RIOS:2016 Internal Audit
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Section 1: General Requirements
1.1 Scope and Application
Verify recycler considers activities performed by Recycler and Outside Providers
Verify scope statement is documented
Verify management system includes core elements of RIOS and relationships to documentation
1.1.1 RIOS Outcomes
RIOS Management System shall be implemented that;
Prevents adverse quality, environmental and health and safety outcomes
Promotes improved product or service quality, positive environmental results, and worker health and safety
Systematically manages risks, opportunities and stakeholder and legal requirements
Manages change to proactively address QEH&S impacts
Monitors and measures QEH&S performance
Identifies & corrects causes of nonconformance to improve QEH&S
1.2 QEH&S Infrastructure
1.2.1 Management Structure
Roles and responsibilities are defined and in writing.
Senior manager responsible for health and safety
QEH&S Management Rep.
1.2.2 Resources
Verify necessary resources
Existing internal resources, including competent workers
Need for external resources of outside providers
Financial resources
1.2.3 Senior Management
Verify leadership and commitment by planning
Verify leadership and commitment by implementation
Verify leadership and commitment by monitoring performance and continual improvement
1.3 Document and Recordkeeping Controls
1.3.1 Control of Documents
Verify written plans established
Verify documents are:
established and maintained
uniquely identified, described and controlled through revisions
legible and dated
approved prior to use
available in approved formats
current and available at the point of use
protected from loss
reviewed, revised and updated, as necessary, with changes controlled
removed from use when obsolete, and if kept for any purpose, clearly identified as obsolete
identified and distribution controlled if from external parties
1.3.2 Control of Records
Verify written plans established
Verify records are:
established and maintained
identifiable, traceable to the pertinent process, and readily retrievable
stored and protected from damage and loss
Verify record retention times are established in writing and are consistent with relevant stakeholder and legal requirements
Section 2: Policy
Verify that there a written and implemented RIOS Policy.
Senior management shall ensure the RIOS policy..
is/are relevant to the scope of the Recycler's operations
consider(s) environmental impacts of the Recycler's operations and outputs
consider(s) health and safety risks of the Recycler's operations and outputs
includes a commitment to comply with all relevant QEH&S legal requirements
includes a commitment to comply with all relevant stakeholder requirements
includes a commitment to continually improve performance
includes a commitment to the prevention of workplace injuries and illness
includes a commitment to the prevention of pollution
provides a framework for establishing QEH&S goals
demonstrates Senior Management's commitment to customer satisfaction
Verify the RIOS policy is:
communicated to, understood by and applied by workers
made available to the stakeholders
Reviewed at least annually by Senior Management and updated as necessary
Section 3: Planning
3.1 Identifying the QEH&S Footprint
Verify documented process for determining RIOS footprint
Verify RIOS footprint includes
activities, products and services of the Recycler, including those of outside providers that can be influenced
both negative and positive impacts
actual and potential conditions
routine and non routine activities, including emergencies
relevant stakeholder requirements and views
legal requirements
Verify RIOS footprint reviewed at least annually
Verify RIOS footprint updated before planned changes to the system occur
3.1.1 Important Quality Risks
Verify quality risk controls are planned and documented
Verify controls integrated into RIOS management system, implemented and monitored for effectiveness
Verify controls for qualification of suppliers, outside providers and customer, where applicable
Verify controls for material and product tracking and traceability, if required
Verify controls for control of customer property, if applicable
3.1.2 Important Environmental Impacts
Verify criteria used in determining actual or potential environmental impacts and verify the results of the evaluation are documented
Verify important environmental impacts are controlled, monitored and evaluated
3.1.3 Important Health & Safety Risks
Verify the nature of the workforce, contractors and other visitors to the workplace are taken into account in determining risks
Verify the nature of the processes are taken into account in determining risks
Verify source materials are taken into account in determining risks
Verify past performance of the Recycler related to each risk are taken into account in determining risks
Verify controls to eliminate or reduce important health and safety risks are identified, documented, monitored and evaluated
3.1.4 Legal Requirements
Verify legal requirements are identified and documented
Verify recyclers have access to their QEH&S legal requirements and have determined how they apply to their operations
Verify controls to manage legal requirements are documented and integrated into the RIOS management system
3.1.5 Product, Service and Customer Requirements
Verify plans are established to identify and document product, service and customer requirements
Verify plans define, determine or consider:
specifications and supplier requirements for source material as inputs
required product and service requirements for outsourced products
required product and service specifications, including legal requirements
customer requirements for acceptance of the product or service
resources needed to meet product or service requirements
Recycler's capability of providing products or services to the defined requirements
records are generated to demonstrate product or service conformity
3.1.6 Other Stakeholder Requirements
Verify Recyclers identify stakeholders that are relevant to the Footprint with the RIOS management system
Verify relevant requirements (obligations, compliance with regulations, conformance with voluntary commitments, such as standards) of these stakeholders are documented
Verify Recyclers have determined how these requirements apply to their operations
Verify controls are documented and integrated into the RIOS management system
Verify Recyclers monitor and review stakeholder's requirements and update as requirements and obligations change
Verify review is documented at least annually
3.2 Improvement Planning
3.2.1 Establishing Goals
Verify Senior Management has established written QEH&S goals
Verify goals are measurable, monitored, communicated and updated as needed
Verify Recyclers consider QEH&S policies, the RIOS footprint, technological options, financial considerations, operational and business requirements, legal requirements, views of stakeholders, opportunities for improvement, enhancement of customer satisfaction and product and service quality
3.2.2 Plan for Goal Achievement
Verify written plan for each goal
Verify plans describe what will be done, identify resources required for completion, assign responsibility, assign due dates for tasks and define howe the results will be evaluated
3.3 Change Management
Verify written plan for changes that impact the RIOS management system
Verify changes are documented and evaluated to determine potential QEH&S impacts in the RIOS footprint prior to implementation
Verify that the change management plans update the RIOS management system to control important risks
Section 4: Implementation
4.1 Recycler Knowledge
4.1.1 Completence
Verify personnel that can affect quality, have important environmental impacts or have important health & safety risks are competent based upon education, training, skills and/or experience and are aware of their role within the QEH&S management system.
Verify Recyclers acquire competence, where needed, with external resources or provide training
Verify that training is effective
Verify records of competence
Verify training considers
different levels of responsibility, ability, literacy and required work activities
RIOS footprint
QEH&S controls
roles and responsibilities
4.1.2 Awareness
Verify Recyclers have documented and implemented plans to ensure that workers are aware of..
their roles and responsibilities within the QEH&S management system.
how they contribute to the achievement of the RIOS policy and QEH&S goals.
the important environmental impacts and health & safety risks associated with their work activities.
QEH&S performance results
emergency response plans
importance of meeting supplier, customer and legal requirements
how they contribute to the effectiveness of the RIOS management system
the potential consequences of nonconformance to the RIOS management system
the benefits of improved QEH&S performance
How are responsibilities and authorities defined and communicated?
4.2 Communication
4.2.1 Internal Communication
Verify internal communication plans are established
Verify internal communications..
ensure important RIOS management system information is effectively communicated between workers and management, including feedback and consultation from workers
require timely reporting of newly identified hazards, incidents or near misses based on the level of severity
RIOS management system effectiveness.
4.2.2 Customer Communication
Verify customer communication includes..
QEH&S requirements including customer qualification requirements, if applicable
Customer feedback and complaints.
Assessments of customer satisfaction.
4.2.3 Supplier Communication
Verify supplier communication includes..
source control requirements for the purchase or acquisition of source materials
communication regarding not acceptable source material prior to receipt
communication of lost or improper processing of supplier property
4.2.4 Outside Provider Communication
Verify communications with outside providers includes..
written specifications for outsourced products and services
outside provider's responsibilities in the Recycler's RIOS management system
monitoring activities and QEH&S controls applied to the outside provider
4.2.5 External Communication
Recyclers shall..
plan for and respond to external inquiries about the RIOS management system
communicate relevant information, including emergency plans, to visitors and stakeholders about the RIOS management system
4.3 Operational Controls
Verify operational controls are established to mange their QEH&S risks and impacts
Verify processes and documented plans are established, implemented and maintained to ensure operations and activities are performed in a controlled manner
4.3.1 Source Material
Verify Recyclers...
specify criteria and implement controls for the acceptance of source material
document processes for the identification and control of an QEH&S supplier requirements for Recyclers to process source material
identify and control source material that is not accepted
return source material not accepted
maintain records of source material control
4.3.2 Outsourced Providers, Products and Services
Verify Outsourced Providers, Products and Services...
document, in writing, specifications for outsourced products and services
implement and monitor QEH&S controls of outside providers, outsourced products or services
maintain records of evaluation, selection and monitoring
4.4 Quality Controls
Verify product and service specifications and customer requirements are documented, approved and changes controlled
Verify work instructions provided to workers
Verify monitoring and measurement controls are implemented at relevant points
4.5 Environmental Controls
Verify controls are documented and implemented for all important environmental impacts, stipulating criterial in the plan
Verify environmental controls are established for all activities, source materials, products and services with the scope of the RIOS management system identified as having an important environmental impact
4.6 Health & Safety Controls
Verify health & safety controls in the followieng order of priority
engineering controls
signage/warnings and other administrative controls
Verify health and safety controls are established for all activities, products and services with the scope of the RIOS management system, including health and safety hazards related to source materials, outsourced products and services, on-site contractor activities, off-site activities, chemicals and operational equipment
4.7 Emergency Preparedness
Verify written plans are established
Verify emergency plans include preventing and mitigating the adverse environmental impacts in the RIOS footprint and injuries and illnesses that may be associated with each
Verify emergency preparedness process are periodically tested to the extent practical.
Verify organization reviews and, if necessary, revises its emergency preparedness and response process after tests, incidents, accidents or emergency situations occur.
Verify emergency plans are communicated per communication plan
Section 5: Checking and Corrective Action
5.1 Monitoring and Measurement
Verify plans established to monitor, measure and record characteristics of its operation.
Verify effectiveness of the QEH&S management system and assess continual improvement.
Verify that plans define the measurements, methods, criteria, indicators and timing of monitoring activities
5.1.1 Activities Requiring Monitoring or Measurement
Verify monitoring or measurement of following required elements:
quality risks
environmental impacts
health and safety risks
legal requirements
product and customer requirements, including nonconforming products and customer feedback
relevant stakeholder requirements
Verify progress on goals and change management
Verify monitoring or measuring for operational controls
5.1.2 QEH&S Compliance
Verify written plan to evaluate compliance
Verify compliance is reviewed at least annually
Verify auditor's competency in legal requirements
Verify records of results and actions taken to correct noncompliance
5.1.3 Maintenance and Calibration of Monitoring Equipment
Verify monitoring and measuring equipment is documented
Verify monitoring and measuring equipment is maintained and calibrated
Verify standard(s) used for calibration and verification
Verify records for maintenance and calibration
Verify corrective action appropriate for QEH&S impacts for erroneous measurements of equipment found to be not in tolerance
5.1.4 Analysis of Monitoring and Measurement Results
Verify areas of underperformance to intended results are identified
Verify results of analysis are input to management review
5.2 Nonconformance and Corrective and Preventive Action
5.2.1 Control of Nonconforming Product
Verify documented plans that nonconforming product is identified and controlled
Verify nonconforming product is corrected, released with concessions, re-classified or used for other purposes
Verified records of nonconforming product and subsequent actions
5.2.2 EH&S Incident Investigations
Verify EH&S incident investigations include incidents, emergencies and near misses
Verify plans to record, investigate and analyze EH&S incidents to determine root cause
Verify investigations identify criteria for correction, corrective action and prevention of recurrence
5.2.3 Nonconformance and Corrective Action
Verify written plan to address and eliminated the causes of nonconformances and potential nonconformances
Corrective actions required for...
feedback and complaints identifying nonconformances
incident investigations
internal nonconformances identified by workers
nonconformances from external audits or reviews
Verify corrective action plans include..
identification of root cause(s) of the nonconformance and the action taken to prevent its recurrence
correction actions implemented that are adequate to the QEH&S impact and assigns responsibilities and timelines
records of actions taken and the results achieved
review of the effectiveness of the corrective actions
5.3 Internal RIOS Audit
Verify written plan to periodically evaluate the QEH&S management system's conformance to RIOS, the proper implementation of the RIOS management system and it effectiveness
Verify internal audit plan considers..
methods of audit
audit criteria and scope
relative importance of QEH&S processes and impacts
changes impacting the Recycler's operations
results from previous audits
audit responsibilities
auditor competency, objectivity and independence
addressing nonconformances
Verify auditors do not audit their own responsibilities.
Verify audits occurs at least annually
Verify internal audit results are used to take corrective action
Section 6: Management Review
Verify senior management review the QEH&S management system at least annually.
Verify input to management review:
RIOS audit results
QEH&S compliance audit results
feedback from customers and stakeholders
progress on goals
status of incident investigations and corrective actions
follow-up actions from previous management reviews.
changes in scope
important quality impacts
important environmental impacts
important health and safety risks
QEH&S performance, including analysis of monitoring and measurement results
recommendations for improvement.
Verify output from management review includes decisions and actions regarding the future direction of the RIOS management system, including..
targeted product and service improvements
continual improvement opportunities
resource needs
risks to the RIOS management system
changes needed to the RIOS policy, goals and the RIOS management system
Verify relevant QEH&S performance and output information from management review is communicated per documented communication plan
Verify management review records