
  • Trading Name

  • Proprietor

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Environmental Health Officer

  • Registration No:

  • Type of Aquatic Facility

  • Facility Operator

  • Phone number

  • Email address

Log Book Maintenance

  • Type of Test Kit?

  • Have records of the following parameters been maintained at the frequency specified?

  • Keeping Records r61
    Log books to be kept for at least 12 months after the last entry and available on demand to an authorised officer.
    The records should then be archived for a further six years.

  • Free Chlorine recorded daily 4 hourly r 48 (a) (i)

  • Total Chlorine recorded daily 4 hourly

  • Total Bromine recorded daily 4 hourly (a)(ii)

  • pH recorded daily 4 hourly (a) (iii)

  • Alkalinity recorded weekly r48 (b)

  • Cyanuric acid recorded monthly r48 (c)

  • Microbiological Quality of water r(49)

  • Have records been kept for the previous 6 months? <br>

  • Frequency of testing
    Spa Pools Swimming Pools
    Free Chlorine 4 Hourly 4 Hourly
    Total Bromine 4 Hourly 4 Hourly
    Combined Chlorine Daily Daily
    Total Alkalinity. Daily Weekly
    Cyanuric Acid Weekly Monthly

  • Chlorinated Pools

    Chlorine Residual Spa Pools Swimming Pools
    Cyanuric Acid Cyanuric Acid Cyanuric Acid Cyanuric Acid
    Not Present Present Not present Present
    Free Chlorine Minimum 2 mg/L 3 mg/L 1 mg/L 2 mg/L
    Free Chlorine Maximum 8 mg/L 8 mg/L 8 mg/L 8 mg/L

  • Brominated Pools

    Bromine Residual Spa Pools Swimming Pools
    Free Bromine Minimum 4 mg/L or 2 mg/L measured 2 mg/L or 1 mg/L measured
    as a chlorine equivalent as a chlorine equivalent
    Total Bromine Maximum. 8 mg/L or 4 mg/L measured 8 mg/L or 4 mg/L measured
    as a chlorine equivalent as a chlorine equivalent.

  • Other tests
    Minimum Maximum
    pH 7.2. 8.0
    Total Alkalinity 60 mg/L -
    Cyanuric Acid - 100 mg/L
    Temperature of 40°C Operation

    Microbiological parameters r49
    Escherichia coli 0 CFU/100ml or 0 MPN 100ml Pseudmonas aeruginosa 0 CFU/100ml or 0 MPN/100ml
    Heterotrophic colony count (HCC) less than 100 CFU/ml CFU = Colony Forming Units MPN = Most Probable Number

  • Comments or actions required?


  • Chlorine Pool

  • Pool
  • Description

  • Pool photo

  • Pool type

  • Disinfectant System

  • Bathing load at the time inspection

  • Is the pool clean and free of debris

  • Temperature < 40 degrees

  • Test required?

  • Free Chlorine (mg/L)

  • Total Chlorine (mg/L)

  • Combined Chlorine (mg/L)

  • pH range

  • Total Alkalinity (mg/L)

  • Cyanurate (mg/L)

  • Comments or actions required?

  • Chlorine Spa

  • Spa
  • Description

  • Spa photo

  • Spa type

  • Disinfectant System

  • Bathing load

  • Is the spa clean and free of debris

  • Temperature < 40 degrees

  • Test required?

  • Free Chlorine (mg/L)

  • Total Chlorine (mg/L)

  • Combined Chlorine (mg/L)

  • pH range

  • Total Alkalinity (mg/L)

  • Cyanurate (mg/L)

  • Comments or actions required?


  • Bromine Pool

  • Pool
  • Description

  • Pool photo

  • Pool type

  • Disinfectant System

  • Bathing load

  • Is the pool clean and free of debris

  • Temperature < 40 degrees

  • Test required?

  • Total Bromine (mg/L)

  • pH range

  • Total Alkalinity (mg/L)

  • Comments

  • Bromine Spa

  • Spa
  • Description

  • Pool photo

  • Spa type

  • Disinfectant System

  • Bathing load

  • Is the spa clean and free of debris

  • Temperature < 40 degrees

  • Test required?

  • Total Bromine (mg/L)

  • pH range

  • Total Alkalinity (mg/L)

  • Comments or actions required?

Pool Facilities

  • Toilets/Change Rooms/Showers - clean, state of good repair, able to be effectively cleaned?

  • Pool water clean, walls clean and drains clear?

  • Chemical storage - chemicals labelled, location suitable Ventilated, (SDS) available and poisons information number (131126) available.

  • Comments or actions required?


  • Proprietor's Signature

  • Environmental Health Officer


  • Environmental Health Officer
    Mildura Rural City Council
    P O Box 105
    Mildura 3500

    P: 03 50188216 F: 03 50211899 E:

Want More Information?

  • Further information can be viewed at

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.