID's of inverters

  • Tie in 1

  • The SLD lines up with the physical site inspection

  • Has the PV Sub DB been installed?

  • Take Video of PV DB location and surrounding area

  • NRS 097 Warning Labels have been procured and the position is determined

  • Labelling is complete and permanent, All devices are clearly labelled including Inverters, Circuit Breakers, Isolators and DB boards

  • Inverters Installed?

  • Record inverter serial numbers

  • Is the Installation finished

  • The EE Commissioning Forms have been filled in and returned by the installer

  • All the CoC tests have been performed and results recorded by someone on site Record the name of the person who performed the testing

  • The CoC has been issued

  • Inverter casings and all metal cableways are bonded less than 0.2Ω


  • Take pictures of inverter Serial Numbers

  • Take Pictures of String Inputs to inverters

  • All strings are labelled at inverter

  • Inverter mounting and spacing is as per the installation manual

  • Inverter installation manual is on site with the installation team

  • All inverters are producing energy and are communicating with the monitoring platform

  • Unused glands and holes are to be sealed with the blanks supplied in the inverter box

  • Is the inverters located outside

  • Does it require a cage and roof?

  • The inverter room has sufficient airflow and cooling

  • Inverter covers are mounted securely and all screws and glands are tightened correctly

  • Bonding, Earthing and insulation resistance test has been done and has passed before turning the power on

  • Production reading lines up with a manual measurement


  • Any loose connections found in PV DB?

Main breaker in PV Sub DB

  • Motorised breaker setup

  • Take photo of Isolator location and ratings

  • Take photo of Busbars/connection point (AC and Earth)

  • Take photo of Motorised breaker (connections/ trip settings/Serial Number/motorising unit)

  • Is there terminal blocks for control wiring from PV DB to main motorised breakers in Main DB

  • Is the control cable directly wired?

  • Is the connections torqued and have they been marked?

  • Current rating and setting applied, Breaker Fault level in kA, Is the breaker 3 or 4 Pole

  • AC Cables size from Tie in to PV DB motorised breaker

  • Cable sizes are sufficient to carry the current from the inverters/system. Refer to SANS 101421, Table 6.4(a) for SWA Armoured Cable

  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Does the Breaker and setting of breaker match SLD ( current and Fault rating)

  • Have the cables heatshrink been properly done?

  • Have the Breaker been labelled correctly?

  • Is the modules connected directly to earth busbar?

  • Earth cable size

  • Evidence required

  • Earth cable type

  • Evidence required

  • Type of termination on CB's and Terminals in PV DB

  • Take photo of all terminations on CB's, Terminal block, fuses and other equipment in DB

  • Is there a OOB Relay?

  • Type of Relay

  • Location of Voltage reference

  • Is there Relay voltage reference protection (type and size)

  • Are bootlace ferrules used on all connections on grid relay?

  • Is there terminal blocks for control wiring from grid relay to motorised breakers

  • Are there bootlace ferrules used on the connections of the terminal blocks?

  • Is the control cable directly wired?

  • Take photo of serial numbers

  • Out of Bounds relay connection is correct and operates the MCCBs or contactors 2 in series. The OOB relay must be able to open and close the solar connection

  • Is the system smaller than 30kVA?

  • Solar DB design has been reviewed and is sized correctly for cooling etc

  • Is cooling equipment required?

  • Take photo of cooling equipment in DB

  • Is there AC SPD?

  • Type of SPD

  • Does the SPD have Fuse protection?

  • Fuze size

  • Cable size to fuse from Busbar

  • Cable size to fuse from SPD

Inverter Breakers

  • Take photo of Busbars/connection point where inverter breakers are tied in to

  • Is the connections torqued and have they been marked?

  • Current rating and setting applied, Is the breakers 3 or 4 Pole, Breaker Fault level in kA

  • AC Cables size and type from Inverters to PV DB inverter breakers

  • Cable sizes are sufficient to carry the current from the inverters/system. Refer to SANS 101421, Table 6.4(a) for SWA Armoured Cable

  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Cable_Current_Carrying_Capacity_Tables_page-0001.jpg
  • Does the Breaker and setting of breaker match SLD ( current and Fault rating)

  • Have the cables heatshrink been properly done?

  • Have the Breakers been labelled correctly?

  • Earth cable size from earth busbar to inverters

  • Earth cable type from earth busbar to inverters

Tie - in DB

  • The Tie-In point to client DB has been identified, photos and video

  • Take photo of Busbars/connection point (AC and Earth)

  • Take photo of Motorised breaker (connections/ trip settings/Serial Number/motorising unit)

  • Is the connections torqued and have they been marked?

  • Current rating and setting applied, Is the breaker 3 or 4 Pole, Breaker Fault level in kA

  • Is there terminal blocks for control wiring from PV DB to main motorised breakers in Main DB

  • Is the control cable directly wired?

  • AC Cables size/ busbar size from Main busbar/connection point to Main DB motorized breaker

  • Evidence required

  • Type of cables

  • AC Cables size from Main DB motorized breaker to PV DB motorized breaker

  • Type of cables

  • Earth Cables size from Main DB to PV DB

  • Type of cables

  • Cable sizes are sufficient to carry the current from the inverters/system. Refer to SANS 101421, Table 6.4(a) for SWA Armoured Cable

  • Cables.PNG
  • Cables.PNG
  • Does the Breaker and setting of breaker match SLD ( current and Fault rating)

  • Have the cables heatshrink been properly done?

  • Have the Breaker been labelled correctly?

  • Is there generator integration?

  • Take photo of generator tie in ( circuit breakers and wiring)

  • Is the Generator correct tie in correct?

  • Take photos of Generator integration conroller

  • Are the CT's in the correct location?

  • Where is the CTs located (Mains input/ generator input/ Automatic transfer switch output)

  • The grid consumption CTs are installed in the correct direction, ie. K or P1 towards the Grid For Solar Edge, Arrow points towards the grid

  • Take pictures of CT location, wiring and Serial Number/nameplate

  • Details of the CT's (Class/A rating/ VA rating/ 333mV or 5A output)

Cable trays

  • AC and DC cable trays separate?

  • Is the AC and DC cable trays mounted securely?

  • Is the AC and DC Cable tray lids mounted securely?

  • Is the AC and DC Cable trays bonded?

  • Comms Cable running separately from AC and DC conductors?

  • Cable bends are not too small in radius and are mechanically protected

  • Cable tray edges are deburred and or mechanically protected

  • Is the cuts cold galvanised?

  • Is the cuts cold galvanised?


  • Has the communication and metering equipment location been finalised

  • Take photo of Comms box inside and location

  • Datalogger type

  • Does the system require SCADA(>100kVA) (cape town)

  • For plants greater than 100kVA The Scada Device has been procured and the installation location is established

  • The connection between the inverters and the Scada device has been wired

  • Wiring method (RS485 or Modbus TCP)

  • Rs485 Cables used for Smartlogger/janitza/power meters/solaredge inverters ?

  • Does devices at start and end of chain have terminating resistor or switch?

  • Is the metal shielding connnected to ground on one side and disconnected on the other end?

  • Is there RS485 SPD on RS485 lines for Smartlogger/Elum/HIgeco dataloggers?

  • Is there an Ethernet Switch?

  • Is there a power point in/nearby comms DB or in PV DB?

  • Is the installer aware that there is a need to install the techsitter meter

  • Is this a roof rental or PPA Has the Techsitter meter been ordered with the correct CTs

  • Does the monitoring system have its own router?

  • Is the router easily accessible for O&M?

  • Is the router set up and internet connectivity good?

  • Is the inverters running?

  • Inverter brand

  • IP Address of Smartlogger/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • Modbus ID's of inverters

  • Take photo of Comms box inside and location

  • Datalogger type

  • Does the system require SCADA(>100kVA) (cape town)

  • For plants greater than 100kVA The Scada Device has been procured and the installation location is established

  • The connection between the inverters and the Scada device has been wired

  • Wiring method (RS485 or Modbus TCP)

  • Rs485 Cables used for Smartlogger/janitza/power meters/solaredge inverters ?

  • Does devices at start and end of chain have terminating resistor or switch?

  • Is the metal shielding connnected to ground on one side and disconnected on the other end?

  • Is there RS485 SPD on RS485 lines for Smartlogger/Elum/HIgeco dataloggers?

  • Is there an Ethernet Switch?

  • Is there a power point in/nearby comms DB or in PV DB?

  • Is the installer aware that there is a need to install the techsitter meter

  • Is this a roof rental or PPA Has the Techsitter meter been ordered with the correct CTs

  • Does the monitoring system have its own router?

  • Is the router easily accessible for O&M?

  • Is the router set up and internet connectivity good?

  • Is the inverters running?

  • Inverter brand

  • IP Address of Smartlogger/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • IP Address of Datamanager/Datalogger

  • IP Address of Inverters

  • Is all the inverters set to static IP?

  • Modbus ID's of inverters


  • Any additional remarks?

  • Is there boot marks on the modules

  • Is the site in neat condition and housekeeping done?

  • Is this site BUILT TO LAST

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.