
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Auditors Coments

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Module 1 – Accessibility and forecourt

  • 1.1Does the exit visibility allow all customers a clear view of all approaching traffic? In good condition, well illuminated?

  • 1.2 Are all forecourt surfaces sound, gratings undamaged and the drains and channels free of silt, dirt, litter and weeds?<br>

  • 1.3 Are the tyre inflation facilities in good order displaying Safe Use of Tire meter Notice? Are hoses properly stored after use?

  • 1.4 Are the canopy columns sounds and free of corrosion?

  • 1.5 Are the columns of the yard light free off corrosion?

  • 1.6 Is the forecourt area frees of exposed electrical wiring and cables?

  • 1.7 Are trees, shrubs and garden areas clean, well maintained and not overgrown; enabling customers to have unobstructed fields of vision?<br>

  • 1.8 Are parking of private vehicles provided, away from the storage or loading areas? Parking areas clearly signed, marked and illuminated?<br>

Module 2 – Refuelling positions and dispensers

  • 2.1Are the pump islands, dispensers undamaged and firmly fixed to the island? <br> <br><br><br>

  • 2.2 Are all dispenser nozzles undamaged? Are all automatic cut-off (dispenser nozzles) mechanisms eliminated?

  • 2.3 Are all hoses free from cracks, cuts, fraying, perished areas and leaks? Hose retraction devices/high masts, sound and operating correctly?

  • 2.4 Are ‘No Smoking/Switch Off Engine/No Mobile Phones ’ signs clean, visible, fade free and undamaged?<br>

  • 2.5 Is there an emergency switch labelled ‘Petrol Pumps – Switch Off Here’ present??<br>

  • 2.6 Are the appropriate number and type of fire extinguishers, in place, clearly visible, label inspected according to local legislation or at least within last 12 months, available for use in an emergency?

  • 2.7 Are buckets of clean sweet sand available for use should spill occurs?

  • 2.8 Are the yellow lines clearly marked around the dispensers?

Module 3 – Tanks and delivery points

  • 3.1Is the tanker standing area free of overhead cables, telephone lines, illuminated canopy fascias, etc.?

  • 3.2 Is spill containers free of debris, water or product?

  • 3.3 Is adequate lighting provided, to allow safe night time deliveries? Are the lights operational and installed outside the hazardous zones?<br>

  • 3.4 Are all fill pipes and caps in good condition, locked, labelled, and/or painted to show the stored grade?<br>

  • 3.5 Valves and spill containers are in good conditions?

  • 3.6 Are all vents a minimum of 3m from any source of ignition with caps in place?

  • 3.7Are all above ground tanks provided with either double containment or a bund?

  • 3.8 It is the aboveground tank in good condition?

  • 3.9 If bunds are provided, are they free of water and debris? Is the drain valve closed?

Module 4 - Retail fuels and waste management

  • 4.1 Is there evidence that Retail fuel stocks are consistently monitored including water checking?

  • 4.2 If Yes to (4.1), what has been the percentage fuels loss or gain, over the last 6 months? <br>……….%<br>

  • 4.3 Are all waste materials generated by the Retail Outlet collected and stored in suitable bins, drums or boxes?

Module 5 – Sales building and lub bay

  • 5.1 Is the main shop door operating correctly, with no sharp edges that could cause injury, or damage clothing?<br>

  • 5.2 Are all goods stacked neatly, well supported and well organised with no sharp edges

  • 5.3 Are fire extinguishers suitable for electrical and material fires, in place, inspected and passed according to local legislation or at least during the last 12 months?

  • 5.4 Is a comprehensive first aid kit available for use in emergencies? Does it contain the full compliment of items recommended by the Company? Does all staff know the location?<br>

  • 5.6 Human consumption items separately stored from other materials (chemicals, oils, detergents, etc.)?

  • 5.6 Customer Toilet Facilities:

  • a) Floor clean and free of water?

  • b) Electrical switches and outlets undamaged?

  • C) Facilities and plumbing sound, functioning and free of leaks?

  • 5.6 Storage Room:

  • a) Adequate area for the receipt of deliveries?<br><br><br><br><br>

  • b) Access and the aisle to the storeroom clean, clear and free from obstructions?

  • c) Crates stacked neatly and less than 5 high?

  • d) External door secure?

  • e) A smoke detector alarm system provided?

  • f) Human consumption items separately stored from other materials (chemicals, oils, detergents, etc.)?<br>

  • 5.7 Electrical Cupboard:

  • a) Cupboard free of clutter, extraneous stored materials, combustible materials, etc.?<br><br>

  • b) Cupboard clearly signed and its location known by all staff?

  • c) Electrical circuit switches accessible and clearly labelled?

  • 5.8 Equipment Room:<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

  • a) Door locked to prevent unauthorized entrance?

  • b) Guards provided over all rotating machinery?

  • c) Safe working pressure indicated on the air receiver vessel?

  • d) Air hoses and pipe work sound and leak free?

  • e) Electrical switches, power outlets and leads undamaged?

  • f)The water from the compressor is drained, frequently?

  • g) Is the compressor well certified?

  • 5.9 Does the Site have written Contingency Procedures so that all staff know what to do in the event of:<br><br><br><br>

  • a) A fire?

  • b) A robbery or burglary?

  • c) A major or minor spillage?

  • d) An accident?

  • e) A personal injury?<br>

  • f) A major storm, flood, earthquake?

  • g) Civil disturbance?

  • h) Bomb threat?

  • i) How to report an incident?

  • 5.10 Are all power points and electric socket outlets undamaged and not overcharged?

  • 5.11 Used Oil Tank and Working Area:<br><br>

  • a) Is the oil tank(s) fitted with an approved pump system and free of leaks?

  • b) Are heavy items stored at ground level and is suitable lifting gear provided?

  • c) Is the floor clean and free from grease?

  • d) Are security signs in place in the working area?

  • e) It is the area secure (e.g. chain) that not allow people to enter to the working area?

  • f) It is the aboveground tank or container in good condition and free of corrosion?

  • g)It is the aboveground tank or container secured and/or locked?

  • h) If bund/dike provided, is free of water and debris? Is the drain valve closed?

Module 6 – Security & Cash Management

  • 6.1 Are the services of a cash collection security company being used?

  • 6.2If the last answer was no:

  • 6.3Is the room where the money is counted keep it locked?

  • 6.4 Is there a “sight” device in the door of this room?

  • 6.5 Is the same vehicle used for this purpose? Same person? Same route? Same Bank?<br>

  • 6.6 Are the safe and / or cash room keys removed from the premises when the premises are closed?<br>

  • 6.7 Are closed circuit television facilities in operation?

  • 6.8 If an automatic intruder alarm system or CCTV is in operation, is it regularly maintained and reviewed in the light of recent developments in the types of alarm protection available and in the context of methods used by intruders to overcome them?<br>

  • 6.9 Do all staff know and understand how to contact the retailer in case of emergency?<br>

  • 6.10 Are sales and supervisory staff identifiable by a uniform or badge?<br>

  • 6.11 Are all staff systematically trained in security and retail procedures and their role in them? <br><br><br><br>

  • 6.12 Are staff at tills reminded that they should give the customer their full attention?

  • 6.13 Are managers/supervisors aware of collection times so that maximum vigilance can be arranged?

  • 6.14 Are collection procedures arranged so that they can be completed in the shortest time possible?

  • 6.15 Is care taken at all times, and is particular caution exercised near exits, public entrances, staircases, etc?

  • 6.16 Are staff reminded of the need for vigilance at all times?


  • Major Problem Areas/ Unsafe Condition or Act.

  • Recommendation ( State urgency- H,M,L)

  • Toolbox Meeting / Theme Discussed

  • Name of Participants

  • Retail Sales Representative (Auditor)

  • Site Operator.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.