Conducted on
Store Name and Number
Store Information
Store Manager
Name of DOA If store manager is not present
Regional Manager
Date and Time
Picture of store
Welcome Me
Are all staff wearing name badges
Call the store phone, is there an answerphone message set up?
Are there any customers waiting, and if so have they been approached?
Are there any ARGOS customers waiting, if so have they been approached?
Understand My Needs
Check CRF forms for the following 4 categories: Name of customer, reason for visit, lifestyle and solution of multiple products
Are any advisors on the Rio waste calls list?
Is any customer on the phone, if so, why?
Show tell me and let me try
Do they have a correct demo solution and is there evidence that it's being completed properly
Observe a demo
Help Me Decide
Are they completing a 4G speed test to showcase network, e.g downloading videos to show speeds
What is the network story they are using to tell customers
Is wifi calling activated on the devices
Are the staff using company apps
Set me up brilliantly
Have they downloaded My EE App for customers
Is the store's ee app adoption above 10%
Is the repair laptop and cellbrite tool in full working order and is it being used?
Be there when I need you
Speak to at least one customer after purchase. 1 exit survey
Check the repairs draw to see if there are any outstanding and check global care.
Check the store's recycle and reward basket, are there any outstanding?
Check Exaclibur usage, has everyone in the store used excalibur?
Check that everyone has my performance log ins
Discuss service and after care with staff and Rio calls report
Beyond the EE way
Discuss the customer boards- discuss advocates actions from calls, and mystery shop<br><br>
Observe an advocate call
Check dates on printed reports to confirm its the latest one
Is the previous months mystery shop visible and are there actions from it
What three things are the store focusing on from the previous mystery shop
Are all complaints up to date?
Are store standards at an acceptable level?
Is the stock cage/ safe tidy and organised?
Is the value board up to date with the correct detail displayed?
Has the Forced Churn Folder been set up as per policy and has the latest report been reviewed and relevant contracts filed?
Have the last three months Store Manager H&S checklists been completed?
Has a Regional Manager H&S checklist been completed in the last six months? (If no, please complete one!)
What's the stock loss mtd?
Are there any RA handsets?
Are there any Idocs that need to be investigated?
Is the chalkboard displaying the correct message?
Has the latest version of the VM pos guide been downloaded and is it being used? <br>
What are 3 of the latest changes on the matrix? Have they been actioned? RAG
Check three of the latest price changes RAG
Take a picture of the accessory bay.
Is the accessory bay arranged according pos guide
Has the store updated the VM guide and posted their findings?
Are there any outstanding deliveries of pos that the store has escalated. Take a picture of the order request and log ref if any.
Take pictures of store standards. Dust and missing price tickets should be highlighted?
Are there any outstanding actions from the ops lead?
Overview - Operations
Overview and Actions - Operations
Required Actions - Operations
Sales generation, check a days paperwork
Are hbb line checks attached to contracts 50% strike rate
Have future appointments (6 months) been booked for all Simo connections
Are compass health checks being conducted?
Is a compass print out attached to every top up. 70% strike rate
Are sim replacements being checked for add lines?
Is the tablet, live demo, being shown to customers?
Do the team know of the daily figures?
Check knowledge of the latest offers existing customers, ptp, sharer and hbb
Has the manager booked all their holiday on Kronos?
Is the Rota Tool being used and are rotas completed four weeks in advance?
Has the Kronos sign off been completed.
Are the teams aware of the latest best incentive
Are Daily Briefings taking place and do all team members understand the content?
Are EOM meetings taking place and is the manager present?
Is the store manager utilising the Best system and have monthly nominations been made?
Has the training been completed by all team members?
Are all probationary and monthly reviews present and have they been completed to a satisfactory standard?
Take a picture of the mss disciplinary profile for the store
Take a picture of the stores profile on mss
Is the store to budget on fte?
Are the team members holidays logged in on the rota?
Overview and Actions - People
Overview - People
Required Actions - People
Overview and sign off
General Overview of Observations and Findings
Store manager
Regional manager
General score for the store RAG