
  • Store Name

  • Manager on Duty

  • Date

  • Completed by

Store Basic Items

  • Is the store on pace with observations and one on ones?

  • Are all demo handsets working?

  • Is the onyx playing when you walked in?

  • Is the greeter using the name exchange?

  • Are all employees in dress code?

MSA usage and prep

  • Are all employees carrying the MSA tablet at all times?

  • Do the reps know what options are available for customers to submit their own tickets?

  • Are employees using the MSA tool throughout the entire sales process?

  • Are all employees able to demonstrate plan compare tool on the MSA tablets?

  • Does the store have the PEQ demo loaded on ALL MSA tablets?

Sales Reps Floor Behaviors

  • Are the reps actively using the accessory catalog?

  • Are all the reps taking the customers to the SPC zone and demoing the SPC?

  • Are all reps taking the customer to the tablet zone about and demoing tablet?

  • Are all the reps demoing the onyx to every customer they interact with?

  • Are the reps using Accessory IB as an option and offering to all customers?

  • Are the reps leading with the lease offer for qualifying handsets and customers?

  • Have all reps completed the PEQ I learn training? RC, TC, ASM and SM

Operational Section

  • Do the leads have a plan for their device protection assigned metric?

  • Run the latest time verification report. Have all employees verified their time?

  • Verify the last vendor return. Was it within the required time?

Back office

  • Is the store tracking tablets, acts, MSA usage, SPC sales?

  • Are back office tablet, SPC and sales numbers updated.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.