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Undeclared Allergen Incident & Investigation Protocol

Statutory Requirements for Allergen Investigations

  • Premises Name

  • Does the food business prepare and/or receive food containing key allergens as prescribed by Standard 1.2.3-4 of the FSC:

  • Tree nuts & tree nut products

  • Peanuts & peanut products

  • Soybeans & soybean products

  • Milk & milk products

  • Sesame seeds & sesame seed products

  • Egg & egg products

  • Crustaceans & their products

  • Cereals containing gluten & their products

  • Sulphites (≥10mg/kg)

  • Fish

  • Lupin [From 26 May 2018]

  • Does the food business declare mandatory allergen information for the above allergens as required by Standard 1.2.3 of the FSC for the following foods:

  • Packaged retail food has a label accurately identifying the allergen(s) present as ingredients in an ingredient list

  • Unpackaged food have allergen(s) declared on or in connection with the displayed food or to the purchaser verbally or in writing upon request of the customer

  • Food for catering purposes has allergens declared on the label or allergens are declared in documentation accompanying the catering food

  • Packaged food sold in a hamper has a label that contains accurate allergen declarations

  • Food sold from vending machines has allergen declaration provided on or in connection with the food (e.g. displayed on outside of vending machine)

  • Comments/Observations:

Allergen Investigation Assessment

  • Has the food business prepared and/or sold food product(s) which “claim” to be allergen free or free from a specific ingredient at the request of the consumer?


  • Has the food business received a complaint regarding a product suspected of containing undeclared allergen/s or specified ingredient?

  • Food product

  • *Refer to Food Product Allergen Investigation Table (7.1.1)

  • 7.1.1 Retail/Food Service Sector Food Product Allergen Investigation Table <br><br>Food Product Apple Pie Manufacturer On-site <br>Suspected Undeclared Allergen Food Product Allergen dairy <br>Review<br>(label/product specification review) <br> <br> <br><br> Ingredient Ingredient List Review <br>Pre-made Pastry<br>apple filling flour-wheat flour<br>sugar<br>eggs<br>margarine - canola oil, salt, milk protein solids, emulsifiers(322 from soy), preservative 222, apple, all-spice, sugar Allergen Identified Wheat<br>Milk protein<br> Soy<br>

  • Does the food business have a documented policy or procedure for allergen management?

  • Does this procedure cover allergen declarations on product labels, store signage and/or handling specific customer requests?

  • Are all food handlers trained in food allergen management procedures?

  • Is there a training register/records available?

  • Can food handlers identify allergens of concern?

  • Can food handlers demonstrate process control measures to prevent allergen contamination?

Supplier Management and Product Receipt

  • Does the food business purchase food/ingredients from a commercial supplier with an audited food safety program?

  • Where appropriate, does the supplier provide validation that the food/ingredients supplied are free of specific allergens or specified ingredients?

  • Does the food business have valid invoices to enable trace back to the food supplier?

  • Does the food business have a procedure/policy for assessing the allergen status of foods/ingredients received from suppliers?

  • Is there a procedure/policy for ensuring any change in supplier is accompanied by an allergen status review of the product?

  • Does the food business review all product specifications/labelling of food/ingredients received and used in the preparation/sale of foods for allergen status?

  • Do suppliers notify the food business of any changes in the allergen status of foods/ingredients they supply?

  • Has the business requested this notification from their suppliers?

  • Does the food business only accept foods that are adequately protected from contamination?

  • Does the food business only accept foods with adequate labelling and/or provided with appropriate documentation (unpackaged foods for catering purposes) to determine the allergen status of the food?

Food Storage

  • Are general/allergen free ingredients/foods stored separately and/or adequately contained to prevent cross-contamination? E.g. use of clean, enclosed storage containers

  • Is there a procedure/policy in place to identify general/allergen free foods/ingredients? E.g. colour coding, tags

Food Processing

  • Does the business prepare food free of specific allergens at the request of customers?

  • Does the food business have a procedure in place to ensure all ingredients used in the preparation of foods requested to be free of specific allergens are reviewed for their allergen status? E.g. product specifications/work instructions

  • Are recipes/product specifications regularly reviewed to validate their allergen status?

  • Has the business validated the preparation process and end food product to determine the allergen status of the food?

  • Is evidence available e.g. sample results, food safety program records

  • Is dedicated or appropriately cleaned equipment used for the preparation/handling of general/allergen free foods? E.g. dedicated serving utensils

  • Is there a dedicated area for the preparation of foods free of specific allergens?

  • Are equipment and preparation areas adequately cleaned/sanitised between preparing general and allergen free foods to prevent cross-contamination?

  • Do food handlers wear dedicated protective clothing when preparing foods free of specific allergens to prevent contamination?

  • Is dedicated cooking media, such as water or oil used for general/allergen free foods to prevent contamination?

  • Is there a risk of airborne allergen contamination throughout the processing area?

  • Are there adequate hand wash basin(s) situated in the relevant areas?

  • Hand wash basin(s) supplied with soap and paper towels?

  • Hand wash basin(s) only used for hand washing?

Cleaning and Sanitising

  • Is adequate cleaning demonstrated to control allergen contamination throughout all aspects of the processing environment, equipment and utensils?

  • Are designated cleaning cloths or equipment used in areas where allergen free foods are prepared?

  • Is there a system of validating that cleaning is effective?

Food Display

  • Are foods free of specific allergens adequately protected from contamination during display?

  • Is allergen/ingredient information provided on or in connection with the displayed food or is it able to be provided upon request by the purchaser?

  • Are designated serving utensils provided for foods free of specific allergens?

Food Packaging

  • Are foods free from specific allergens packaged in a clean, dedicated area to prevent contamination?

  • Do food handlers take all practicable measures to prevent unnecessary contact with food to prevent contamination?

  • Is packaging material stored adequately to prevent contamination?

  • Are labels/product specifications for foods regularly reviewed to ensure they contain an accurate ingredient list and any required allergen declarations?

  • Is there a procedure for destroying old packaging and/or product specifications when recipe formulations have been changed?

Product Distribution

  • Are foods distributed to other retail businesses or food service facilities?

  • Does the food business only distribute foods that have compliant labelling and/or provided with appropriate documentation (unpackaged foods for catering purposes) to determine the allergen status of the food?

  • Are all foods for distribution adequately contained or packaged to protect against contamination?

  • Does the food business have a documented food recall plan?

  • Can the business demonstrate compliance with their recall plan when recalling unsafe food?

  • Sampling / Evidence

  • Sample of implicated batch ingredients

  • Sample of product (same batch if available)

  • Sample of end product (validate relevant process(es))

  • Environmental swabs targeting relevant equipment, utensils and surfaces

  • Photograph storage, processing and display areas

  • Photograph food samples and swab sites, relevant processing areas, ingredient and product packaging/labelling

  • Photograph/copy menus, recipes, product specifications


  • Does the business monitor allergen management?

  • Signature EHO

  • Date

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