Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Signage
Hazard board/Danger notice displayed at all entrances and updated daily?
Appropriate signs/notices have been erected around the site i.e. mobile plant, mandatory PPE, Assembly point, , Fist Aid Points, etc?
2. Switchboard Isolation
Switchboard isolation completed?
Danger notice put on Switchboard?
3. General Site Safety
Good housekeeping throughout site/unit, clean and tidy (including corridors and route to and from site), rubbish removal easily accessible/used?
There is effective and well managed segregation between construction work and village, public protection and site security?
Traffic management is in place and well managed (e.g. segregation between village and delivery areas, contractor vehicles are parking offsite - congested)?
All workers have completed a H&S induction?
/out system is being maintained correctly?
Fire Extinguisher/s, easily accessible and current tag?
First Aid Kits stocked and easily accessible, contractor has a nominated first aider onsite?<br>
Contractors know how to report incidents, near misses, injuries to the village?
WorkSafe has been notified of all notifiable works (e.g. working at height greater than 5m)?
4. Risk Assessments
Risk register held and updated?
A risk assessment (e.g. SWMS, TA, JTA) has been completed for all work and has been checked, reviewed and signed?
Risk assessments are adequate and suitable for the task and offer the necessary controls and required level of protection?<br>
Staff are working in accordance with their task risk assessment?
Contractors are working to their SWMS and any relevant licenses are up to date (e.g. working at height, mobile plant, electrical registration, etc)?
5. Powered Equipment and Tools
Electrical equipment, leads and power tools have been tested and tagged within 3 months?
Tools and equipment in good condition – guards, leads, casing, blades, triggers, handles. Being stored and maintained correctly. Repairs done by Electrician?
Tools and equipment are set up and being used safely e.g. on stable ground, right tool for the job, correct training and PPE?<br>
Isolating transformer/residual current device (RCD) in use. Correct electrical boards being used safely?<br>
6. Chemicals & Substances
Substances in appropriate containers, labelled and stored safely?
Signage and safety data sheets (SDS) are present, relevant staff trained for safe handling and emergencies, location of spill kit, and there is the correct type of fire extinguisher?
Guidelines, procedures and restrictions are being followed?
7. Excavations
Access is clear, cordons/signs/guard rails in place & material/machinery away from edge?
Have underground plans been checked before excavations start and outlined in SWMS?<br>
8. PPE
All site staff are compliant with minimum PPE requirements (e.g. high vis, hard had, steel toe caps, hearing protection, etc)?
Visitor, Replacement and specialist PPE is available when required?
9. Workers Wellbeing
Health hazards are being proactively managed (e.g. noise, dust, UV exposure, impairment etc)?<br>
10. Permit to Work (Applied for, approved and active)
Electrical Permit
Working at Height Permit
Permit to Break Ground
Hot Work Permit
Confined Space Permit
11. Heights and Scaffold
Fall hazard areas have been made safe?
All ladders in good condition and of an industrial grade, no a-frames or trestles, access ladders are secured top and/or bottom and at correct angle (4 to 1)?
Scaffold platforms, bracing, ties, sole plates and U-brackets are suitable and being used correctly?
Scaffold tags are clearly displayed, up to date (checked/signed weekly) and include contact details. Unsafe scaffold clearly marked?
Scaffold register held onsite and updated with all changes and inspections?
Toe boards and guard rails are used correctly, no unsafe gaps, no debris or materials which may fall?
Mobile scaffold in good condition, erected correctly, tagged and being used safely?
Work is not close to powerlines or other overhead hazards?